Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 903: The end of Yueyue's madness (1)

  Chapter 903 The end of Yueyue's madness (1)

Rong Lin glanced at Rong Qing, who was in a state of embarrassment. His clothes were torn to the point where he could hardly cover his body. There were hideous marks on his fair skin. Blood dripped on his face, like a flower blooming in the snow. Mandala, evil, exudes a deadly temptation. But he himself was so dizzy that he lost consciousness, and he opened his lips weakly and slightly, coquettishly in his embarrassment.

  Rong Lin's face instantly collapsed!

  Kicked the two of them away, took off his robe and covered Rong Qing, even his head!

   Two things that are not as good as beasts, never want to see a hair of Rong Qing again!

  The two of them were kicked to the ground, their complexions changed drastically due to the pain, and they quickly recognized each other as their commander in southern Xinjiang, and their feet felt weak immediately.

No wonder they are so cowardly, it is because Rong Lin's prestige is too prominent in southern Xinjiang, he was able to beat a cow to death with one punch when he was a child, and at the age of eleven, he defeated all the masters on the list of rare scholars in southern Xinjiang, it is no exaggeration To put it bluntly, this kid could crush them to death like an ant by moving his fingers casually.

  A trace of fear appeared in the eyes of the two at the same time.

  Rong Lin raised the corners of his lips coldly, it was a bloodthirsty evil smile, as if the Taotie saw the prey and wanted to devour them all in one gulp!

   The two ran away! Where is the ambition of the blood guard?

   Bullied Rong Qing and still want to run away?

  Rong Lin grabbed the necks of the two of them and fell to the ground hard! He raised his foot again, and stomped on the backs of the two, only to hear two clicks, the spine and pelvis of the two were all shattered into pieces, and the torso was divided into two, connected only with a little flesh.

  The two of them rolled their eyes and foamed at the mouth in pain, but they couldn't even yell for mercy and help.

   "I said, are you guys making too much effort? Don't mess it up, I'm not having a good time yet!" Outside, one person shouted loudly, and the other two laughed.

  Rong Lin was so angry that he slapped it out!


  The door was blown away.

  When Su Huo and the other four black-robed killers rushed to the room, they saw such a miserable scene!

   Even though he knew that Rong Lin was a murderous guy, he was still shocked by the sight in front of him.

  Where is this murder? It is clearly abusing cats and dogs!

   "It's just in time, I'm itching!" Rong Lin said, he jumped up and kicked the leading black-robed killer away.

  He floated out like a kite with a broken string, drew a graceful arc in the air, and then hit a rocky mountain with a bang, his brain burst.

  Su Huo didn't dare to fight with Rong Lin, and jumped out of the courtyard like the wind.

   Seeing Suhuo, the three of them ran away, and they also ran away in a flash.

  Rong Lin didn't chase after him.

  Don't chase after the poor, he still understands this truth.

  Besides, Rong Qing's injury is the most important right now, leaving Rong Qing behind to chase Suhuo, what if he falls into the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain?

   He gritted his teeth, put Rong Qing on his clothes, carried Rong Qing behind his back, performed lightness kung fu and disappeared among the pavilions.

  However, when he jumped out of the Sikong mansion from the side door, he was suddenly stopped by a group of guards who were staring at him. It is said that they are guards because they hold weapons and exude a terrifying aura, but the strange thing is that they are all wearing eunuch's clothes. It's not that there are no eunuchs with martial arts skills, but being able to form a small army... is really incredible.

  Rong Lin couldn't help being a little stunned, and stood in the middle of the crowd, looking warily at the shining swords in their hands.

Suddenly, the crowd parted, and a golden step carried by sixteen eunuchs was revealed in front of his eyes. The step was exquisite, spacious, and luxurious, and was shrouded in white veil. It was occasionally blown by the wind, but not completely. Lifting up, the person walking was sitting upright, the broad robe loosely covered the tall and strong body, but because he couldn't look down on his appearance through the light veil, he could only vaguely judge from the meticulous sitting posture, there was a wave of light flowing around the other person's body. An air of asceticism.

  (end of this chapter)

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