Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 906: The fate of Yueyue's sudden anger (5)

  Chapter 906 The end of Yueyue's madness (5)

   Suhuo had no choice but to jump up and roll downhill.

  The **** was full of stubborn rocks, bumped all the way down, his clothes were all scratched, his hands were bleeding, needless to say the bruises on his body, the pain made him gasp.

  The leader in black sneered and chased after him.

  Suhuo is highly skilled in martial arts, but he cannot defeat a hundred with one. He was quickly forced to the river, and the leader in black whistled, as if to say, jump, jump if you can!

   Suhuo really jumped.

  Winter in Xiliang is far colder than that in southern Xinjiang. The moment he entered the water, he felt as if hundreds of ice thorns had been pierced upside down. He was so cold and painful that he shivered!

  He swam and swam in the river.

  The leader in black rode his horse and followed him leisurely along the river bank.

  Although he was born in southern Xinjiang, what makes people ashamed is that he is not good at water, he splashed a few times in the water, and almost lost his old life.

   finally landed.

  The leader in black swung his whip, and the horses galloped.

  Su Huo said in his heart, running is useless, the river is so long, it will be tomorrow when you get to the other side!

  Da da da da, it is the sound of horseshoes stepping on the wooden board.

   Suhuo turned his head to look—

  Damn it!

   There is actually a bridge!

  Then why did he swim for a long time?

  The leader in black quickly caught up.

   Su Huo ran away!

  The leader in black followed him not too far away, like a cat catching a mouse, every time he was about to catch him, but every time he let him go.

  He was forced, the hillside rolled, the river jumped, the cesspit entered, and the pigsty hid... How can he look like a military adviser? It was worse than a beggar.

  The black-clothed leader looked at Suhuo, then at the scar on his palm, feeling extremely relieved.

  Suhuo's physical energy was finally exhausted, he couldn't even crawl.

  The leader in black waved his palm: "Take it away!"


In Tianji Pavilion, Xiao Su saw Ning Yue again, Xiao Su kissed his wife on the cheek, jumped off his wife's lap, shrugged, and said with a confused face: "Twice a day, am I dreaming? Or the princess of the county?" Falling in love with me? My wife will be jealous for being so diligent!"

As he spoke, he turned around and looked up at his wife, who was much taller than him, and said very seriously: "My lord, you believe me, I really have no affair with the princess of the county! It's all because she loves me passionately. You alone!"

  The woman in yellow glared at him! Afterwards, she looked at Ning Yue, her eyes were difficult to distinguish. Obviously, she also felt that Ning Yue came too often, and every time it disturbed her making out with her husband.

   She is not happy.

  Ning Yue's indifferent eyes swept over her face, and the moment she was swept, the woman in yellow felt as if her face had been cut by a knife, she hurriedly covered her face!

  Xiao Su raised his eyebrows and said to his wife: "Okay baby, you go back to your room first and take a bath with flower petals, I will come soon!"

  The woman in yellow snorted and walked away.

  Xiao Su breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head to look at Ning Yue, smiled, but his tone was very solemn: "Don't scare my wife, add this to future transactions!"

  Ning Yue looked at him indifferently, in a pair of eyes that did not seem to be alive, there were heart-burning flames rolling.

  Xiao Su keenly sensed that the other party was in a bad mood, so he didn't dare to provoke him anymore. Clearing his throat, he said, "Uh...Of course, I will make her respect you more."

   After finishing speaking, he smiled brilliantly!

  Ning Yue said lightly: "Do you know why I came to you?"

  Xiao Su's eyeballs rolled around: "Because... I... secretly reported your entry into Dali Temple to Master Zhongchangshi?"

  (end of this chapter)

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