Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 908: The end of Yueyue's madness (7)

  Chapter 908 The end of Yueyue's madness (7)

  Ning Yue didn't even move her eyelids, she still smiled faintly: "Suhuo, the provocative method is useless to me, I won't kill you in a fit of anger."

  Suhuo's smile froze on his face.

Falling into the hands of this group of people, he knew that he would die, he was not afraid of death, but he didn't want to be humiliated endlessly, so he wanted to provoke Ning Yue, and hoped that Ning Yue couldn't help but give him a good time, but who knew that this girl Looking young, but calmer than him.

  He couldn't help but think of the queen, the only woman he ever admired in his life.

   But that's ridiculous, isn't it? How can a small county princess be compared with the mother of a country?

   He must be crazy.

   "What are you thinking? Thinking about running away, or thinking about how to provoke me again?"

Ning Yue interrupted his thoughts, and he looked at Ning Yue coldly: "Ma Ningyue, I am the most outstanding blood guard in southern Xinjiang, I have received all the cruel training that ordinary people can't imagine, just a little humiliation, you think Am I afraid?"

  Ning Yue smiled and nodded: "I know you are not afraid of death or torture, but there are always things in this world that scare you. Even if you are not afraid, it can still disgust you severely. In this way, my goal has been achieved."

  Suhuo turned her face away with disdain, what tricks can a little girl use? Even if it is Ling Chi, even if it is a human pig, he will not hum!

  Ning Yue winked at the leader in black, and the leader in black walked out.

  Su Huo narrowed his eyes slightly, not knowing what the other party was going to do.

Xiao Su looked at the back of the leader in black who disappeared at the door, touched the bridge of his nose, and then continued to watch the good show on the opposite side. Although the old man was dirty and ugly, he was not here to see the body art, but to see the effects of new drugs of.

Ning Yue looked at Suhuo, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Don't look at death like home, I won't let you die. You have done so many bad things, and I'm afraid to let you go just like that." You will be condemned by God!"

  If he wasn't exhausted, he really wanted to rush up and drag this little girl to be buried with her!

   "Ma Ningyue! What do you want to do?"

  Ning Yue ignored him, looked at the door and said, "Are you ready?"

   "Okay." The black-clothed leader said, and led in three heavily tied black-robed killers. The killers all stuck their necks and stuck out their tongues, as if they had just swallowed something they didn't want to eat.

  Ning Yue smiled lightly and asked Xiang Suhuo: "Are you very excited that your hand is down?"

Excited? He didn't have a fig leaf on his body, and when his subordinates saw his appearance, he couldn't feel anything other than humiliation!

  The black-robed killers obviously also noticed Suhuo with his bare buttocks, and they were embarrassed for a while.

  Su Huo stared at Ning Yue fiercely, clenched his fists.

  Ning Yue smiled slightly: "Hey, the best blood guard, you can't stand it before the show starts?"

  Su Huo resisted the humiliation, and stared straight at Ning Yue, as if this could prove that he had no stage fright.

   It has to be said that Su Huo's endurance surpassed Ning Yue's imagination. Ordinary people were stripped naked in front of so many people, some of whom were his subordinates, and they were so ashamed that they wanted to touch their heads to death.

  But Suhuo held on.

   But it’s fun this way, too weak opponents don’t feel like being abused.

Ning Yue blinked, and turned her gaze to the three black-robed killers who lowered their heads and dared not look Suhuo in the face: "Because you are taking orders from others, I decided to ease your guilt a little bit. As long as you follow what I said If you do, I'll let you go!"

  (end of this chapter)

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