Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 938: Miserable Ending (2)

  Chapter 938 Miserable end (2)

  Suddenly not allowing the princess to see her daughter, it is no exaggeration to say that this almost cost the princess half her life.

  Ning Yue highlighted the matter of the concubine's collusion with Suhuo.

  Sun Yao was shocked: "Ah? She actually colluded with people from southern Xinjiang? Why did she do this? Is your brother okay?"

   "Slightly injured." Ning Yue only answered the third question.

  Sun Yao said in disbelief: "She is also stupid enough to believe that Suhuo will help her contain you. Fortunately, your elder brother was rescued, in case Suhuo kills you..."

   Speaking of this, she sighed quietly, "Create a crime."

Ning Yue also sighed: "Yeah, didn't you commit a crime? The hat of collaborating with the enemy and treason on the Xuan family's head has not been taken off yet! Father Wang and Xuanyin have been suspended from official positions, and they will not get rid of their grievances for a day Just stay at home all day."

   "If you have been idle for a long time, the hearts of the people and the army will also be lost." Sun Yao murmured softly.

   "That's the reason." Ning Yue nodded.

   "Because of this, is the father angry with the concubine mother?" She still doesn't know about the concubine's divorce.

  Ning Yue shook her head again: "This may be one of the reasons."

   "Any other reasons?" Sun Yao asked.

"Some private matters, old things." Ning Yue really didn't know how to explain to Sun Yao how Lan Zhen was murdered, so she patted Sun Yao on the shoulder and said, "Take a good rest, and I'll talk about it when you get well someday." I will tell you in detail."

  Sun Yao was indeed a little tired, she smiled slightly and said, "Okay, be careful on the road."

  Out of the Qingling Pavilion, at the door, Ning Yue ran into King Zhongshan.

   King Zhongshan seemed to be waiting for her on a special trip. When he heard the footsteps, he immediately turned around and looked at her with complicated eyes.

   "Father." She saluted.

   King Zhongshan asked, "Is Sun Yao asleep?"

   "Sleeping, the mother and child are safe for the time being, but we need to observe the situation for a few more days." She said truthfully, without embellishment, and she did not say too lightly, "If there is nothing wrong, I will leave first."

   "You can move back now." He said suddenly.

  Ning Yue was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that the prince personally asked her to hand over the divorce letter to Guo Yu, in order to let her see his position clearly. Between Guo Yu and Xuan Yin, he chose Xuan Yin. If Xuan Yin moved out of the mansion because he hated Guo Yu, then Xuan Yin could indeed move back after Guo Yu left.

  However, she was reluctant to leave her mother and elder brother.

  I believe Xuanyin is also reluctant to part with Lanzhi.

   "I will talk to Xuan Yin and see what he says."

   "Okay." King Zhongshan moved his fingers a few times, and his face was a bit embarrassed, "Xiaoyin...does he know everything?"

  Ning Yue pondered for a moment: "Yes, I know everything. I told him about it on the way back home."

   "Then what about him...?"

  When he asked this, there was a hint of tremor in his voice. He finds it difficult to accept, that child will only suffer more than him.

"not too good."

  Ning Yue's answer confirmed his guess. Even though he knew it would be such an answer, hearing Ning Yue say it himself, he was shocked.

  He said: "When can I go and see him?"

   Probably guessed that his son would not move back so soon.

  Ning Yue thought for a while: "You are his father, you can visit him whenever you want."

   "Will he be willing to see me?" King Zhongshan asked subconsciously.

  Ning Yue said bluntly: "I'm afraid I don't want to."

  My father, who had neglected me for so many years, suddenly started to care about me, not because I became better, but because my mother was wronged. This feeling will only remind him how unfair this father was to his mother.

  (end of this chapter)

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