Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 946: Great Master's Rage (1)

  Chapter 946 The Rage of the Marshal (1)

  Since knowing the truth about Lan Zhen, Xuan Yin has been shutting herself in the house, not going anywhere, and not eating well, but it made Ning Yue and Lin Lanzhi very anxious.

  Rong Qing took a sip of rock sugar bird's nest, and said casually: "Why are you so anxious? It will be fine when it should be better. A big man, can't he get over this hurdle?"

  Ning Yue glared at him!

  Lin Lanzhi gave him an angry look: "Don't be so heartless!"

  Rong Qing shrugged and continued eating bird's nest.

   That kid robbed him of his sister, and he didn't treat his sister well. He almost killed her. He hasn't settled the debt with him yet!

  He already has a conscience.

  Lin Lanzhi looked at her daughter's frowning, and sighed quietly: "Everyone, think of a way, we must help Xiaoyin get out of the shadows."

  Rong Qing pouted.

  Lin Lanzhi looked at Rong Lin again.

  Recently, whenever Rong Lin had a chance, he would like to favor Lin Lanzhi, frantically, to the point where Lin Lanzhi couldn't do without him. He only wished that he was a woman, so he would be better kept by his side as his daughter-in-law.

   "Rong Lin, do you have any good ideas?" Lin Lanzhi asked softly.

of course not!

To be honest, he didn't quite understand Xuan Yin's feelings. When Lan Zhen "disappeared", Xuan Yin was only four years old, and he was seven years old when he left home. Seven-year-old children can remember things better than four-year-old children, right? ? But he didn't miss his family at all. If someone told him now that his mother was dead, he probably wouldn't even bat an eyelid.

   And he has only been away from them for eleven years.

   Xuan Yin and Lan Zhen have been separated for sixteen years, why do they still have such deep feelings for Lan Zhen?

  He couldn't figure it out.

  Maybe, he will never experience the feeling of mother-child connection in his life, right?

   But these words, just think about it in your heart, and don't say it, otherwise, Lanzhi will think that he is cold-blooded.

  He grinned, showing a mouthful of white teeth: "How about, let's go climbing! Every time I'm in a bad mood, I'll be fine once I climb the mountain!"

  Lin Lanzhi couldn't be more cute by him, rubbed the top of his hair, and said: "This idea is good or bad, but neither Yue'er nor Rong Qing can climb the mountain."

  He smiled and said, "I can carry Rong Qing! My sister will let Xuanyin carry it!"

   "It's my aunt!"

   "It's my aunt!"

  The brothers and sisters spoke in unison.

  Rong Lin snorted, turned his face away, and looked up at the sky.

   "Qing'er." Lin Lanzhi's eyes fell on Rong Qing's face, showing a tendency to exert pressure.

Rong Qing sighed helplessly, her whole life was in the hands of two women, a younger sister and a mother: "I heard that Tangshan Hot Spring is good, it is good for my younger sister's body, it is said that it can also cure palace cold and help her conceive. of."

  Xuanyin doesn't care about his own life, but always cares about Ning Yue. No matter how depressed he is, he won't let it go when he hears that he can do Ning Yue's best.

  Lin Lanzhi's eyes lit up immediately, why didn't she think of using her daughter as a raft? Isn't the person Xiao Yin cares most about is his daughter?

After breakfast, Lin Lanzhi found Xuanyin and explained the method of soaking in the hot spring. In order to achieve the effect, he inevitably praised a little: "Look, you have been married for so long, and Yue'er's stomach hasn't moved. Her body is too cold, and every time she comes to sunflower water, she suffers from severe pain, which is also related to this. The hot springs in Tangshan are specially designed to treat this, and several of my friends have soaked there, and the old problems have been cured..."

Xuan Yin knows better than anyone why Ning Yue can’t conceive. It’s true that her body is too cold, but that kind of cold is not an ordinary palace cold, but a body cold caused by a thousand-year-old ice dragon crystal. It needs bodhi seeds to cure it. The effect of hot springs is probably not big.

  (end of this chapter)

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