Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 948: Great Master's Rage (3)

  Chapter 948 The Marshal's Rage (3)

   "I won't tell you." Xuan Xiaoying turned her face away.

Ning Yue wrinkled her face in surprise. Xiao Ying used to like her very much. She had a sister-in-law, and she always stayed in the Liujin Courtyard, asking her to make food for her. How could she be so hostile to her after seeing her for a while? How deep is it?

   Walking over slowly, Ning Yue reached out and touched her head, and said softly, "What's wrong with Sakura? Is she in a bad mood? Tell me, and Sisao can help you think of a way."

   "Go away!" Xuan Xiaoying pushed hard, she was still holding the pen in her right hand, and all the ink on the pen tip was drawn on Ning Yue's new skirt. She froze for a moment, as if realizing that she had done something wrong, but soon, she turned her face away stubbornly.

  Ning Yue looked at the smeared skirt, and asked wonderingly: "Sakura, don't you like Fourth Sister-in-law?"

  Xuan Xiaoying yelled: "Yes! I don't like you! I hate you! You killed my concubine mother! You also hurt my elder brother! I hate you, hate you, hate you!"

  It turned out to be for this matter.

  A flash of realization flashed across Ning Yue's heart, and the light in her eyes turned slightly cold.

  Guo Yu was suspended, some clever servants already knew about it.

  However, Guo Yu’s collusion with Suhuo was probably not made public. After all, the crime of collaborating with the enemy and treason was involved, and the prince and Xuan Yu were not so stupid.

  Lanzhen's truth and what was concealed have not been made public even if I think about it.

   As for her feud with Guo Yu, it will not be publicized to everyone.

   Then, why did Sakura get Guo Yu away in one bite?

   "Xiao Ying, I didn't take your mother and concubine away." She looked at Xuan Xiao Ying firmly and said.

Xuan Xiaoying's cheeks were flushed with anger: "It's you! They all saw it! You gave the letter of divorce to my concubine mother! You even quarreled with concubine mother! You hate concubine mother, so you asked the king to divorce concubine mother !"

  Ning Yue asked in a normal tone: "Who told you these words?"

   "I want you to take care of it!" Xuan Xiaoying said angrily, "Get out! Don't enter my father's study again!"

  Ning Yue glanced at her and went out.

  At the door, she met King Zhongshan who was in a hurry, and bowed: "Father."

King Zhongshan was originally explaining things to the shadow guards in the west chamber, but when he heard Xuan Xiaoying yelling, he thought that something had happened, so he left his official business and came to take a look, but saw that he would rather come out from inside, he asked strangely: " What happened just now?"

   "It's nothing, Xiao Ying seems to have misunderstood me, did the father tell Xiao Ying about the festival between me and the princess?" Although he felt that the possibility was very slim, Ning Yue still wanted to find the prince to verify it himself.

  Zhongshan Wang shook his head: "Of course not, I won't talk to her about this."

Although Ning Yue and Guo Yu were indeed at odds, the whole incident was caused by Guo Yu's prejudice and greed. Because he hated Sifang, he wronged Ning Yue a lot; because he wanted to hide the truth about Lan Zhen, he did not hesitate to collude with Su Huo hit Rongqing ruthlessly. No matter how much Guo Yu emphasizes that she was used by Suhuo, it will not change the fact that she has caused the Xuan family to be almost unable to recover.

  How can a child understand such a complicated cause and effect?

  He wanted to tell her when she was older and knew how to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil—

  Ning Yue also believed that King Zhongshan was not that stupid, and would tell a child the fact that she couldn't digest at all: "Where is the elder brother?"

   "Sakura hasn't been to Zhihui Temple yet." King Zhongshan pondered for a moment, "And he won't say anything."

  With Xuan Yu's temperament, it is indeed impossible to be so confused. Ning Yue asked again, "Third brother?"

   "He did come to see me, but I avoided seeing him because I was too busy to see him. I'm afraid he didn't even know about Guo Yu's dismissal."

  (end of this chapter)

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