Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 956: Shi Rongqing's heart fell into a well (2)

  Chapter 956 Shi Rongqing's heart fell into a well (2)

  If you don’t mention this, Guo Yu will almost forget it.

  Liu Wanyu once revealed that she wanted Si Kongjing to marry a man from the Xuan family. She looked down on Si Kongjing, so she played a few sloppy eyes and exposed the matter.

   Unexpectedly, this girl still holds a grudge!

  Si Kongjing didn't even think about it, with her virtue, is she worthy of her son who is as tall as a cloud?

"What? I have nothing to say?" Si Kongjing's feet rubbed heavily on Guo Yu's cheap skirt a few times, "You said it would have been nice if you had married me in back then? At least when you were kicked out Is there someone to cheer for you? Ah, I almost forgot, you have a daughter-in-law! By the way, where is Sun Yao? Where is Ma Ningyue? You are almost a beggar, and I don’t see them helping you!"

  These words... are really heartbreaking!

  If she hadn't provoked her relationship with Ma Ningyue, would she have misunderstood Ma Ningyue and Rong Qing so anxiously? Would he attack Ma Ningyue so irrationally?

  I got my retribution, but the culprit was still swaggering and laughing in the street.

  Why is God so unfair?

  Guo Yu glared at Si Kongjing angrily!

  Si Kongjing is now completely sure that she was kicked out. As for why she was kicked out, she doesn't know and doesn't want to know. Anyway, she is leaving the capital soon, and everything here has nothing to do with her.

   It's just that it's good to be able to vent your anger before leaving.

   Didn't Guo Yu look down on her?

  She let Guo Yu taste what it's like to be looked down upon!

  A thought flashed across her face, and a ferocious smile appeared on her pretty face.

  Guo Yu's heart skipped a beat: "What are you going to do?"

  Biqing hurriedly protected Guo Yu, but unfortunately she was dragged aside by Sikongjing's maid before she could stand still.

  The two quickly scuffled into a group.

  Si Kongjing grabbed Guo Yu's wrist and forcibly dragged her to the street: "Come on! Come and see! Princess Zhongshan is divorced! Everyone, come and see—"

  Her voice attracted a large crowd of onlookers, who began to point and point at Guo Yu.

  Guo Yu wished he could find a hole in the ground and get into it.

   While trying to break free from Sikong Jing's restraint, she covered her face with her sleeve.

  Unfortunately, she is malnourished and has injuries to her feet, so she is no match for Si Kongjing at all.

   Instead of breaking free from Sikong Jing, Sikong Jing clasped both hands, and her flushed face was so unreservedly presented in front of everyone.

   Someone recognized her.

   "Ah...she...she is really the princess of Zhongshan! I sent fabrics to her family! I have seen her!" A embroiderer exclaimed.

  Another woman said: "It's her! My relatives are working in her house, and when they are too busy, they ask me to work for a few days! Mother! Why is the princess so depressed?"

  The princess whose clothes cost a hundred taels of gold for any piece of clothing, and the princess whose jewelry is priceless, is actually dressed worse than a village woman!

   What about the jewels?

  Her lips were cracked with cold.

  Hands are freezing.

  Among the black hair, there is a faint trace of white hair.

   Is this... really a woman under forty years old?

  How did you get so old?

  Catcher Wei was patrolling the streets, and sent Guo Kuang back to his residence. Looking away, he saw a large crowd of common people gathered in the middle of the crowd, surrounded by the headache-inducing Sikong Jing.

   She was holding a village woman in her hand, seeing how the village woman wanted to lower her head into her crotch, she seemed to have been humiliated by Sikong Jing.

  (end of this chapter)

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