Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 959: Shi Rongqing's heart fell into a well (5)

  Chapter 959 Shi Rongqing's heart fell into a well (5)

  Lin Lanzhi had already adjusted her mood, and came out with a smile on her face, completely unrecognizable of the previous abnormality.

  She greeted Uncle Mo: "You got up really early."

   "I drank the plum wine my wife gave me, and I kept talking about it all night, and hardly slept at all!" Uncle Mo said heartily.

  Lin Lanzhi smiled slightly: "Those are homemade. If Boss Mo likes it, I still have a few jars."

"There is a saying in the Central Plains that a gentleman should not take what others like. Although I like it, I won't ask for more! We people in the Northern Territory express our liking just because we like it, not wanting more." Uncle Mo said quickly speak quickly.

  Lin Lanzhi smiled, thinking that people from the Northern Territory are really different from people from the Central Plains, and I don't know if Rong Lin can get along well if he marries a girl from the Northern Territory and returns home. Of course, it is not ruled out that Rong Lin will leave here to live in the northern region, or... return to southern border.

  Thinking of this, she suddenly felt a little reluctant, not knowing whether it was for herself or for Rong Qing.

Ning Yue and Xuan Yin lingered in the tent for most of the night, and fell asleep at dawn. Lin Lanzhi came to wake them up, and saw that the two were still nestled in the quilt, Xuan Yin's smooth and broad shoulders were exposed, Ning Yue His chubby little head rested on his shoulder, dreaming of something, drooling.

  Lin Lanzhi laughed.

  Who did you inherit this sleeping posture from?

   Probably not her.

  Xuanyin was awakened by Lin Lanzhi's laughter, and slowly opened his twinkling pupils, and the dim tent was instantly lit up.

   It’s no wonder that the daughter is so obsessed with her son-in-law. With this appearance, I’m afraid you won’t be able to find a better one in Xiliang.

  Lin Lanzhi smiled slyly: "Do you want breakfast?"

   Xuan Yin looked fondly at Ning Yue who was sleeping soundly, and shook his head.

   "Then I'll save some for you, and take it to the car to eat." Lin Lanzhi finished speaking softly, and closed the curtain with a smile.

  The blow that was suffered by the son before was finally healed by the daughter. A pair of sons and daughters, at least one of them is happy. But if possible, she hopes that her son, like her daughter, can also find a lover who will be with him for a lifetime.

  Lin Lanzhi had breakfast with Rong Qing, Rong Lin and the Mo family.

  From the beginning to the end, Rong Qing and Rong Lin didn't have any communication, like strangers, she couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

  Mona and Moni competed to pour milk tea and milk wine for Rong Lin.

   "Milk tea is good, it can refresh you!" Mona said.

  Mo Ni is not to be outdone: "The milk wine is good, it's the best drink in winter, it's very warm!"

  Uncle Mo laughed: "Oh, stop arguing, you two. If you continue to fight, you will start fighting!" He said with a gentle face, "Master, you have been thinking about it all night, but you have chosen a partner for the young master?"

  Rong Qing paused for a moment with his chopsticks, and said calmly: "Both Miss Mo are excellent, but I don't know who is more suitable for him."

   "I, I, I! I am the most beautiful girl in our Mo family!" Mo Ni said.

  Sister Mona pushed her away: "What's the use of being beautiful? I'm so stupid that I can't write a few Chinese characters even today!"

  Mo Ni was not convinced: "People in the Central Plains said that a woman's lack of talent is virtue! I am illiterate, and that is the expression of high virtue!"

   "If you can't read, how do you write letters? How do you manage your property? How do you assist your husband?" Mona asked seriously.

  Lin Lanzhi was dumbfounded by the two of them. If she were the **** their side, she would definitely praise each other and reflect on herself, so as to highlight her generous and humble temperament. To put it bluntly, it is cursing people around the corner. Unlike them, they are straightforward, which is quite interesting.

  (end of this chapter)

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