Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 970: Dream Back to Past Life(9)

  Chapter 970 Dreaming back to the previous life (9)

  Huangfuyan's face became stiff for a moment, Ma Ningyue was obviously about the same age as Shan'er, why was her heart so vicious? Just to avenge Rong Qing?

   But Suhuo deserved it. In order to chase and kill Rong Qing, he actually came to Xiliang, isn't he looking for death?

   There was silence for a while, not sure if it was digesting Ning Yue's viciousness, or trying to sort out the clues of the matter.

   "Su Huo is not a reckless and impulsive person. Without a strong enough internal support, he should not dare to go deep into the imperial capital." She murmured.

  Guo Yu didn't hear clearly: "What are you talking about Suhuo?"

   "Nothing." Huangfuyan shook her head, "Apart from Suhuo, have you contacted anyone else?"


  No contact doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

  Suhuo has no grievances or enmities with the Xuan family, and he would not be so stupid as to provoke the Xuan family. Rong Qing was the only one he wanted to kill from the beginning to the end.

   The idea to bring down the Xuan family should have come from that internal agent.

   They probably reached an agreement. He helped Suhuo go to Beijing to catch Rong Qing, and Suhuo helped him frame the Xuan family.

  After the incident happened, both Suhuo and Guo Yu were tortured by Xuanyin and his wife, but that person was still at large, openly or secretly, which shows how powerful he is!

  Xuanyin and Ma Ningyue are so difficult and powerful, she needs an ally to deal with them.

  There is no one more suitable than that person.

   Not only hates the Xuan family, but also is powerful, and dares to collude with Southern Xinjiang.

   She found that person! Prove to him that she, Huangfuyan, is more worthy of his alliance than Suhuo!


  Night, enchanting.

  The young emperor ended his late court and strode towards Weiyang Palace. Because he was too anxious, he didn't even change the dragon robe on his body.

  The old **** followed behind, holding a lantern: "Your Majesty! Your Majesty... Your Majesty, please slow down! Wait for the slave! The slave can't catch up! Ouch!"

  The old **** fell.

  The emperor stopped and said impatiently to him: "Why run? If you can't run, go back and rest! I don't need you to follow!"

   "But the servant has to serve the emperor! His Majesty the late emperor told the servant to follow you closely..."

   "All right, all right! Grandpa Huang has been away for so long! Still taking his words as arrows!" A trace of displeasure appeared on the emperor's stern face, "Don't follow me anymore! Do you hear me?"

  The old **** hesitated in embarrassment: "But..."

   "No but! If you follow again, I will chop off your head!"

  After the emperor threatened, the old **** did not dare to follow.

  The emperor hummed in satisfaction, and rushed into Weiyang Palace like flying.

  The Weiyang Palace is bright and open, with veils dancing in the wind, and the maids stood quietly on both sides. When they saw him coming, they bowed down respectfully: "Kowtow to the emperor!"

  The emperor waved his hand, and as he hurriedly walked towards the bedroom, he asked, "Is she awake?"

  The leading maid said: "Woke up for a while, then fell asleep again."

  The emperor's eyes lit up first, then darkened: "I can really sleep!"

  He ran to the bed, opened the lavender curtain, and a thin figure curled up inside with his back facing him.

  Her black hair was draped lazily over her shoulders, and in the gaps between the intertwined strands of her hair, she could vaguely see her fair, almost translucent skin.

  Her skin is very thin, and tiny blood vessels can be seen.

  Her breathing is weak, she doesn't feel it with her heart, she can't hear it at all.

  The emperor took off his shoes, slowly sat on the seat, and reached out to touch it.

  But I saw my fingertips passing through her body—


  The emperor froze for a moment, and then touched it with his hands, but no matter how he touched it, he couldn't touch it. She was just a phantom.

  The emperor jumped in a hurry!


   Xuanyin hit the ground!

  Ning Yue woke up suddenly, opened her eyes and said, "What's wrong?" Seeing Xuan Yin who fell to the ground, "Did you roll off the bed?"

   Xuan Yin raised his hand blankly, looking at them repeatedly.

   Ning Yue stretched out her hand in confusion, and patted him on the shoulder.

   Xuanyin waved her hand away reflexively: "Don't touch me!"

   "Zhen?" Ning Yue jumped out of the bed and forcibly touched his forehead, "Do you have a fever?"

  The slightly cool touch brought Xuan Yin back to his senses, gasped in shock, and hugged her into his arms: "Sorry, I had a nightmare."

   "What did you dream about?" Ning Yue asked, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

   "dreaming of..."

**** it!

  Thinking of the woman in the dream, my heart feels... dull pain!

  (end of this chapter)

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