Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 976: Cooperation and cooperation (8)

  Chapter 976 Cooperation and Join Forces (8)

  Sikong Shuo raised the corners of his lips viciously: "You are quite interesting."

  He released his grip on her throat.

  Huangfuyan maintained her superficial composure, but only she knew that her back was completely soaked in cold sweat.


  Ning Yue finished her work in Huichuntang and was about to return home. A little beggar was poking her head at the door.

  The little beggar looked at her carefully, put a letter on her head, and then stretched out his other hand: "One tael of silver."

  Ning Yue paid the money and opened the letter. There was nothing inside, only a drawing of a long gun, and there was no signature.


  Ning Yue thought for a moment, then smiled slowly.

   Ming guns are easy to hide.

   Someone was reminding her that it was hard to guard against backstabbing.

   It seems that someone is playing her tricks again.

   These days, why are there so many people who are not afraid of death? Rong Lin is gone, she is really worried that she has no place to vent her anger, and rushing forward to seek death, don't blame her for being rude!

  Ning Yue got into the carriage.

  Xiaolou asked: "Miss, where are we going? Should we go to see the third grandma in the palace or go back to Ma's house?"

  Ning Yue got married, although he moved out, but after all, the palace is the right place to go home, but he hasn't changed his mind until now.

  Ning Yue didn't mind these things, anyway, she liked Lanzhi's side better, Ning Yue thought of the note, pondered for a moment, and said, "Let's go to the palace first."

   "Okay!" Xiaolou tightened the reins, turned the carriage around, and walked towards the palace.

  Just walking halfway, I ran into Sikong Shuo.

Sikong Shuo didn't ride in his golden step, nor did he bring his guard of honor with him, he just sat in an inconspicuous carriage. If one didn't take a closer look, no one would have thought that the powerful Zhongchang Attendant would appear in the Such a humble place.

   "Ma Ningyue, I have something to tell you, are you coming here, or am I going?"

  Xiaolou felt a chill in his heart, he squeezed the rein tightly and said, "Miss, what should we do now?"

  Ning Yue opened the curtain, glanced at the carriage opposite, "You wait for me here." After saying that, she jumped off the ground and got into Sikong Shuo's carriage.

  The interior of the car is luxurious and exquisite enough.

  Ning Yue sat down in the corner farthest from Sikong Shuo, looked at him vigilantly, and said, "Master Zhongchang Shi wants to ask me for something?"

  Sikong Shuo's red lips curled up: "I can't find you if I have nothing to do?"

   "Of course not, I don't welcome adults, I don't like being alone with adults, and I feel uncomfortable. Is such an answer satisfying adults?" Ning Yue said bluntly.

Sikong Shuo seemed to be used to her indifference, and if one day her words were not stingy, he would not be used to it. He stroked her soft lips lightly with his fingers, and said with a smile: "Obviously it tastes sweet, so why aren't the words sweet? ?”

   "Take it away!" Ning Yue shook off his hand, "Don't talk like I have something to do with you!"

   "Is it okay?" Sikong Shuo smiled ambiguously, "It's just sweet!"

  Ning Yue didn't bother to talk to him: "If your lord asked me to come up just to tease me, forgive me for not being with you!"

  Sikong Shuo frowned: "What are you in such a hurry for? I haven't finished my sentence yet."

  Ning Yue said coldly: "Say something quickly, fart quickly, I'm very busy!"

  Sikong Shuo's smile remained unchanged: "What are you busy doing? Are you busy making money, or are you busy dealing with those villains?"

Ning Yue looked at his unflattering smile, and really wanted to rush up and beat him up hard. In her previous life, she had a sullen face all day long, and it was harder for her to make him smile at her. In this life, but She is so shameless that she can't even close her mouth, but she has no feelings for him anymore! No matter how beautiful his smile is, she will only feel shivering.

  (end of this chapter)

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