Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 979: Brother and sister meet Xiaozhen (2)

  Chapter 979 Xiao Zhen's brother and sister recognize each other (2)

  But suddenly, he changed his face and told her to get out.

   "Your Majesty, is it because the slave family is not serving you well? What is wrong with the slave family? You say, the slave family will change."

  She is the number one here, and she has never spoken to anyone in such a low voice.

  But this man doesn't seem to be tempted at all!

   "The king of the county, the servant... is still a virgin."

She is the most talented prostitute in the brothel. She is a prostitute but not a prostitute. that day—

  Today, she suddenly didn't want to stay.

   It is worth dying for such a man.

   Xuanyin glanced at her in disgust, how could he not see through her mind? If it wasn't for Yueyue, maybe he would have some normal physiological reactions provoked by these women, now—

  He lazily leaned back in his chair and snapped his fingers outside the door.

  The black-clothed leader walked in and said without looking sideways: "The king of the county."

   "Thank you for your hard work."

  The beauty was surprised again: "The king of the county!"

  The black-clothed leader expressed his helplessness. If you don’t touch it yourself, just throw it to me? I have a wife and children at home!

   After taking the crying beauty to the next room, the leader in black said to the other two shadow guards: "Come here."

   "What's the matter?" Are you going to reward us with beauties?

   "Keep the door secure."

  Shadow Guard: "..."

  In each room, embarrassing voices gradually sounded.

  Xuanyin sat in the dimly lit bright hall, pinching the luminous cup with his long fingers, sipping the fine wine in the cup, elegant and cold, like an emperor in the dark night.

   The cry was loud, but he seemed to have heard nothing, with a blank expression on his face.


   It was an hour before I returned to Ma's house.

After Ning Yue took a bath, she sat on the bedside and read a book. She was wearing a thin jacket, the skin on her neck and face was as white as cream, her black hair was smooth and smooth, and she was draped over her shoulders, wrapping her like seaweed. Looks like a chubby little mermaid.

   Xuanyin's lower abdomen tightened suddenly.

  Just now when he was there, he had no physical reaction at all. He thought he was really sucked dry by her, but what happened to the reaction before he touched it?

   She still dresses so conservatively!

"Are you back?" Ning Yue put down the book, smiled and looked at someone who was staring at her in a daze, only to see that someone's face was flushed and his eyes were deep, as if he was suppressing a strong dark desire, she cried out inwardly. Well, she was too aggressive last night, and she is still a little sore, but seeing how he is burning with desire, don't she want to pounce on the hungry wolf again?

   "Are you hungry, I'll give"

  She tried to divert his attention, but before she finished speaking, he blocked her lips severely!

  His kiss was hot and intense, as if it had been dry for a century before the rain finally came, greedily absorbing her sweetness.

  Ning Yue was dizzy from the kiss, and the book fell to the ground with a slap. She wanted to reach out to pick it up, but he pinned his hand on top of her head.

  He stepped on the book and looked at her with fiery eyes: "Ma Ningyue, I am really poisoned by you!"


  After the cloud and rain were over, Ning Yue fell asleep in his arms.

  He called for hot water to clean up Ning Yue. Ning Yue was probably extremely sleepy. She took off her clothes, took a bath, wiped her body, and got dressed. During the whole process, she didn't even wake up.

  Seeing her so tired, he secretly annoyed himself for being too impulsive. How long has he been married? Haven't even said a few words yet!

  (end of this chapter)

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