Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 983: Brother and Sister Recognition of Xiaozhen (6)

  Chapter 983 Xiao Zhen's brother and sister recognize each other (6)

   "Uncle Wen, stand down!" Sikong Shuo stopped Wen Bo.

  Wen Bo's eyes were red: "Master..."

   "I want you to step down." Sikong Shuo flicked his sleeves, and sent Wen Bo out of the room with gentle force. Wen Bo wanted to come in, but saw the door slam shut in front of him!

  Xuanyin stepped on Sikong Shuo's chest, looked down at him and said, "Where is that Southern Xinjiang man?"

  Sikong Shuo's chest was squeezed so badly that his ribs were almost broken, but he still smiled and said, "I won't tell you."

"Sikong Shuo, this king admires your courage in a certain aspect, unlike some cowards who dare not admit it, but you have to know, just admitting is not enough, this king will not forgive you just because of this! You colluded with Suhuo to frame Xuan Family comes first, use Ning Yue to assassinate this king, and this king will grow up with your Liang Zi!"

   "Heh~" He chuckled, "Xuanyin, from the moment you were born, our relationship has been formed."

   Xuanyin said coldly: "Just because my surname is Xuan? I really don't understand how our Xuan family offended you! You have been holding on to the Xuan family all these years!"

  Sikong Shuo coughed up a mouthful of blood.

   "Don't think I can't find him!" Xuanyin said in a cold voice, kicked Sikong Shuo again, flung his sleeves and left the room.

  The young boy who was once unable to pass a single move in Sikong Shuo's hands has grown up...

  Xuanyin searched one by one, he had been to the palace many times, and he was very familiar with the terrain, not long after, he found the elixir where Huangfuyan performed witchcraft.

   Is it actually a little girl in yellow?

  A trace of confusion appeared in Xuanyin's eyes, but it was replaced by a monstrous anger in just a moment, and he slashed towards Huangfuyan who was holding a bunch of charms regardless of the situation!

Huangfuyan was about to complete the last step of the witchcraft, and when it was done, Ning Yue was completely controlled by her. Just at the very moment, a black figure broke open the door, opened his hand, and pinched her. come over!

  She had no time to dodge, and her throat was strangled abruptly.

  The burning spell fell to the ground and was stamped out by Xuanyin.

  Huangfuyan suffered a backlash, her body shook, and she spat out a mouthful of blood.

  Blood fell on the back of Xuanyin's hand, hot as a soldering iron.

  In the darkness, he saw her face clearly, and a familiar feeling filled his heart.

  He seems to know her!

Huangfuyan also saw Xuan Yin, this was the first time she observed this man at close range, the man looked somewhat similar to Xuan Yu, but more handsome and dazzling than Xuan Yu, and I don't know if it was her own illusion, She actually felt that he was somewhat similar to her father.... But the powerful aura on his body was three points stronger than that of his father, which vaguely reminded her of the king of Nanjiang——

  Xuanyin remembered, isn't this face a bit like that of a dominatrix? No wonder it feels familiar to me.

   Thoughts flashed by, Xuan Yin lost the last trace of hesitation in his heart, and he didn't bother to ask who she was, so he squeezed her throat tightly.

  Huangfuyan gradually couldn't breathe, and grabbed Xuanyin's fingers with both hands, trying to break them apart, but everything was in vain. The strength of Xuanyin's anger was by no means something she could shake.

  The feeling of death was slowly forced to land, and Huangfuyan's consciousness began to blur. She couldn't even think about the ins and outs of the matter. She vaguely felt that something was wrong, but unfortunately, she had no chance to investigate and confirm it.

   Just when Huangfuyan was about to be strangled to death, a woman's voice came from the door: "Stop!"

   Xuan Yin's eyes moved slightly, and he turned to look at Ning Yue who was leaning against the door and panting. Beside Ning Yue, stood the leader in black. Needless to say, he must have brought Ning Yue here.

  (end of this chapter)

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