Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 988: A warm New Year's Eve reunion (2)

  Chapter 988 Family Reunion Warm New Year's Eve (2)

   She sighed deeply.

  Ning Yue glanced at her exquisite eyebrows, and it was not difficult to feel the regret in her heart, but after thinking about it, what is wrong with this poor princess? Her father died tragically, and at a young age she had to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the entire Eastern Palace, to protect the weak mother, and to teach the ignorant younger sister. The other princesses were all in the palace, but she took off her red makeup and wore a military horse...

  From some aspects, they really have a lot of similarities. They both exist to protect their loved ones. The difference is that Huangfuyan uses martial arts, while she uses mental techniques.

  Ning Yue also sighed: "Princess Yan, Xuan Yin only learned of Lan Zhen's death not long ago, and she was already in a gloomy mood, but suddenly she learned of Lan Zhen's background, so it's reasonable that she couldn't accept it for a while."

  Huangfuyan's eyes trembled slightly: "My aunt... is she really dead? How did she die?"

   "I met a group of rogue bandits from the Northern Region on the road, and they were killed." Ning Yue said softly.

  Huangfuyan fell into silence. She had never been with her aunt before, and she didn't have a deep relationship with her. After hearing the news, she didn't feel much heartache, but she still felt sorry for her father. I'm so sad.

  Ning Yue said again: "Has Lan Zhen ever been to southern Xinjiang?"

"En." Huangfuyan nodded, "About thirty-one years ago, she found Nanjiang, found my father, and her brother and sister recognized each other. I think she should have always known that she was the princess of Nanjiang, so after the disaster, , will think of coming to my father's side."

   "Troubled?" Yes, she remembered. Thirty-one years ago, wasn't it the year Lan Zhen disappeared?

Huangfuyan's words confirmed Ning Yue's guess: "I was not born at that time. I heard from my father later that my aunt seemed to have met a bad guy. That bad guy imprisoned her for a year, and she gave birth to a child for him. Afterwards, he ran away, feeling ashamed to stay in Xiliang, and finally arrived in Southern Xinjiang. However, he left again after not staying for a full month. After that, there was no news."

   It turned out that Lan Zhen was imprisoned that year.

   It turns out that Lan Zhen and the prince only got along for a short month.

   "Where's that child?" Ning Yue didn't know how many times she asked about that child. Even though Mrs. Guo and Guo Kuang both said that the child was dead, for some reason, she always wanted to confirm it over and over again.

   "My aunt said he died." Huangfuyan said.

   Ning Yue is silent, maybe... is she really dead? Or maybe it was Lan Zhen who didn't want to admit to that child?

   "Did the king of Nanjiang and Lan Zhen recognize each other?" Ning Yue asked.

  Huangfuyan shook her head: "No, that month, my aunt's mood was very unstable, and she was often in a state of madness. My father wanted to wait for my aunt's illness to improve before telling Grandpa Huang, but unfortunately I didn't wait until that day, and my aunt ran away."

   It's a pity that I didn't meet my biological father when I arrived in the imperial city.

"However..." Huangfu Yan paused, and then said, "My father told Grandpa Huang later, Grandpa Huang was very happy when he heard that he and his grandmother had a daughter, and sent many people to look for it did not find."

  The king of a country, why can't he find anyone? Ning Yue really wondered if he was looking for it with his heart.

  Ning Yue's expression appeared on his face, Huangfuyan frowned slightly: "You have to believe me, Grandpa Huang wants to recognize Auntie back."

"He is your grandpa, so you can speak for him naturally, but he is not me. He neither took care of my mother-in-law nor my husband. All I know is when Lan Zhen was bullied to death He was not by my side; when Xuanyin was ridiculed and cast aside by the world, he was not by my side. This pair of mother and son have gone through unimaginable hardships, but as their closest relatives, the King of Southern Border, they are only wanton in the harem!"

  (end of this chapter)

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