Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 991: A warm New Year's Eve reunion (6)

  Chapter 991 Family Reunion Warm New Year's Eve (6)

  Wrong, all wrong.

   Ma Yuan grabbed Lanzhi's hand tightly: "Lanzhi, I will only treat you well in the future."

  Lin Lanzhi sighed deeply. After hearing this sentence for many years, she always knew that he was just perfunctory, whether he was angry or crying, he came over. During his absence, she had thought through a lot of things. Since she accepted him as bad, if he was willing to change sincerely, what reason would she have to push him away? No matter how sulky the couple are, he will always be Qing'er and Yue'er's father. Those two children were looking forward to the family reunion and the harmony between their husband and wife all day long. Her heart may not have the strong love as before, but it is still okay to treat him as a relative that cannot be let go in this life.

  She held his hand back: "Young couples come to accompany us all the time. When our sons and daughters are not around, maybe you are the only one who will accompany me."

   Ma Yuan burst into tears.

When Ma Yuan came back, it stands to reason that he would have a good meal with the whole Ma family, but thinking that the old lady had kicked Yue'er out of Ma's house, Lin Lanzhi and Rong Qing were absolutely not happy to see her, the second room, the third room Because Fang was not good enough to Yue'er in the past, the mother and son just sent someone to report a letter and the matter was over.

  After Ma Yuan washed up, he went to the dining hall to meet Rong Qing and Ning Yue.

Rong Qing is still the same, as if the clouds are light and the wind is light, and the fireworks are not in the world. Ning Yue has grown taller and fleshier, her little face is round, her eyes are not as deep and cold as they looked last time, full of eyes, It's all about little girls' smiles. Her hand was held by Rong Qing, and it could be seen that the relationship between the brother and sister was very good.

  A warm current flowed through Ma Yuan's heart, as if he was afraid to startle them, his tone was very light: "Qing'er, Yue'er."

   "Father!" Ning Yue stood up and threw herself into his arms, almost knocking him over.

Now, Ma Yuan really felt the difference in her daughter, not so cold, not so repulsive. Although I don't know who is responsible for it, but as a father, he will still be happy for her change: "It's so fleshy that I can't hold it anymore."

  Ma Yuan hugged her.

  Ning Yue turned her head and gave Rong Qing an angry look: "Feed me every day, and say that I will get fat!"

  I just weighed it yesterday, and I gained five catties!

  Rong Qing smiled and said nothing.

Ma Yuan's eyes fell on his son's face. To be honest, he looks passable. Lanzhi is not a particularly beautiful woman, but she gave birth to such a good-looking son. I can only say that they are really good at giving birth. !

   "Qing'er." He hadn't heard his son call his father yet, and he felt a little uneasy, and was afraid that his son would blame him for losing him again—fortunately, he went to Beijing.

  Rong Qing smiled calmly: "Father."

   Ma Yuan was taken aback!

   " you you...what did you just say?"

   "Father." Rong Qing smiled.

   Ma Yuan's eyes stared straight, and after five seconds, they slowly bent into the arc of a crescent moon: "Son!"

   I'm going to be dizzy!

  My son called him!

  Haha, the son is calling his father!

After that, the father and son sat down and carefully reviewed the events along the way, only to realize that Huangfushan and Ma Yuan had separated. He also came here and frantically searched in Bingzhou, which delayed his trip back to Beijing.

   "It shouldn't be her." Rong Qing said.

  Ma Yuan nodded: "Yes, she probably won't come to Xiliang." Poor little girl, I don't know where she went.

  Rong Qing told Ma Yuan about Ma Jingyan: "...I haven't told Yue'er and Niang about this."

  (end of this chapter)

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