Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 994: He talked about Rong Lin (1)

  Chapter 994 Here comes Tan Ronglin (1)

  The hunting team of hundreds of people drove away from the imperial city, which is about 1,100 miles away from the Li nationality, and is expected to arrive in half a month.

  Some sons and daughters who have never traveled far were very excited at first. After being bumped by the carriage for a few days, various discomforts followed one after another—diarrhea, fatigue, loss of appetite, back pain...

  Everyone vaguely felt a little sympathy for the soldiers marching and fighting. They were in such pain in the carriage, and they didn't know how tired they would be when they walked.

Ma Yuan got used to it, but he didn't feel much; Xuan Yin, needless to say, was as strong as a young yak, so it was good if he didn't crush the carriage, and it was impossible for him to be overturned by the carriage; But there has always been Xuanyin, the super shock absorber. After eating and sleeping, and sleeping and eating, he gained a little bit of flesh instead.

   But it was Lanzhi and Rong Qing who suffered, the mother and son, one vomited dizzily, and the other was dazzled by the **** smell of slaughtered fresh cattle and sheep.

   Ma Yuan is busy taking care of his wife and children. Although he is very distressed, he has really lived the addiction of a good husband and a loving father.

   At sunset, the carriage stopped on an open grass field and camped.

  Ten days have passed since they left the capital, gradually entering the south, the night is not as cold as the capital, Ma Yuan helped Lan Zhi lie down on the mattress of the tent, and carried Rong Qing off the carriage. In order to take care of Rong Qing conveniently, the couple ate and lived with Rong Qing.

  Lin Lanzhi turned her head and touched her son's pale face, full of distress: "I told you not to follow, you must come."

  Rong Qing hummed vaguely.

  Ma Yuan covered the two with quilts respectively, and went out to fetch food.

  On the other side, Xuanyin and Ning Yue's small tents were also set up. Ning Yue yawned and slept in the carriage all day. Now she just wanted to walk around and exercise her muscles.

   Xuanyin stroked her temples: "Don't go far, I'll go to my father and return."

   "Well, you go, remember to bring back some desserts." Although King Zhongshan is a sinful person, he is close to the emperor. He eats what the emperor eats, which is more than one level higher than their food.

  Xuan Yin smiled and pinched her pink face: "It's really edible, and I'm fat again."

   "Isn't it good to be fat?" Ning Yue squinted at him and asked, "You still praised me for my hand feeling yesterday."

  It is indeed a lot more comfortable to feel a little fatter, especially her fat is all in the places that should be fat, and the slender places such as waist and legs are still too full to be grasped.

   Xuanyin smiled with his lips curled up: "Of course, I wish you could get fatter." His eyes swept across her plump front.

  Ning Yue glared at him and walked away.

  In the wilderness, there was no scenery to see, Ning Yue was walking lazily, behind her, the cook and maids were busy.

   Walking to a small hill, Ning Yue ran into Xuan Yu, presumably he was also taking a walk, but unlike her laziness, he frowned and his face was cold.

  Ning Yue hesitated for a moment, but still nodded and said hello: "Your Majesty."

  Xuan Yu didn't speak, picked up the sword on the ground and brushed past her.

  Ning Yue sighed, the prince might not be able to see that she was scheming against Guo Yu, but Xuan Yu at least made a rough guess, and in his heart, he felt somewhat resentful towards her.

  It's embarrassing that two people who once liked each other have become like this.

   "What is the princess of the county sighing here?"

   While thinking about it, Sikong Shuo's joking voice came from behind him. Ning Yue frowned, and an image of a snow-white fox wearing a purple robe, lazily squinting and evilly smiling appeared in her mind.

  Ning Yue turned around and looked at him amusedly: "I heard that Mr. Zhong Changshi is sick, why don't you just stay in the tent and come out to blow the cold wind instead?"

  (end of this chapter)

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