Chastity Layman

Chapter 1388 Gou Li Country

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the tea room was stunned.

The person who said this was Wei Yuanzhong, who was also one of the six gentlemen of Xuecheng before, and now he is also walking under the authority of government affairs, but anyone who knows him knows that Wei Yuanzhong studied in the Imperial College and is a well-known assassin. Some people say that he is proud of his talent, But some people say he is frivolous.

However, although Wei Yuanzhong is crazy, he is indeed very talented, and although this person is a student, he usually likes to wear a sword and ride a horse, and he is a knight and a martial artist.

It is said that when the Supreme Emperor was in power, in the name of witchcraft, he abolished the big and small Qin concubines, and the princes and princesses born to the second concubine were all common people, and they were exiled to Fangzhou.

The emperor urged urgency, and the chariots and horses were in a hurry.

Moreover, people were in a state of panic at the time, and there were rumors that Webster had secretly recruited the evil young idlers in the market, intending to pretend to be robbers on the way and block the way to assassinate.

At that time, after Wei Yuanzhong heard the news in Xuecheng, he took the initiative to find some well-known club rangers in Luoyang, and asked them to guard Erqin Concubine and the princes and princesses at his own expense.

Seeing that it was Wei Yuanzhong, a mad student from the Taixue School, those rangers were surprised to hear the intention of coming, but in the end they persuaded him and agreed to go to protect Qin Fei and the others together. Wei Yuanzhong was able to say that it was righteousness for the Qin family to make contributions to the country, and that the Qin family always repays favors and debts, and said that if they are willing to help this time, Qin Lang will definitely thank them for the favor afterwards.

In the end, the rangers and Wei Yuanzhong escorted the concubines of Qin all the way, and the Luoyang hero even acted as a groom himself. With them coming forward as guards, those people bought by the Wei family would have to buy their face in the end, and they had to worry about asking for help after turning their faces. Faced with the great strength of these rangers, the heroes finally stepped forward, gave them gold, and let them leave.

Halfway there, the emperor ordered them to return to Luoyang, and it was Wei Yuanzhong and the heroes who escorted them all the way back to Luoyang.

It can be said that both the Qin family and the new emperor owed Wei Yuanzhong a great favor in this matter.

So now Wei Yuanzhong not only walks in the hall, but has even been summoned by the emperor several times, he is a white man who can often see the emperor.

"Brother Wei, what do you mean by that?"

Wei Yuanzhong held a teacup, "Actually, the person I admire the most in my life is Grand Master Qin, and the second is the newly promoted Hu Guogong and Privy Councilor. However, my generation is a student of the Imperial Supervisor and Eunuch who is favored by the country, and it is even more important to be a member of the imperial court. Think about it. Think about it, the Qin Grand Master today is probably more powerful than Pei Ji in the Wude Dynasty, Fang Du in the early Zhenguan period, and Changsun Wuji in the early Kaiyuan period, right? "

"Even compared to those few, Qin Taishi still has a Luzon. Today, the emperor issued an edict, and Luzon was directly upgraded to a kingdom. Luzon even changed the tax to a tax package, and even the Transshipment Department returned it. Luzon’s private casting rights, etc., isn’t Luzon now a de facto independent kingdom?”

"Look at the Nanyang alliance of Luzon this time, and send troops to Huyue. This level of strength and behavior, have you already overstepped?"

"Look at the current court, Qin Taishi presides over the government, all the affairs of the court are handled by the saints, and although the center is divided into the east and the west, there are Imperial Academy, Yushitai, Transit Department, etc., but you Take a closer look, are the princes in the courtyards of the central government all members of Grand Master Qin? Either his students or his in-laws and old friends, the Qin party is the only one!"

Once upon a time, someone in the court mentioned the Qin Party, but no one mentioned this word for many years.

Now Wei Yuanzhong mentioned it.

"When Changsun Wuji presided over the government, after all, there were people from Shandong who could hold him back. What about now?"

Everyone who spoke these words was in deep thought.

Almost all of these people are brilliant men of the moment, not the kind of young students. Many of them are actually like Di Renjie, who have served in the shogunate or the government. Different, look deeper.

Qin Lang is indeed in an extremely sensitive position now.

It is a fact that the center of the imperial court, and even the key points in the local area, are already full of Qin Lang's people.

"I heard that the grand master said that he would not stay in the court for a long time, and would return to Luzon soon. He has no intention of staying in the center for a long time, let alone governing civil and military affairs." King Luo Bin hesitated.

Wei Yuanzhong shook his head.

He admires Qin Lang, but he supports Datang even more.

"Is it possible?"

"Even at the beginning of Kaiyuan, Qin Lang left Luoyang for fifteen years. However, the Supreme Emperor just showed signs of dealing with Qin Taishi and the Qin family, and then what happened? The National Allied Forces expedition to Puyue, what is the meaning of this, you don't know it?"

"Not to mention, why did the Supreme Emperor become the Supreme Emperor? How did he become the Supreme Emperor today?"

After a few words, everyone fell silent.

Indeed, Qin Lang said that he had no intention of staying in the center, but Qin Lang kept his eyes on the center all the time, and even became more and more powerful. It didn't matter whether he was in the center or not, because many of his disciples were in the center.

And once the emperor wanted to eliminate them, the Xuanwumen Palace Change occurred, and the emperor became the Supreme Emperor.

Who can guarantee that if this continues, will Qin Lang go further in the future?

Or, is he already doing it?

Today's Qin Lang has almost completely controlled the center, and even the key points of local military and political power are in his hands.

Abolishing Li is just a matter of his words.

Ren Chen has reached this point, in fact, it has seriously crossed the line.

"It shouldn't be." Di Renjie frowned.

He was walking under the hall during this time, serving Qin Lang exclusively. Although he didn't talk much, he could still feel that Qin Lang was not the kind of person who had a strong desire for power and control.

Wei Yuanzhong shook his head.

"If when the country's society and the emperor's authority are strict, it depends on the officials' refusal to take it, rather than their inability, I think the country is already in danger!"

He is worried.

"And even I believe in Grand Master Qin in my heart, but think about Cao Cao and Sima Yi. They never conspired against each other until their death, but what about their descendants?"

"Just like the last palace change, Grand Master Qin was far away in Luzon, but Qin Jun raised his arms and shouted, and there were so many guards and horses in the Beimen camp, plus so many guards in the palace, but in the end How many really stand in their way?"

The implication.

Even if Qin Lang doesn't want to usurp the throne and seek rebellion, but the Qin Party is so powerful now, who can guarantee that those people don't want to make a contribution to supporting Conglong? Who can guarantee that these people don't want to be the heroes of the new dynasty?

In other words, who can guarantee that the young and strong three generations of the Qin family like Qin Jun will not think more?

How could the imperial court hope that Qin Lang would be loyal and that he or his son would not reach out to pick the fruit that was within easy reach?

The court should avoid any such possibility, and should let Qin Lang never have a chance to touch, instead of pinning his loyalty on him.

"Perhaps, there have already been some treacherous villains who secretly persuaded the Grand Master to come in."

Wei Yuanzhong's words are undoubtedly unsubstantiated guesses and words of condemnation.

But it is indeed not without wind and waves, but a reasonable reasoning.

He admires Qin Lang, but is more loyal to Datang.

Just like when he desperately went to persuade the rangers in Luoyang to escort Concubine Qin and the others together, he felt that this was something beneficial to the country and should be done.

*********, *****.

This is also a poem by Qin Lang, which Wei Yuanzhong likes very much.

Now the powerful eunuchs and eunuchs have been purged, as well as Wei Xiao and other relatives who are in chaos.

But the power of the government is not in the hands of the emperor, but in the hands of Qin Lang, which makes the young Wei Yuanzhong feel very worried.

"What should we do? Do we want national heroes and veterans of the four dynasties to take the blame and resign? Do we want Duke Qin to return the fiefdom of Lu Song?" Di Renjie asked.

This situation did not happen overnight.

Just like Qin Lang's Lu Song fiefdom, it has gone through three dynasties, and gradually reached the current situation. It was not snatched by Qin Lang's deceit, it was developed by Qin Lang himself overseas, and he had great respect for the court. For great achievements, the Emperor Zhenguan specially rewarded him, and even Lu Song was not a special case.

There are now hundreds of feudal territories, large and small, and they are an integral part of Datang's current title system.

Correspondingly, there are inner world titles, honored territories, real titles, scattered titles, and so on.

This set of things has gone through decades, how can it be changed?

The title of title is meant to be rewarded for meritorious service, so how can someone cross a river and tear down a bridge?

Even if Qin Lang is really willing to return Lu Song now, how dare the court accept it?

This is a major event involving the entire knighthood system, and it is the court's credit. If Luzon is taken back at this time, what is the court's credit?

How to account for the countless meritorious officials who have been granted external titles, internal titles, honored titles, actual titles, and loose titles?

If the imperial court really wanted to do this, the consequences would be more serious than forcing Qin Lang to rebel. This would be digging the foundation of the Tang Dynasty.

Even if the foundation is gone, even if it is a tall building, how can it be preserved?

Di Renjie said, "Actually, I think that Luzon is originally an overseas land, and it is not the old frontier of the Han and Wei Dynasties, and the land newly developed by the Qin family. The holy ancestors designated these overseas lands as foreign feudal territories, so now Luzon is considered an overseas land. Complete self-government, in fact, there is nothing to worry about, you can just treat him as the country of Wa, Linyi, or Chenla."

His implication is that Lu Song is not a problem, but now that Qin Lang has almost completely controlled the government, the key points are all his protégés, this is the most important event that endangers the court and society.

But Changsun Wuji's party had been purged long ago, and the gentry group that was previously supported by the Supreme Emperor to balance with the Military Meritorious Faction was also purged. Now the military merit faction headed by the Qin family has become the dominant family in the court.

"Why don't you submit a letter to the imperial court, requesting the vindication of Changsun Wuji's treason case?" Wei Yuanzhong suggested.

The Guanlong Group has fallen, but if the case of Changsun Wuji can be vindicated by the opportunity, then the Guanlong Group can return to the court, and then unite with the severely injured gentry group, maybe it can barely balance the military faction.

Pei Yan nodded, "I agree."

"How about we contact our classmates separately and write a book for thousands of people?" Lu Zhaolin suggested.

"Okay, it's better to hold another demonstration in Luoyang."


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