Chastity Layman

Chapter 1398

Qin Lang has submitted his third resignation letter.

The emperor still does not allow.

In the political hall.

However, Qin Lang was already making the final arrangements at his own pace. At this time, including him, there were still five prime ministers in the Zhengshitang.

Zhongshu Linglaiji, Shizhong Shangguanyi, Zuopu shot Pei Xingjian, right servant shot Jia Runfu, the four chiefs of the three provinces.

"In the future, the political pens will still be rotated according to the old rules, and they will be changed every day."

"Sanlang, think about it. Even if you really don't intend to stay in the court for a long time, at least you will assist His Majesty in the court for three to five years, right? You are still so young, you are only in your early fifties, don't be in a hurry to return to the fief to enjoy it." Right Pushe Jia Runfu said with a smile.

He is also almost seventy years old, and he is Qin Qiongyuan's brother Jia. Although Qin Lang's mother is not Jia, he has a good relationship with Lao Jia. Lao Jia basically works in the transshipment department. He is good at wealth and taxation, and he was also a planner before.

His hair is half white, but his complexion is still very ruddy.

"If you're old, a bad old man like me should really resign."

He will be seventy next year, and by convention, Tang officials should retire at the age of seventy. However, if the high-ranking officials were in good physical condition, the emperor would also stay in the post. For example, there were several high-lived senior officials in the Tang Dynasty, such as Li Gang, Pei Ju, and Xiao Deyan, all of whom were old monsters who had lived for more than 80 years or even almost 100 years old.

This official is basically until death.

Jia Runfu was promoted by Ji Xiangsheng to the right servant, and he has just taken office, so it is naturally impossible to retire next year.

"Don't talk about this matter anymore. I have made a decision and will not change it."

Qin Lang proposed by-election of three prime ministers into the political affairs hall, so that the political affairs hall will reach seven prime ministers, and maintaining an odd number will also help avoid unresolved disputes.

Lao Jia is the oldest among several prime ministers, so he said unceremoniously at this time, "The Minister of the Ministry of Officials is the head of the six departments. Into the government hall."

Although it is said that the central political system of the Tang Dynasty has changed from the system of three provinces and six ministries in the early Tang Dynasty, under the leadership of Zhongshumen in the transitional period, it is now developing towards a new pattern of two prefectures in the east and the west plus three divisions.

However, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials still used his position to select and confer such an important office on officials, and became an extremely important official in the court.

In the Zhenguan Dynasty, Pu She was often appointed as Minister of the Ministry of Officials to strengthen the prime minister's personnel power.

The control of personnel rights is very important in any era.

Zhongshu ordered Laiji to cough twice, but took the initiative to avoid suspicion.

"The Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Lai Heng, is my own brother. If he enters the political affairs hall as a minister, then I should go out. Brothers cannot be ministers together."

Old Jia said, "What's the matter? You don't avoid your relatives when you are a virtuous person. Remember when you two brothers took the same exam in the same subject, didn't you win the first prize and the second place by your ability? That has been talked about for many years. Now If you brothers are in the same family, this is even more beautiful."

"It's not suitable." Lai Ji shook his head.

It's really not good for two brothers to worship the prime minister together, after all, this is the prime minister, even if the current power of the prime minister is divided and weakened, it is still the prime minister.

Qin Lang thought for a while, "Why don't you let Lai Heng be transferred to the Imperial Academy's Bachelor and Zhizhi?"

"Then who will be the Minister of the Ministry of Officials? Cui Dunli?"

"Cui Dunli is getting old," Qin Lang said honestly.

Old Jia smiled and said, "Cui Dunli is as old as me, hehe."

Qin Lang ignored his words, "Liu Xiangdao, the official censor, is the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, how about adding three ranks under Tong Zhongshu's sect?"

"Liu Xiangdao's father, Liu Linfu, was a member of Zhongshushe when he was in Wude, and he was a servant of the official department at the beginning of Zhenguan. He is famous for his talent." Old Jia said again.

Laiji, Pei Xingjian and Shangguanyi did not object.

Because Liu Xiangdao was also from Qin Lang, Liu Xiangdao's father, Liu Linfu, was the Minister of the Ministry of Officials at the beginning of Zhenguan, but he died of illness in the third year of Zhenguan. Under Qin Lang's sect, at the beginning of Kaiyuan, Qin Lang personally promoted him as a member of Zhongshu Sheren, helping him take the most critical step.

Afterwards, he made great progress, serving as Minister of Zhongshu, Transfer Envoy, Minister of Huangmen, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, and Doctor Yushi.

Whether it is qualifications or talents, it is enough to worship the prime minister.

Minister of the Ministry of Officials is an important position that requires a steady official, and Liu Xiangdao is suitable in all aspects.

Several prime ministers expressed their approval for Liu Xiangdao to enter the political affairs hall, and Qin Lang wrote down the name.

There are two prime ministers remaining, Qin Lang thinks that Zhongshu and the two provinces under his sect will each choose a servant to worship the prime minister.

There are two servants in each of the two provinces.

"Mr. Xu Yu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments, is appointed as the servant of Zhongshu, and Jiatong is the third rank of Zhongshu's sect. How about it?"


Several prime ministers nodded.

Master Xu Yu is the son of Xu Shao, the Duke of Qiao, and he had served as the servant of Huangmen before. Of course, everyone agrees that he should join the Zhengshitang. The most important thing is that he and Shangguanyi, Pei Xingjian, are both classmates of Chonghongguan, and both are students of Qin Lang. Moreover, they were all Jinshi who passed the examination when Qin Lang was the chief executive of the imperial examination.

It was also Qin Lang who promoted Master Xu Yu to be a member of Zhongshushe.

Properly one of my own.

However, when the Supreme Emperor wanted to mess with Qin Lang before, he was also demoted, and it was still done by Xu Jingzong, who had the same surname as Xu. However, for Qin Lang, Master Xu Yu's performance in these years is still good. He is both capable and his own person, so he must be considered excellent.

In this regard, Qin Lang is also selfish.

Even ordinary officials will definitely promote their own people before they retire.

What's more, in order to guarantee the interests of the Qin family, and even the safety of the Qin family, it is of course very important to have a few old disciples of one's own in the court.

Of course, Laiji also welcomes old classmate Xu Yushi to join Zhengshitang as a partner.

"He Chujun is the servant of the Huang family, and the third rank of Jiatong Zhongshu's family?"

"He Chujun is Master Xu Yu's nephew, isn't it suitable?" Lao Jia who said just now that Lai Ji and his brothers are in the same family is a good thing, but now he stands up to object. He knows that Lai Ji and Xu Yu are classmates, so Come up against it yourself.

He Chujun's father married Xu Shao's eldest daughter, and Xu Yushi was Xu Shao's youngest son, so He Chujun, a nephew, was actually the same age as his uncle Xu Yushi. They were promoted by Qin Lang, and they are all students of Qin Lang.

"Then let He Chujun be the imperial censor?"

"It's no problem for the Minister of the Ministry of Officials to move to the Royal Doctor." Lai Ji expressed his opinion, and everyone else agreed. If it weren't for the nephew relationship with Master Xu Yu, He Chujun is actually fully qualified to be the servant of the Huangmen.

He is ten years old and lonely. He knows the etiquette and is eager to learn. When he was studying under Qin Lang's school, he was a top student and a Jinshi in the imperial examination. But when he became an official, he was not that kind of bookworm. He even knew military affairs. He Chujun once served as a military counselor in North Korea, coordinated food and grass, and managed the administration of the newly conquered lands, and he was very orderly.

Several prime ministers also recommended candidates.

Dai Zhou's son Dai Zhide, Sun Chuyue who became a Zhongshusheren in the last years of Zhenguan, Gao Zhizhou, a classmate of Lai Jihe Chujun, and Ma Zai, the son of Ma Zhou, etc.

There is even Yan Liben, Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

Qin Lang thought about it again and again.

"The household envoy Ma Zai moved to the Huangmen servant, and Jiatong Zhongshu's third rank? Dai Zhide is the household envoy, Gao Zhizhou is the minister of the punishment department, Sun Chuyue is the Zhongshu servant, and Zhang Da'an is the Huangmen servant?"

Both General Xin Mao and Ren Yaxiang have passed away, and the other two ministers who were close friends of the Supreme Emperor have been relegated, so there are now vacancies for the four ministers under the Zhongshu sect.

The two servants pay homage to the prime minister, and the two servants are in charge of the affairs of the province.

The discussion has been made.

Qin Lang picked up a pen to write the list.

After he resigns, the Political Affairs Hall will be led by Zhongshu Ling Laiji, serving Zhong Shangguanyi, left servant Pei Xingjian, and right servant Jia Runfu.

Xu Yushi, Minister of Zhongshu, Ma Zai, Minister of Huangmen, and Liu Xiangdao, Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

The first four are added with the title of Pingzhang under Zhongshumen, and the last three are added with the third rank of Zhongshumenxia.

He Chujun served as the official censor, Gao Zhizhou served as Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, Sun Chuyue served as the servant of Zhongshu, Zhang Daan served as the servant of Huangmen, and Dai Zhide served as envoy of the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Basically, the center headed by the Zhengshitang is a center that cannot see the Qin family, but Qin Lang's influence is everywhere.

Zhang Daan is the son of Zhang Gongjin, a hero of Lingyan Pavilion, and Ma Zai is the son of Ma Zhou, the prime minister of Zhenguan.

The others are either my students or my old department.

Qin Lang even gave the six Zhongshu Sheren from Zhongshu Province and the six people from Menxia Province to Shizhong. After discussing with Laiji and them, he readjusted and replaced most of them, basically all of them were himself. A faction of people.

Zhongshu Sheren and Geshizhong are known as prime ministers, and they are very important official positions with real power. Although they are only fifth-rank officials, prime ministers such as Xu Yushi and Laiji have all held this important position.

Even the fifth-rank officials can play an important role in the court, and they can even train prime ministers for the future, train their own people to be prime ministers, and plan for a farther future.

Li Shouzhen, the cardinal of the Political Affairs Hall, copied it quickly, and then gave it to Qin Lang for review.

Qin Lang nodded in satisfaction to the empress dowager, then signed his name and stamped the seal of Zhongshu, "Okay, you can submit it to His Majesty for approval."

"By the way, send my fourth resignation letter up together."

The arrangement is also arranged, it is time to say goodbye.

Stay again, stay here and stay again and become enemies.

After the emperor saw the submitted memorial, he quickly summoned Qin Lang to play the right role and asked to stay again. Qin Lang told the emperor very seriously that he really wanted to go back.

"The grand master can go back to Luzon if he wants, but the official positions are still kept."

Qin Lang shook his head.

"Since you want to retire, you should do it cleanly. There is no need to keep the title of Prime Minister. I am not in Luoyang and do nothing. What do I do with the title of Prime Minister? Isn't it just occupying the latrine and not shitting, and the corpse is a vegetarian meal."

"However, I want to ask the saint for an official title."

"Teacher, please tell me, let alone one title, ten are fine."

"The minister proposed to set up the South China Sea Propaganda and Consolation Commissioner to comfort Nanyang and appease the maritime countries."

The emperor nodded again and again, "The Taishi's suggestion is good, so we will set up a new South China Sea Propaganda Envoy Division, and the Yamen Administration will be located in San Francisco, Luzon, to comfort Nanyang and appease the sea. How about comfort envoy?" The emperor was very happy.

This Nanyang Xuanweisi is basically the ten countries that Qinlang met in the sea last time, including the entire Nanyang and even the Wa kingdom in the East China Sea.

The Xuanweisi Yamen does not have much power in essence, which is different from the imperial court's Duhufu and Dudufu.

But after all, it is the official office and official title set up by the imperial court, so it will be more convenient for Qin Langruo to have this title at the same time, and it will be more convenient for him to deal with the countries in Southeast Asia in the future.

And the wise emperor did not directly confer the post of Nanhai Consolation Envoy to Qin Lang, but the King of Luzon, the Governor of Luzon, and Nanyang Consolation Envoy. It has been handed over to the Qin family in Lusong for generations, which is equivalent to a position of secular seal.

The Nanyang Consolation Envoy Division is located in San Francisco, Luzon, and the Consolation Envoy is also led by the Luzon Metropolitan Governor.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Qin Lang was a little surprised, but sincerely thanked him. Although this is only a pheasant official title, Qin Lang attached great importance to it.

Given the situation in Nanyang, it is impossible for the imperial court to set up a Nanyang Metropolitan Protectorate, let alone a Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, so such a consolation envoy is more suitable.

Originally, there was no subordinate relationship between Luzon and the Southeast Asian countries, and everyone was equal. Qin Lang pulled everyone to form an alliance and cooperate together. But with this comfort envoy and the title of comfort envoy, it will be obviously different in the future.

The difference is still interesting.

The emperor may not understand, but for the young emperor, these are not the key points now, and even Qin Lang's wholehearted desire to manage Lu Song is not a problem for the emperor.

Before the young emperor faced the task of securing his throne, the next step was to consider how to increase the real power in his hands, so the emperor didn't care about the distant overseas land of Luzon. As for the more distant Nanyang countries, I don't even bother to pay attention to them.

Grand Master Qin Lang wants it, so give it to him. If Qin Lang leaves Luoyang happily, it is very worthwhile.

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