Chastity Layman

Chapter 427 Thousand Households

"Sanlang, the batch of Dahei Niu is good. They are hard goods. If you just process them and send them back to Chang'an Luoyang, they will make people steal their heads. You can make a lot of money by reselling them. If you sell them yourself, you can earn even more. .”

Ah Huang went to receive the carts of Hei Niu's stuff, and when he came back, he praised them greatly. They are indeed the best things in the bottom of the box from other tribes, and they are exquisite products that match each other.

Qin Lang played with the dog's head gold that weighed more than ten catties in his hand. It was so golden that it really looked like a dog's head, and he couldn't hold it with one hand.

Da Hei Niu said it was picked up in the ditch behind the mountain in their stockade.

Qin Lang knew what this meant. It meant that there was a large gold mine near Da Hei Niu's village, and it must be a shallow gold mine, and it was also very rich.

Da Hei Niu offered this precious dog's head gold to Qin Lang, and of course he was not aware of this. In fact, Da Hei Niu wanted to cooperate with Qin Lang to develop this gold mine. After dealing with Qin Lang for a while, he felt that Qin Lang was easier to talk to than Li Xizhi. Li Xizhi is a nice person, but sometimes he is a little roundabout.

As for Cao Wuzheng, he is a greedy guy with no integrity.

Qin Lang gave him a different feeling. His status was honorable. He was young but smart. The longer he got along with him, the more he felt that he was a good friend. He wouldn't talk about big things with you, and he wouldn't talk about China, Han and barbarians. Qin Lang I like to talk about interests and interests. He will not only consider his own interests from his own point of view, but will also consider their interests from the point of view of Da Hei Niu and others.

It is of course the best to cooperate with such a person, hello, hello, hello everyone.

As the leader of the Shan Man, Da Hei Niu will not only be afraid of power, but after weighing it, he feels that Qin Lang is a good person and has a good attitude towards them, protecting their interests. In this case, Da Hei Niu is not stupid, of course he is willing to give Qin Lang face.

The market is becoming more and more lively. As the leader, Da Hei Niu has fully enjoyed the convenience and benefits of the market opening to the foot of the tribe's mountain. At the same time, he also saw the huge benefits brought by some tribes starting to cooperate with Qin Lang in mining. benefit.

The family guards a big gold mine, so of course they are not willing to be lonely.

In the past, limited to mining technology, Dahei Niu Village could only use the most primitive method to mine gold mines, which was not efficient, and did not dare to mine on a large scale for fear of attracting the government.

It's different now. Qin Lang is more particular. The big black bull is not worried that he will snatch his gold mine. Anyway, it is becoming more and more difficult to mine gold by primitive means. He needs a reliable man like Qin Lang. A partner needs his technology and his power to rely on.

Hei Niu is very straightforward.

The condition put forward was that Qin Lang would provide the technology, they would provide the manpower, and the mined gold would be added to five, and one person would get half of it.

Qin Lang also liked Da Hei Niu's honesty and straightforwardness. If others had such a large gold mine in their hands, they would definitely not say so easily, let alone mention such cooperation conditions.

Of course, if Da Hei Niu dared to discuss cooperation with someone like Cao Wuzheng, it is estimated that he would be swallowed up in the end.

The foundation of cooperation is trust.

Da Hei Niu now trusts Qin Lang more, and Qin Lang also thinks Da Hei Niu is a trustworthy partner.

The Qin family is not engaged in related mineral mining, but gold mining is actually not an advanced technology. With Qin Lang's status, he can quickly get a professional gold mining team from the Central Plains, and get a group of veterans to be in charge of technology. Guidance, and even the preliminary processing of gold.

Now the imperial court can't help mining minerals privately, but it has also strengthened management. Whoever discovers minerals, of course has the right to mine, but also needs to apply for a license from the imperial court and pay a certain tax. In addition, for the mined minerals, the imperial court will levy mining tax and directly classify minerals.

If the mineral income after taxation is an important national strategic material, such as copper and iron, the imperial court will implement unified collection and purchase, at least 90% of which will be sold to the imperial court at the market unified purchase price, and then allocated and sold by the imperial court. , and the remaining 10% can be directly sold freely.

These reforms are all aimed at strengthening the imperial government's control over mining resources, increasing fiscal revenue through the mining department, and unified purchasing can ensure the imperial court's right to prepare and control these important mineral resources.

As before, the imperial court could not help mining privately, and there was no mining class, which led to chaos in copper mining. On the one hand, there was a large amount of copper mining, and on the other hand, the imperial copper shortage led to a money shortage. But on the other hand, a large amount of copper materials flowed into the copperware market, and even flowed overseas.

Now the imperial court has strengthened this area of ​​management, and you can continue mining as you please, but the copper you mine has to flow into the imperial copper warehouse, and the imperial court allocates what is needed in the market.

Under this new policy, of course they own the mining rights to the gold mines in the back mountain of Dahei Niu Village, and they are still in a barbaric area outside the actual control of Zhengzhou, so their actual mining rights are even more uncontroversial .

If they mine secretly, they don't even have to pay taxes.

Of course, if Da Hei Niu wants to be more formal and cooperate with Qin Lang, he can actually easily obtain a mining license and pay a small amount of mining fees.

After mining, it is actually negotiable whether to pay the mining course or not, and it doesn’t matter much whether it is unified or not. After all, the imperial government’s unified purchase is actually set according to the market price, not robbery.

Moreover, gold is different from copper and iron. Although gold and silver are valuable, they are not included in the list of strategically controlled materials by the imperial court. Gold and silver mining only needs to pay 20% of the tax and 1% of the mining tax. The gold and silver obtained from mining is good, and the rest can be freely sold on the market.

They can even be processed into gold and silver wares by themselves, and even weighed gold and silver ingots, etc., but it is not allowed to imitate the gold and silver coins issued by the imperial court.

Of course, the Qin family is the major shareholder of the East Palace Guardian Bank, and the Guardian Bank has a special gold and silver coin factory that can mint and issue Guardian Bank gold and silver coins, which are issued according to the standard of gold and silver coins formulated by the imperial court, and a certain amount of seigniorage is required to be paid to the imperial court. .

In addition, the Qin family also has its own bank. Although it is still small in scale, as long as there is gold, is it afraid that it will not be used?

Although Dahei Niu has such things as ivory, rhino horn, tiger and leopard skin, they are not goods with a steady stream of energy after all, and high-standard good things are hard to come by.

But a large gold mine, with luck, can be dug for decades or even a hundred or two hundred years.

With money, Da Hei Niu and the others can of course buy and buy in the market and live a good life. Although they can now sell their own cattle and hunted game through the market, it is not as fast as digging for gold.

Da Hei Niu was willing to take the initiative to ask for cooperation, Qin Lang was very happy.

A few days later, I deliberately took my army and ran for more than 200 miles to the Yuechengling Mountains, and found the tribe of Da Hei Niu.

On the mountain where the clouds and mists are looming, the wooden houses are in a patchwork pattern, forming a beautiful cottage. The scenery on the mountain is very good, but it is also quite dangerous, especially the last section of the road. You have to climb a steep cliff that is two miles long before you arrive On a flat hilltop.

It is simply a cliff village.

It is really easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The mounts stayed at the bottom of the mountain, and everyone climbed the mountain on foot. At the last section of the cliff, they had to climb up the mountain with rattan ladders with hands and feet, which was almost vertical.

The villagers at the foot of the mountain blew the buffalo horn, and the humming sound echoed through the mountains.

Soon a bronze drum sounded from the foot of the mountain in response.

When Qin Lang and the others finally climbed to the top of the mountain, they found that in an open square, Da Hei Niu had already led many villagers to greet him.

There are even a group of young Manzhai girls who have already dressed up, wearing silver ornaments on their heads and brightly colored brocade clothes, singing and dancing.

The big black cow enthusiastically came up to greet him.

"You are really dangerous here!" Qin Lang praised.

Da Hei Niu proudly declared that in the past thousands of years, their village has been standing still because of this danger. How many times the enemy tribes came to attack, or the government came to suppress them, they only need to cut down the rattan ladder, and the other party will be defeated. There is nothing to do. And there is still a lot of land on this mountain, with springs and mountain fields, and you can also raise cattle, pigs, chickens and fish, even if you persist for a few years, it will be no problem.

Except that there is no salt and no iron on this mountain, there is everything else.

In order to welcome Qin Lang's distinguished guests, the village has already been enthusiastically slaughtering cattle and pigs.

One hundred cows, two hundred pigs and thousands of chickens and ducks were slaughtered in one go.

This scene made Qin Lang dumbfounded. Hei Niu's stockade is considered large, with about a thousand households, and it can be called the largest stockade in this area with a radius of hundreds of miles. However, this kind of grandeur still surprised him. stay.

The cattle were slaughtered at the foot of the mountain, and then the villagers brought them up one by one in baskets. The meat of tens of catties per leg seemed to be no burden at all for them, and they climbed up the steep rattan ladder like walking on the ground.

Dozens of cauldrons were set up on the big drying ground in front of the village. The women boiled water, and the men scalded and removed their fur with water. They roasted the shaved cows and pigs on the fire until they were golden brown and slightly charred, and then cut them into pieces. Into a few catties of large pieces, thrown directly into the pot stew.

Add some of their special mountain herbs, fragrant leaves, etc., stew like this, and finally put some salt out of the pot.

The winding village road in the village is covered with pine needles, and broad banana leaves are spread on the pine needles. The freshly baked large pieces of meat, including the belt bones, are spread on the banana leaves all the way.

There are piles of beef, piles of pork, and roasted whole chickens and ducks that are dripping with oil.

All the elderly, women and children in the village had smiles on their faces. Although many of them looked dirty, and many of them were barefoot and barebacked, with missing teeth, they were all smiling at the moment.

At this moment, there are no barbarians or Han people on the mountain, but only enthusiastic hosts and guests from afar.

There were no tables, chairs, or dishes. Everyone, men, women, old and young, took out a small knife and sat cross-legged on the pine needles.

"Please, Mr. Wei!"

Da Hei Niu originally asked Qin Lang to prepare a tiger skin blanket and a few cases, but Qin Lang refused.

He also sat on the pine needles directly, and asked Ah Huang and others who were accompanying him to also sit down directly.

"As you please, we respect the traditions of your tribe, and I think it's very lively and delicious to eat."

These words made Da Hei Niu and others extremely happy.

"Ah Huang, bring up the wine we brought and dedicate it to our enthusiastic friends on the mountain!"

A jar of wine was opened, and the aroma of the wine overflowed.

The barbarians sniffed their noses one by one, their eyes shining brightly.

The knife cuts off a large piece of meat, the mouth is full of oil, and then the mellow and intoxicating wine is served. At this moment, the mountain breeze is really gentle, and the wine is intoxicating.

"Wei Gong, please, feel free to eat as much as you want, if it is not enough, I will have another hundred cows killed!"

Qin Lang hurriedly stopped the slightly drunk Da Hei Niu. These thousands of people killed one hundred cows, two hundred pigs, and thousands of chickens and ducks for one meal. Really simple, this is really willing to eat.

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