Chastity Layman

Chapter 768 Do, do whatever you want

"Uncle Niu, I have troubled you."

In Beisha City, Qin Lang accepted the order, turned his head and apologized to Niu Jinda. Lao Niu looked indifferent, "I'm tired of staying in Youzhou for six years. It's good to move to another place. It's close to the sea, and you can often eat seafood. Besides, isn't my product still the same?" The champion general, he hasn’t been demoted yet, and he’s still at the third rank.”

The person who came to announce the decree was Cui Dunli, the minister of the Ministry of War. Looking at his cheap nephew Qin Lang, he didn't know what to say. Anyway, he hadn't understood this guy in these years, and he was either dying or on his way to death. If you go out of Beijing to patrol the province to watch the wind, you can patrol well, and you have to make troubles halfway.

It's okay, what kind of Goguryeo are you fighting, to show off your skills or something, so what if you attacked Beishajian City with thousands of people, isn't it useless but guilty?

"Is it worth it, do you regret it?"

Qin Lang chuckled, "My Uncle Niu doesn't regret it, what do I regret."

After five worships and five dismissals of the prime minister in six years, Qin Lang has successfully caught up with Xiao Yu, and has already tied for first place in the matter of entering and exiting the Zhengshitang. This time even this product was downgraded by one level, but the result was still stubborn.

Patting his buttocks, Qin Lang laughed, "Since the sage sent Uncle Cui to negotiate peace, then I have nothing to do here. I will leave Beisha City to Uncle Niu."

Cui Dunli also had a helpless expression on his face. This bad job fell on his head, and his hair turned gray from worry along the way. The emperor's attitude was very clear. The Goguryeo officials detained by Quangai Suwen and others can be released, but Beisha City cannot be returned.

The task given to Cui Dunli was to get Goguryeo to admit the status quo, and to cede Beisha City to Datang no matter what method was used, whether it was threats or lures. This is the key point, and he can handle the rest by himself.

Qin Lang didn't intend to stay any longer, it was Cui Dunli's business to negotiate, but Datang now had the upper hand, and with such a strong strength, the Goguryeo people couldn't make waves. Although Datang is a bit of a rascal, there are still five rascals in later generations.

The strong are respected, and the strong can really do whatever they want. There is no such thing as a treat for dinner between countries, and they will never be kind when they have the opportunity.

On the same day, Qin Lang greeted Yuan Gai Suwen in Beisha City, treated him to a meal, and then left. Qin Lang introduced Cui Dunli and Lao Niu to Yuan Gai Suwen, and then Yuan Gai Suwen would have to stay in Beisha City for a while, and he would not let them go until the court reached a negotiation with the Goguryeo people. They are also an important bargaining chip in Datang's hands now. Although Wei Zheng and others shouted loudly that they should be released immediately, the emperor ignored them at all.

Sit on the fighting ship and lead the fleet back to Changxing Island first.

At this time, the Bohai Sea finally thawed and the sea was opened, and the fishermen were busy repairing boats and mending nets to go fishing. Before the court's order was issued, Qin Lang did not let the fleet idle during this period. Driving the boat to sweep the islands off the coast of southern Liaoning, large and small islands, under the attack of these fleets, they became completely isolated islands.

Although there were still ships of the Goguryeo people, they fled to the Yalu River a long time ago, and none of the ships dared to stay behind.

The Koguryo fishermen and common people on the island were very rudely ordered by Qin Lang to send all the captives to Changxing Island and then auction them off there.

Before and after, Qin Lang arrested more than 50,000 Goguryeo people and sold them on Changxing Island, which made the merchants gather here, which was extremely popular.

Qin Lang asked Lao Huang to sell these slaves as soon as possible, and sold them in batches at wholesale prices, just to get the money as soon as possible.

Part of the money he got was given priority to the pensions for the war dead and injured. Qin Lang gave a very high amount, far higher than the court's pension standard.

Then, rewards were directly distributed to the soldiers, those who had meritorious service were rewarded heavily, and those who did not have meritorious service were also rewarded for their hard work.

At first, everyone was still a little bit worried, but they were relieved to see that Qin Lang was only downgraded and exempted from appearance. The generous rewards that were handed out made everyone laugh from ear to ear.

For the rest of the money, Qin Lang directly placed orders with various shipyards to buy ships and refit them...

Cheng Chumo has been promoted, promoted to the rank of the fourth-rank general, and can be promoted to the rank of the third-rank relatives. In the battle of Beisha, Qin Lang and Lao Niu were both demoted, but everyone else was promoted. Ordinary soldiers were all honored Second turn.

For the emperor and the imperial court, the Battle of Beisha was very beautiful. These soldiers performed commendably and should be rewarded.

Niu Jianhu, Yuchi Baolin and other high-ranking officials have all been promoted, or recorded honors, or increased ranks, or promoted. Even Li Zhen, who had just joined the Qinlang shogunate not long ago, was promoted by one level and became a senior official. From the ninth grade.

Cui Dunli also brought a private letter from the emperor to Qin Lang, in which the emperor directly scolded Qin Lang for a few pages, but later approved Qin Lang's idea of ​​intervening to suppress Goguryeo. At the same time, the emperor was also very satisfied with the fighting ability of Qin Lang's new navy, and said that for the time being, the two thousand people Qin Lang fought in Beisha would be directly incorporated into the navy. Four thousand people were added to him.

These 6,000 people formed the Datang Navy, which was divided into two fleets, the East China Sea and the South China Sea. Qin Lang was the prime minister to supervise the Navy's strategic envoy.

The specific military affairs were handled by Governor Qin Lang. Prince Zuowei led the Brigade Army Zhonglang General Cheng Chuzhen inspected the school and supervised the defense envoy of the East China Sea Division, and Zuo Yulin Army Qianqi Battalion Zuo Lang General Niu Jianhu inspected the school and supervised the Nanhai Division Defense Envoy.

The two warships that performed meritorious service were named Dingyuan and Zhenyuan respectively by the emperor. Dingyuan was the flagship of the East China Sea Division, and Zhenyuan was the flagship of the South China Sea Division.

The four scorpions were also given the names of Zhendong, Xizhen, Nanzhenbei respectively.

Because the Navy was just built and has not yet taken shape, Qin Lang and Cheng Chumo Niu Jianhu are all temporary missions. This is a temporary job with no grade. When the Navy takes shape in the future, there will definitely be formal posts Official setting.

Although there is no rank, the two are still very excited to serve as admirals in their own positions.

"When will the new ship arrive?" Both of them couldn't wait, because there were still few ships.

"The second batch of ordered and refitted ships has arrived at Yangzhou Port, and we will receive them when we go south."

The second batch of ships is also similar to the first batch. They are mainly fighting ships, boats, boats, and yachts.

Qin Lang has already begun to let the shipyard design a batch of new naval battleships according to his requirements. At that time, there will be more advanced battleships than cruisers such as battleships. The new battleships will have special guns. Equipped with more than ten magical machine guns, mortars will also be installed on the bow and stern, and equipped with fierce oil tanks, a Tang version of Greek fire.

According to the plan, each of the two naval fleets will have at least four battleships like the Shenji Ship, at least twelve cruisers like the Fighting Ship, and more than 20 destroyers and frigates like the Goliath and the Zouge. Armed transport ships, communication speedboats, etc., can form absolute command of the sea at sea.

And each navy will also prepare a marine corps, so that the navy can not be able to cross the sea, and also has land combat capabilities such as long-range projection and maneuvering interspersed.

The combination of water and land, maneuvering of warships, and assault on land, these are the combat ideas Qin Lang designed for the Datang Navy.

Changxing Island.

Qin Lang picked up Lao Huang and Anong, and everyone held a celebration banquet on the island, announcing the promotion orders of the soldiers, and then handing out reward money.

The rewards given by the imperial court are not too much, but what Qin Lang gave here was generous. After selling tens of thousands of captives, there was still a lot left over to buy the boats and settle down for the new soldiers. Qin Lang directly All the rewards were given to the people.

This has always been his habit, everyone and his family went through life and death, and he never treated everyone badly. Usually he has very strict military regulations, but the rewards have always been generous, and he will be rewarded for meritorious service.

There is no hesitation on the battlefield, and you have to dare to fight when you are fighting. After the war, Qin Lang would never wrong everyone. Those who have merit will be judged, and those who have no merit will be favored.

The boundary between the East China Sea Navy and the South China Sea Navy is temporarily bounded by the mouth of the Yangtze River. The East China Sea Navy's defense area is north of the Yangtze River, and the South China Sea Navy's defense area is south of the Yangtze River.

But now, Qin Lang wants to take all the people and ships to the south first, receive government soldiers and sailors assigned by the imperial court along the way, go to the shipyard to receive new ships, receive new equipment, go south along the coast, encircle and suppress pirates, and conduct sailing training.

This would also be to support Qin Langnan, especially the land of Annan in the south of the Lingnan, where there are still many barbarian kings and chieftains, and there are no soldiers and horses, so words may not be effective.

"I'm really reluctant to leave so soon. I still want to show my skills in Liaodong, and even sail the warship into the Liaohe River to fight all the way to Liaodong City. Maybe I will take a chance. And can we take Liaodong City?" Niu Jianhu was holding a young cuttlefish in his hand, and he swallowed it until it exploded, making his mouth full of black juice, Qin Lang shook his head as he watched.

"Just our few boats going to the upper reaches of the Liaohe River, that's a little overkill. What matters in a war is timing and cooperation. Liaodong City is not Beisha City. Beisha City is on the seashore. We come whenever we want. Run as you want. Although the Liaohe River is wide, there are many big Goguryeo cities such as Jian'an and Anshi along the banks of the river. If we drive in rashly, if someone stops behind us, we will become a turtle in a urn."

"Also, no matter how good a strategy is, it can't be done again. Goguryeo people are not fools. They will be prepared after using it once."

Cheng Chumo was eating oysters. With a pry of a knife, a piece of fat oyster meat fell out. He threw it into his mouth without barking and ate it raw. He didn't even know how to eat oysters with vermicelli in Furong. How boring, if we want to fight, we will drive directly to the city of Pyongyang, and come to a real attack on the enemy's hole. If there are brothers from the Shenjiying Camp, we will use the sky fire god thunder to blast open the damn Pyongyang city wall, and attack Pyongyang city at night. I heard The King of Goguryeo built a palace, which was modeled after our Taiji Palace, named Chang'an Palace, we will go in and capture the King of Goguryeo alive, and present him as a prisoner!"

Listening to their bragging about not making drafts, Qin Lang laughed, and continued to eat his own big crabs. Cheng Chu Mo Niu Jianhu and the others didn't like to eat them. They thought they had no meat, but they didn't understand the deliciousness of crabs.

It is not so easy to capture the king of the enemy country alive. In the past, Hu'er also attacked Pyongyang, but he was caught in a trick to lure the enemy and was ambushed in Pyongyang City. As a result, the Sui army was busy looting after entering the city, but he was closed and beaten. However, the ten stops went to the nine stops, and tens of thousands of horses were almost wiped out.

"If you really want to capture the king so much, I think of a place where I can take you around. Maybe there is a chance to flatten the king's city and capture its king!"

"Where, it's not the country of Wa?"

"The queen of the Japanese kingdom is not easy to capture." Qin Lang shook his head.

"Is that Baekje?"

"It's even more impossible for the King of Baekje!"


"The Queen of Silla was established by our Tang Dynasty, how is that possible?"

"where is that?"

Qin Lang chuckled, "It's on the sea, do you want to go?"

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