Perfect plane,


"Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit, she's still alive?"

When Liu Shen completely let go of his breath, all the powerhouses in the entire immortal realm were alarmed, especially Ao Sheng, Taichu, and Yuan Shi were the most frightened!

You must know that the three of them secretly attacked during the critical period of Liu Shen's nirvana, but they saw Liu Shen's "soul annihilation" with their own eyes, and now how long has it been, Liu Shen has not only returned, but also has a more amazing momentum than in the past, which is really unimaginable!

"Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit, that is the supreme giant of the Immortal Ancient Era, how could he suddenly reappear in the world?"

"It is rumored that at the end of the Immortal Gu Dynasty, Liu Shen entered the foreign land alone, nine in and nine out, so that many strong people in the foreign land still dare not call him by his name!"

"Then why haven't we heard of such a story before?"

"The reason is very simple, the original strong of the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands are not as good as the foreign land, and there are spies inside who are betrayed, even the willow god can't turn the tide, and finally he is lonely, and these glorious deeds are also sealed in history!"

"Especially now that there are more traitors in the fairy realm, when Liu Shen was reborn in Nirvana in the past, he was attacked by Ao Sheng and almost fell again, this time he came to clean up the portal!"

"Including the sin blood in the prison of the Eight Domains of the Nether, in fact, it is also the descendants of the seven immortal kings who guarded the border wilderness in the past, and after losing support, they still fought with the foreign lands for countless years and sacrificed their lives, but they were slandered as sin blood by a group of villains who were greedy for life and afraid of death, and their descendants were also degraded to the Nether!"

"There are also Kunpeng and others in the past, who were also secretly attacked and plotted by their own people, and they are really wronged!"

"This is too outrageous, right, someone can't make it up to slander the Immortal King?"

"Slander a ghost, if you look at the usual style of the people of the three clans of Ao Sheng, you can understand how they can be good things?"

"Everything has been done, no matter how much you say, what can really determine the future of the fairy realm is to see who can win today!"

The monks of all ethnic groups exchanged their heads and ears, and their expressions were full of surprise.

Those who can persist until now in the midst of countless killings and deceit are not animals without brains, and naturally understand that these "ancient deeds" that have only recently spread suddenly are likely to be the truth!

But in the immortal realm, heroes have always been judged by strength and weakness, and there has always been no shortage of people who are dissatisfied with the three immortal kings of Ao Sheng, but it is still these three clans that are high, which can explain the reason very well!

"We could have killed you in the past, and we can kill you again today!"

"This time, 950 must make you look like you!"

With the primordial power of Ao Sheng and the others, everyone's whispers couldn't hide from them at all, and while they were angry in their hearts, they were also secretly a little vigilant.

Even if they were careless before, they were able to spread a lot of truth to all the races in the fairy realm before they realized it, which showed that Liu Shen this time was definitely not alone.

"Could it be that old guy from Panwang?"

The Taishi Immortal King said with a frown.

"That old guy doesn't have the guts!"

The Yuan Chu Immortal King sneered and said, "No matter what else, as long as you kill the Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit again and completely cut off its resurrection chance, everything will be back on track!"


Ao Sheng Immortal King nodded, and the violent murderous aura spread, and the figure had already rushed into the void!

After living for countless years, Ao Sheng understands very well that no words have the strength to come!

Even if the weak are unwilling, in order to survive, in front of the strong, they can only bow down and beg!


In an instant, countless stars burst above the head of Ao Sheng Immortal King, turning into dust, and then recombined into a world of stars, which was about to suck the willow god into it and refine the divine soul together!


Liu Shen's face was indifferent, and countless emerald green wicker branches and leaves appeared in the void, and with a slight sweep, he crushed the countless stars of Ao Sheng Immortal King into powder, and by the way, intertwined into a peculiar formation, trapping Ao Sheng Immortal King in it!




Ao Sheng Immortal King became more and more furious, his hands clapped continuously, and countless flames, thunder, and sword qi raged across the world, about to shatter the small world built of the surrounding wicker.

After cultivating to the realm of the Immortal King, the control of the origin of the law and the chain of order has reached a very high realm, and with a wave of his hand and foot, he has the power to destroy and create a heaven and earth!


The seemingly weak and slender wicker, under the attack of Ao Sheng Immortal King's various magical powers, has never been destroyed, even if it is occasionally bent, but it is instead gathering momentum to absorb and superimpose the power, but it kills Ao Sheng King even more embarrassed!


Countless creations and destructions circulate, reincarnation and the laws of time and space change, and countless chains of order gods interweave (ADCJ) billions of rays of light, making the entire fairy realm seem to have entered a strange state of light in the opening period!


It seems that countless years have passed, but in fact, after a moment of symphony, Ao Sheng Immortal King forcibly tore a small crack in the wicker world in embarrassment, but his entire body suddenly exploded and directly decomposed into countless pieces!


After a terrible cry of pain, the fragments exploded by the Ao Sheng Immortal King were restored again, and his face turned pale!

"Let's get on it!"

"She's at least the strength of an immortal king giant now!"

Looking at the two immortal kings of Taishi and Yuan Chu who were still in a daze, Ao Sheng Immortal King said anxiously.

"This ancestral sacrifice spirit, the Willow Immortal King, is also too strong, right?"

"Ao Sheng is the top powerhouse among the immortal kings, and he was hit hard in just one round, and he almost died!"

"It is rumored that above the top immortal king, there are also immortal king giants, supreme giants and other realms, and the name of the top is just sitting in a well and watching the sky!"

"The Immortal Realm and the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, is it really going to change the heavens today?"

"It's hard to say, although Ao Sheng was defeated, there are three of them, three against one, and there are countless years of accumulation, even if Liu Shenxiu is stronger, he may not be able to have the last laugh!"

"It's a pity, these immortal kings are powerful, if they can unite as one, even if they are in a foreign land, what are they afraid of?"

"If you want to betray, Ao Sheng and the three of them will attack their own people first, if you don't get rid of such a scourge, how can you join forces to fight the enemy!"

"That is, although the power of the foreign land has not officially entered the immortal realm now, but the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, if the nine heavens and ten earths really fall, how can the immortal realm be alone?"

"If Liu Shen can really kill the three supreme immortal kings by himself, it will also be an increase in the power of the immortal realm!"

"Have you noticed a strange thing, the two immortal kings are fighting like this, and we haven't been affected much!"

"I guess it's because the battle just now was concentrated in a small world made of wicker!"

"This Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit Master is really as merciful as the legend!"

Looking at the blood of Ao Sheng Immortal King scattered in the void, many powerhouses watching the battle were all dumbfounded, and the balance in their hearts was gradually tilting.

"This guy's heart-attacking arrangement is really effective!"

Liu Shen, who sees everything in his eyes, is also secretly admired in his heart,

With her original style, if she wants revenge, she will directly kill the door, and lead the three immortal kings directly to the barren area to kill, but it is far from the effect it has now!

At this time,




After a short discussion, the two immortal kings of Taishi and Yuan Chu also understood the difficulty of the situation, and united with the forcibly recovered Ao Sheng Immortal King, and the three of them performed their mastery together and came towards the siege of Liushen!

Countless stars swirled, the Order Divine Chain roared and roared, and the dazzling light of the law directly obscured everything, annihilating the darkness, breaking through the chaos, and making the entire universe tremble!


In the face of the joint siege of the three supreme immortal kings who vowed to destroy everything, the willow god was still calm, the crystal jade hand waved weakly, and countless verdant willow branches and leaves that exuded vitality spread out, opening up a new world in the brilliant light cluster in an instant!


The willow leaves in the sky directly completely enveloped the whole world, even if Ao Sheng and the three of them could forcibly break through a passage with their supernatural powers, they were quickly surrounded by more willow leaves, and their bodies were constantly delayed and stagnated, and even the dazzling light cluster was also dimmed a lot under the brilliance of the willow leaves!

"What kind of supernatural power is this?"

"Even our attacks can be absorbed!"

"Quick, retreat together, otherwise we will be wrapped in this endless willow leaf, and we will really be trapped to death!"

Looking at the increasingly narrow space, the three immortal kings of Ao Sheng and Taishi Yuanchu were all in a hurry, and they tried all kinds of methods, but they could only watch themselves being squeezed and surrounded by a little bit!

"What a terrible supernatural power!"

"It's not a realm existence at all!"

"As we all know, siege is more difficult than killing, and the realm of the ancestral sacrifice spirit is even higher than we imagined!"

"Liu Shen should act like this in order to better control the battlefield and avoid us being destroyed by the aftermath!"

"Thank you, Lord Yanagami!"

Looking at the three Ao Sheng who were screaming bitterly, but could not escape the situation of being besieged step by step, and were covered in bruises, everyone in the fairy realm was even more shocked and frightened.

You must know that just a moment ago, the three immortal kings of Ao Sheng, in their minds, were still synonymous with invincibility, tyrant supreme who dared to be angry but did not dare to speak!

However, now, these three supreme immortal kings of the Mighty Immortal Realm for countless years can't even get close in front of Liu Shen, and they are completely in a situation of being kneaded!

In the past, such a situation usually appeared when the immortal king had a great realm of crushing the true immortal!


After being pierced by the wicker branches and leaves countless times to protect the body divine light, Ao Sheng and the three of them were already injured, and the space was compressed to the point where it was extremely difficult to move, and they understood that it had reached the last moment!


The Immortal King of the Yuan Dynasty gritted his teeth, and directly sacrificed the last hole card, which originated in the opening period of the world, and was condensed by the runes of the most original avenue, known as the immortal light that is unbreakable!

"Light will always be on my body!"

Ao Sheng Immortal King recited the scriptures in his mouth, pinched the magic trick in his hand, and the entire body directly disintegrated, turning into Dao runes, swept into a tsunami of the Order Divine Chain, and rushed wildly towards the Willow Leaf World!

"Ao Sheng, you're crazy!"

The Taishi Immortal King was shocked,

You must know that the reason why the Immortal King is so difficult to kill is that the recovery power is extremely strong, and a little body can be restored to the original state!

However, now, Ao Sheng is "sacrificing" his entire body and all the essence and blood together, and he has made a slight mistake, that is, he has been completely assimilated by the Great Dao and has become a "lonely soul and wild ghost"!

"If you don't work hard, are you waiting to be suppressed and sealed!"

Ao Sheng Immortal King roared angrily, and the waves raged even more, washing down pieces of wicker and rushing away!


The Taishi Immortal King also understood, and brandished his weapon to burst out with the strongest power!


After a long time,

Looking at the sea of willow leaves that was still recovering faster than being destroyed by them, as well as the body that was getting more and more damaged and recovering more and more slowly, Ao Sheng and the three couldn't help but show despair!

In this strange willow leaf world, even they are difficult to absorb the origin of the law, relying on their own strength, every time they recover, they will consume a lot, and now they are close to running out of oil.

"What are you afraid of, we are all supreme immortal kings, far better than immortal and immortal, even if the physical body is destroyed, there is still a chance to make a comeback!"

The Yuan Chu Immortal King tried for a long time, but he was never able to recall the Kaitian Immortal Light who was besieged by countless wickers, and gritted his teeth and said ruthlessly.


Liu Shen smiled indifferently, and countless life and destruction breaths emerged, interweaving a strange mixed element vortex, and then devouring the three of them's primordial gods together!

"What kind of strange space is this, even we can't move!"

"No, our Yuan Shen is being dissolved, although the speed is not fast, but it is indeed irreversibly reduced!"

"She's going to refine us!"

"Willow God spares his life!"

"We are also instigated by others for our past mistakes, and we are willing to atone for our sins for countless years!"

"Now that the foreign army is coming, there are countless immortal kings, even if you are invincible in the willow god, you are invincible with two fists and four hands, and it is still of great use to keep us!"

Ao Sheng and the three of them went from being frightened to pleading, and then to despair after no response, they could only watch themselves being refined little by little!

"Three supreme immortal kings, this is gone?"

"It's too rebellious, isn't it?"

"It is worthy of being a powerhouse in the Immortal Ancient Era, terrifying!"

"Everyone, not only the Immortal Domain, but also the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and other areas have also been crushed by a force of the Martial Dao Divine Temple that has broken through, not only many sect masters, but even the Bronze Immortal Hall and the remnant immortals in it have been suppressed by the women of the Seven Extreme Dao Supreme Realm!"

The people in the Immortal Realm were even more dumbfounded, and many people simply knelt down and began to pray.

At this time,

"Daoyou, the three of them are at fault, but they are also an important force to resist foreign lands, now that Daoyou has finished venting, let's let them go!"

The momentum of the Six Dao Immortal King level suddenly appeared, making everyone's expressions change again.

These primordial-level old immortals are actually present.


The next moment,

"I don't look at the occasion when I pull the bias frame, I really take myself seriously!"

With a huge slap falling, the six immortal kings who had not even been seen clearly by everyone were suppressed in the palm world together!

The entire fairy realm, everyone, at this moment, is completely silent!.

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