Thirty-three days away,

"Teacher, after the Monkey King made trouble in the underworld, not only did he not become arrogant, but he became more self-cultivation, befriended scattered immortals, and even the Dragon King of the Four Seas became a guest, the relationship is irreversible, how should it be?"

If you come and bow respectfully,

According to the original plan, before making a big fuss in the underworld, Sun Wukong should make a big fuss in the Dragon Palace, and punish the two crimes together, so that Sun Wukong can only get a lowly position like Bi Ma Wen after going to heaven, which provokes Sun Wukong to make things bigger and bigger.

However, now the plot has changed abruptly, and the matter is big enough, directly implicating Dongyue Emperor Huang Feihu to death, but due to the matter of Bodhi Zi and the Dojo of King Jizo, the main responsibility has become Buddhism, and with the relationship between the sect and the Wa Palace, Sun Wukong is even more carefree!

Especially in this court meeting, the attitude of the sect suddenly changed greatly, and after Haotian had a stronger control over the heavenly court, he also neglected Buddhism a lot, so that Rulai had to enter the chaos again to ask for instructions to guide the two of them.

"It doesn't matter, that monkey head privately befriended the Dragon King of the Four Seas and the Scattered Immortals, which is also a big or small crime in the Heavenly Court, as for a little luck, give it to Haotian!"

Zhun Ti said indifferently: "What is really noteworthy is that the Sect Interception Tongtian suddenly incarnated into the Nether Realm and rescued the Wuyun Immortal in the Spirit Mountain!"

"Division... Saint of Heaven?"

Rulai's expression changed,

To say that among the six saints of the Heavenly Dao, what Rulai is most afraid of is neither the Zhun Ti Zhi, nor the strongest Taiqing Laozi, or the narrow Yuan Shi of the instrument, but the master of the Tongtian Sect!

After all, Zhun Ti and Rulai are cooperative relations, and only by cooperating with each other can the Buddha nature be revitalized.

Journey to the West, in fact, can also be regarded as the replacement of Mahayana Buddhism represented by Rulai, for the former Western Religion period, Medicine Buddha and others "963" as the representative of Theravada Buddhism!

To put it more bluntly, due to the fact that Zhun Ti was abducted and deceived everywhere in the Flood Desolate Continent in the past, although he also made great gains, it not only brought notoriety, but also karma.

Therefore, it is necessary to have more gentle and profound Mahayana teachings, and to re-accumulate the merits of preaching by learning scriptures for 108,000 miles, so that the Western religion renamed Buddhism can truly achieve perfection!

For Rulai himself, only by relying on the vast blessing of luck brought to Mahayana Buddhism by the Journey to the West, can he suppress the disobedient forces within Buddhism and truly become the living Buddha who holds the power of life and death, not just the spokesperson of the two saints of Zhun Ti!

Therefore, although he respects the introduction of Zhun Ti, he is not afraid!

Taiqing Laozi and Yuan Shi Tianzun, the gods of the gods "stealing chickens do not make rice", owed the cause and effect of the Western Sect, so that Rulai, who was born in the sect, was a little hostile and disdainful to these two saints;

As for Nuwa, she has lost her real right to speak since she was sealed as a god, and even the incense of the human race created by herself is constantly decreasing, if it weren't for the fact that Sun Wukong sent the golden phoenix to the lower realm when he was born before, many new Arhats in Buddhism would not know Nuwa's name.

On the contrary, it is the master of the Tongtian Sect, although the sect is almost wiped out, and the Zhuxian Sword Array that relies on it is no longer complete, but after all, for Rulai's immeasurable kindness from incarnation to enlightenment quasi-sainthood, so that Rulai really doesn't know how to face it.

Including the destruction of the Sect, in fact, it is also very related to the Rulai,

At the beginning, the Tongtian Sect Master had already had a plan to close the Biyou Palace and stop the loss, but it was Duobao's big disciple's advice that he set up the Immortal Sword Array and the decisive battle of the Sect of Interpretation, and completely sent the Sect Interception to the end!

Otherwise, although the Interception Sect had already suffered heavy losses at that time, there were still four quasi-saint-level disciples of Duobao, Our Lady of Wudang, Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, and Our Lady of the Turtle Spirit, and the Seven Immortals who accompanied them were all cultivators above the Daluo Golden Immortal, plus many disciples, they were still far superior to the Explanation Sect and the Western Sect!

What really made the Interception Sect irreversible was the Zhuxian Sword Array and the subsequent Ten Thousand Immortal Array, so the destruction of the Interception Sect, Duobao has an unshirkable responsibility!

Therefore, there is no pressure on Duobao to betray Lao Tzu, after all, he was forced to turn Hoover, and the two are still enemies;

But in the face of the Tongtian Sect Master, Rao has been reincarnated as Rulai, and he still doesn't know how to deal with it!

To put it more bluntly, if the Tongtian Sect mainly came to clean up the portal, if he resisted a little more, the accumulated karmic karma would be enough to make his countless years of penance in vain!

Moreover, among the Buddhism, the three thousand Hongchen guests are also the disciples of the former sect who were forcibly crossed, but they did not choose to temporarily attach themselves to Rulai, and they also complained about Rulai's unwillingness to help Qiu Shouxian and others.

If the Tongtian Sect Master shows up to release the shackles of these people, I am afraid that they will all return to the sect in an instant!

"If you come here, you don't have to worry, the Buddha's ascension and elimination of the Tao is the general trend of heaven, and the karma of the sect itself is also innumerable, this time it's just our carelessness!

If the incarnation of Tongtian strikes in the Earth Immortal Realm again, I will definitely suppress it!"

Zhun Ti keenly noticed the abnormality of Rulai's expression, and opened his mouth to comfort.

"Thank you, two teachers!"

"The poor monk knows his mistakes!"

Rulai took a deep breath and regained his composure.

Now everyone can return to the sect, but he can't!

In this case, the only way to restrain the incarnation of the Tongtian Sect Master is to invite him back to chaos!

And Rulai also believes that in this regard, the introduction and quasi-mention who have already taken precautions must be more urgent than him!

"If you come, after you go back, you will negotiate with Haotian again, let Sun Wukong make trouble in the Heavenly Palace as soon as possible, suppress him, and then arrange for the reincarnation of the golden cicada to start the tenth world of cultivation, as long as the road to the west is opened, even the rest of the saints will not be able to stop my Buddhism!"

Then he made a Buddha horn.

"Disciple understands!"

Rulai hurriedly saluted.

"By the way, how is the reincarnation of the dragon?"

Zhun Ti asked suddenly.

The originally scheduled plan has changed repeatedly, although it is not big, but it also reminds Zhun Ti that the rest of the saints do not dare to ascend to the Buddha's path, so they are also particularly concerned about the reincarnation of the dragon descending Arhat.

This head of the Eighteen Arhats, but he is also the cultivation of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, although there will be a corresponding attenuation after reincarnation, it is enough to support the cultivation of the tenth generation of the Golden Cicada, and there is also a chance to rely on the Journey to the West to gain luck and go further!

Compared with the newly entered Rulai Guanyin and others, Zhun Ti actually trusts these old disciples more in his heart!

"Teacher Qiyu, after the reincarnation of the dragon, he was born in the home of the Buddha who did good deeds for a generation in Nanzhan Buzhou, named Li Xiuyuan, although he is only a teenager, he has already shown his Buddha nature, and often travels in the market, punishing evil and promoting good, and has developed many believers for my Buddhism!"

Rulai hurriedly replied,

The reincarnation of the golden cicada and the dragon descending Arhat has always been the personal attention of the King of the Earth, and Rulai also asked about it when he was making trouble for Sun Wukong, so it was very clear.

"That's great!"

After pinching his fingers for a long time, he then smiled and said: "I sensed that there was a new opportunity for Buddhism before, and it turned out to be on the dragon descending!"

"Senior brother's plan to support the golden cicada can actually bring new opportunities to my Buddhism, which shows that the prosperity of my Buddhism is already unstoppable!"

Zhun Ti also regained a smile on his face.


"Congratulations to Daoyou for going further!"

Seeing Su Han's figure, even Houtu, his eyes couldn't help but show a hint of surprise again.

Even in the heyday of the flood famine, Da Luo Jinxian often counted in yuan if he wanted to advance to a small realm, but when it came to Su Han, he didn't even need a year, so he really didn't know how to describe it.

"The return of the Wuyun Immortal this time is all due to Su Daoyou!"

The Tongtian Sect Master first bowed to Su Han and thanked him before asking, "Daoist friends are here this time, but they have new plans?"

"It's a little foreshadowing!" (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Han smiled and said: "In order to make the reincarnation of the golden cicada more smooth, the Buddha Sect arranged for the dragon descending Arhat to go down to earth together, and this plan is related to the reincarnation of this dragon!"

"Li Xiuyuan?"

The eyes of Houtu and Heavenly Court showed surprise in unison,

Although the Dragon Descending Arhat is a Great Luo Golden Immortal, he has transcended the jurisdiction of the Book of Life and Death, and there is also the King Bodhisattva of the Earth who personally took action to cover the reincarnation,

However, the entire six realms of reincarnation were incarnated by Houtu in the body of an ancestral witch, and Su Han mentioned it in advance, so he naturally paid great attention to every move of the two.

However, according to their assumptions, Su Han wanted to destroy the Journey to the West of Buddhism, and he should pay more attention to the reincarnation of the golden cicada, but he didn't expect it to be the reincarnation of the dragon.

"In Buddhism, nine is the extreme, so if you want to ensure the successful completion of the Western Heaven Sutra, you need to have the failure of the ninth world as a foreshadowing, and completely gather the luck to ensure the complete success of the tenth world!"

Su Han smiled and said: "Therefore, what we do to the golden cicada now will only cause the jealousy of the King of Jizo and others, but this reincarnation who stayed in the world to preach and is more deviant is more suitable for us to do it!"

"Wine and meat have passed through the intestines, and the Buddha has left it in his heart?"

"This Li Xiuyuan is indeed a bit interesting!"

Houtu and Tongtian Sect Masters are also Heavenly Dao saints, and after Su Han mentioned it, he quickly calculated the fate line of Li Xiuyuan, who is now just a mortal, and the smile in his eyes was even stronger.

It is really interesting that the disciples of the two saints of Buddhism took the lead in violating the precepts of Buddhism and left such a famous saying!

Especially considering that the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi and Li Xiuyuan are now brothers in a Buddhist temple, and the ninth generation must also be involved, it is even more exciting!

If there is a person who eats meat and drinks wine on the way to the west, it will definitely make Buddhism the biggest joke in the Three Realms!

"Just eating meat and drinking wine, although it is a stain on Buddhism, is not fatal enough, and it cannot make Buddhism truly integrate into humanity!"

Su Han smiled and shook his head0 .....

"Then look forward to the wonderful appearance of Daoyou!"

The eyes of the Houtu and Tongtian Sect Masters showed anticipation,

Similar to Su Han for a long time, watching Su Han guide Sun Wukong to make a big move on the original plan of Buddhism, but instead he got more benefits, and the underworld and the sect also benefited a lot from it, and they really regarded Su Han as the core of dealing with the calamity.

chat group,

Zhou Zhiruo: "You can guess together, this time the big brother, how will he teach this Jigong classmate who was born in advance?"

Zuo Qianhu: "Although there are many hateful bald donkeys in Buddhism, there are also some good people, and this Jigong is one of the few existences that I can look at!"

Li Shimin: "In fact, objectively speaking, Buddhism has made a lot of contributions in guiding people to goodness, although the incense offering is a bit secular, but it is also more conducive to motivating people, and it is easier to spread than Taoists who pay attention to being alone!"

Zhu Yuanzhang: "In the past, we also joined Buddhism, and we knew that the biggest problem of Buddhism was that it was too detached from secular production, and it was not taxed just to collect incense, which can be said to be a loss to the treasury and fertilizer itself!"

Ying Zheng: "After reading the introduction of Buddhism you sent, this incense tax is actually a trivial matter, at most it is a family gate, the biggest problem should be to break off love and despair, prohibit weddings and funerals, if everyone believes in Buddhism, will the world not be endless?"

Han Ranran: "The First Emperor still looked deeper, this prohibition of meat and fishiness can also be said to increase compassion and reduce the cause and effect of killing, but this prohibition of reproduction can be said to be truly on the opposite side of humanity!"

Ma Xiaoling: "The reason why Buddhism in later generations can't sweep other religions is that this prohibition is actually an important factor, and Buddhism in many regions has to revise its teachings and allow marriage and childbirth in order to pass it on!"

Angel Yan: "Another point of Buddhist belief is that too much attention is paid to accumulating virtue and doing good deeds in order to be better reincarnated in the next life, which can easily lead to a lack of fighting spirit in this life, develop a lazy and casual mentality, and be easily eliminated in terms of enterprising!"

Wan Wan: "To put it more bluntly, most people are actually still practical, especially in the Huaxia region, where the people even dare to replace unqualified gods, but they can't care about the next life!"

Liu Shen: "Indeed, the most devout prayer of the vast majority of the people is actually to have enough food and clothing, and the family is happy and healthy in this life!"

Su Han: "Therefore, our guidance plan for Li Xiuyuan is to correct these deficiencies, so that the teachings of Buddhism can really be suitable for the human race, and only then can they spread faster and replace Mahayana Buddhism!"

Scarlet Smoke: "Husband, is this to make Buddhism martial and masculine, and pay attention to human desires?"

Su Han: "In the snow world, there is such a monk, who can completely let Li Xiuyuan experience it in the great dream of eternity!"

Han ran away: "The group leader is really against the sky!"

Footprint Emperor: "This is indeed forcibly changing the Heavenly Dao Determination, I admire it very much!"

Nanzhan Buzhou,

Li Xiuyuan, who was about to escape from the 5.6 family, suddenly entered a strange dream, and after seeing that he left without permission, his parents were anxious and bedridden, and soon both died, and the family property was also occupied by evil slaves;

The fiancée who was abandoned by himself also became crazy because of this, and she couldn't stand the blow and became crazy!

Li Xiuyuan, who had already made up his mind, couldn't help but hesitate when he saw his parents who were sick with thoughts.

Including his fiancée, although his appearance is quite ordinary, his character is also good, but he was abandoned and driven crazy by himself on the wedding day, which is really a crime!

Even if he later attained the right result in a dream, Li Xiuyuan always felt uneasy!

And then, Li Xiuyuan experienced the second life named Li Dangxin:

In this life, he not only took Buddhism to the extreme, but also had a wife who was not virtuous or beautiful, but depended on each other, and a lovely daughter!

In the third life, Li Xiuyuan understood that he was originally the reincarnation of the Dragon Arhat of the West Heavenly Spirit Mountain, and the family tragedies in the first life he saw before were all arranged for him by Buddhism!


In one night, Li Xiuyuan was in the dream, and he had already experienced the reincarnation of a hundred lifetimes, and his heart was completely perfect!

When the first rays of morning dawn came, when Li Xiuyuan opened his eyes again, his eyes were already extremely firm!

"Since you are reincarnated as an adult, you should cultivate humanity, fulfill filial piety, and abide by human ethics!"

"From today onwards, there will be no dragon descending Arhats, only Li Xiuyuan in the world!"

The brilliant brilliance rose from the Li family's small courtyard, and in an instant, it lingered in the entire Nanzhan Buzhou, completely enveloping the entire dynasty!

The skyrocketing humane luck directly alarmed the entire Three Realms!

The chat group prompt sound of swiping the screen also sounded!

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