"In fact, the biggest problem now is not how to solve the weird race, but how to create a more effective system, so that the creatures of the major worlds can live in harmony and progress together!"

Su Han said indifferently,

The ten ancestors of the weird clan, although they are all in the realm of sacrificial dao, but after all, they were forcibly promoted after being contaminated by the power of the lord of the bronze coffin, so their foundation is far inferior to the willow god, ruthless empress and pollen emperor who have broken through by their own cultivation, and after the red lotus karmic fire can drive away the dark aura of the weird clan and suppress the ability to resurrect the plateau, they are no longer invincible!

There is no need for Su Han to continue to make a move, with the cultivation of the third daughter, the weird clan can be gradually bulldozed and the real source of this dark turmoil ~ completely strangled!

However, the essence of war is to destroy the old order when the relations of production cannot keep pace with the development of the productive forces, and the accumulated contradictions erupt.

If there is no more effective new order to replace it, even if the conflict is temporarily stopped, it will break out again in the future!

It is precisely for this reason that although construction is much more difficult than destruction, once realized, it can also achieve immeasurable merits, so that Liu Shen and the ruthless empress can achieve the sacrificial road.

Su Han has always taken great care of his Taoist couples, and on the premise of ensuring safety, he will give them more opportunities!

"What does the husband mean, to use the weird clan as a whetstone to train a group of usable descendants to take over the order of the heavens and all worlds of the universe?"

Liu Shen's beautiful eyes moved slightly.

"Just if you want to become a high-ranking hero or a hermit outside the world, it is enough to be deterred by strength, but to gather a huge world aggregate, you must have a more perfect concept, as well as a reliable management system and personnel!"

The ruthless empress opened her mouth and agreed.

"In the past, in the face of the weird clan, the major worlds were indeed scattered, and even the great enemies were not less calculating each other!"

The Pollen Emperor also sighed helplessly.

Back then, the heavens and the heavens and all the worlds looked down on each other, and would rather fight the weird clan alone than unite, and even wanted to rely on annexing the opponent to enhance the odds of winning with the weird clan, or simply use the other party as cannon fodder to delay the weird clan, so as to be easily broken by each one!

"It is because of the difficulties that it is more challenging, and there is a greater opportunity for you to preach!"

Su Han said warmly,

Any strange thing must have its cause and effect,

For example, the root cause of the decline of the flood famine is that Pangu was attacked and fallen by the Heavenly Dao at the weakest moment of exhaustion, and the Heavenly Dao was afraid of being liquidated after the Great Dao was restored, so he constantly removed the imprints of Pangu and the Great Dao, and he could do whatever it took to do so!

The source of the chaos of the perfect plane is that the will of the major worlds is not satisfied with the "inefficiency" of normal construction and development, and wants to determine the strongest through the Gu cultivation mode of constant melee, and only destroy and ignore the construction, and the scale of the war will be completely out of control in the future!

Although the extraterritorial heavenly demons of the desolate world also preach by killing, Rahu still has a little sense after all, and he has also accumulated some merit in the heart demon tribulation that tests the cultivators!

In the perfect plane, the good money has been almost eliminated by the bad money, and there is no room for stable operation and development!

Even a civilization that was reborn in ruins after being sacrificed by the Strange Clan will only face a more difficult environment than the previous era!

To put it bluntly, no matter how bad the rules of the Heavenly Dao of the Flood World are, there are still some rules, the Five Saints War has smashed the Great World of the Flood Wilderness, and Hongjun has to restrict the saint himself from entering the Earth Immortal Realm!

The perfect plane is completely unruled, the strong act recklessly, and when they are bullied by the stronger, they will double the bullying of the weaker, and because the origin of the world is seriously damaged and the space is not stable enough, an immortal emperor can easily destroy countless large worlds, and even directly sacrifice them to nothing, so it is becoming more and more "degenerate"!

To put it bluntly, it means that many strong people, in desperate situations, don't think about how to kill the enemy together, but squeeze their own people first, and enjoy more before they die!

For example, in the original Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the immortal kings knew that the king of the frontier who was banished to the nether realm was extremely wronged to future generations, but when they said it, they would affect their glorious image, so they chose to be accomplices together.

In order to prevent being counterattacked, they also connived at the powerhouses of the upper realm to directly use the powerhouses of the Eight Domains as the medicine of the human body and harvest them at will, so that the Eight Domains of the Nether Realm could not develop at all!

With the fallen immortal king who was contaminated in the foreign war, the immortal realm would not think about how to purify, but directly gave up!

In this way, those who have the courage to take responsibility in the immortal realm will soon fall and disappear in the competition with the foreign land, and the rest are a group of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, and the order maintained is naturally a good person who sheds tears and blood, and the villain benefits!

In other words, the human heart is mainly selfish many times, and if there is no law and severe punishment, the demons released will definitely be beyond imagination!

To put it more bluntly, simple and crude looting can get more benefits, but hard work will become the fish and meat of others to plunder at will, and the whole order is to encourage everyone to become "robbers"!

To use an inappropriate analogy, it is a superpower in Su Han's previous life, openly declaring that "we lie, we cheat, we steal, this is our glory", but he can still occupy the hegemony for many years, and therefore envelop many minions who eat meat and drink blood together!

In particular, the perfect plane is a collection of multiple large worlds, and there are great differences in culture and race between different large worlds, if they cannot be effectively integrated and managed, as long as there is a war again in the future, it is very likely to resume the trend of burning the prairie again!

"The three of us can take turns guarding the plateau and the heavens, and the other two can subdue and manage the various worlds that are reflected by the husband, distribute the existing resources more effectively, and turn the order of the entire universe around!"

"As long as the weird clan is isolated, there will be no major problems in the heavens and the heavens and all worlds, and it can also become an opportunity to gain merit through training!"

Ryujin spoke again,

In terms of management and management, the martial arts temples of the Yun Dynasty have been established in many worlds, and they can already be regarded as full of talents.

It's just that the concept of respecting the strong in the perfect plane has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so these seconded personnel must also improve their strength.

And the origin essence left behind by killing the powerhouses of the weird clan, as well as the merits of developing the heavens and the heavens and all the worlds, is the best help to improve the strength!

As long as the backbone team is perfect, the available forces of the "local" will gradually take shape, and then it will be continuously improved according to the actual development situation, and it is only a matter of time before the overall situation gets better!

When the time comes,

This universe will become a true perfect plane, and the three of them will be able to successfully achieve the sacrificial path, and even have a chance to surpass the Lord of the Plateau Bronze Coffin!

"In fact, from a one-sided point of view, what we have to do is to let the major worlds change from wartime mode to peace mode, from bloody killing and plundering to more moderate competition and coexistence!"

"According to past experience, if we want to establish social order, after the absolute strong have already gained the upper hand, the next thing to do is to win the support of the people at the bottom who occupy the vast majority, and give them vitality and hope!"

"Even in the world, the number of strong people is still quite limited, and most people still have the same food, clothing, housing and inheritance!"

"After the recovery of the aura of each world, it is not very difficult to ensure the most basic material needs, the key is how to allocate resources to the people!"

"For those who are good at fighting forever and are not extremely evil, the weird clan is actually an opportunity for them to experience and compete!"

The ruthless empress said in a deep voice,

In order to better follow Su Han's conquest, in addition to enlightenment, the ruthless empress and Liu Shen have also spent a lot of effort on government management, and now they are still in the world they came from, so they are naturally more positive!

After all, as the world of chat group communication becomes stronger and stronger, although the sacrificial Dao powerhouse corresponding to the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal is still considered a high-level, there is still a long gap between facing the saint or the sacrificial Dao, which also gives the two women greater motivation!

"To improve the happiness of ordinary people, in addition to abundant food and clothing, we can also start with medical care and education, so that the people have a higher future, and let the backwater of the strong eternal respect flow!"

"Moreover, traditional martial arts consume more spiritual energy in the world, and it is also the general trend to replace it with merit and luck, and an effective divine spirit system is also the key link connecting the heavens and the heavens and all worlds to maintain overall stability!"

"As for the higher pursuit, that is, based on the framework of the laws built by the husband, combined with the actual situation, the six realms of reincarnation, karma and other avenues will be further improved to form a virtuous circle!"

After discussing with the Pollen Emperor for a while, Liu Shen and the ruthless Empress looked at Su Han together, waiting for Su Han's final confirmation,

They all knew very well that with Su Han's ability, to completely change the entire perfect plane was actually a matter of a thought.

The reason why there is such a large space left is to let them gain more, so that they can truly achieve the foundation on the sacrificial path!

In any world, the top powerhouse is deeply connected with the origin of the world, to put it bluntly, it is not a person who has made great contributions, and cannot preach and transcend!

From a personal point of view, the perfect plane and the world of the heavens are the dowries of Liu Shen and the ruthless empress, the better the construction, the more recognized it will naturally be among the women in the backyard, and the better it can accompany Su Han!

Moreover, both worlds have super potential enough to achieve the sacrificial path, and if used properly, it can also make Scarlet Smoke and others benefit handsomely, so that their position can be more stable!.

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