"Pangu Temple?"

Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi Tianzun's eyes stared directly, faintly with a little jealousy!

Although logically speaking, Sanqing and the Twelve Ancestors are all recognized descendants of Pangu in the desolate world, but Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi, who are arrogant and arrogant, do not look down on the Wu clan at all.

However, the temple that can best symbolize the inheritance of Pangu and enshrine the heart of Pangu is in the hands of the Wu clan, which greatly discounts the authenticity of Pangu that Lao Tzu has self-styled, and has been ridiculed privately by the rest of the powers, and it has always been a pain point for Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi Tianzun~!

Hongjun's expression is not very good-looking,

As a self-proclaimed enemy of Pangu, one of the main reasons why Hongjun chose to merge with the Heavenly Dao is to completely erase the imprint of Pangu in the desolate world, including the Buzhou Mountain transformed by the backbone of Pangu, and the Wu clan who have always only recognized Pangu as disdainful of the Heavenly Dao!

In the past, the Lich War was over, Buzhou Mountain was broken, the Wu clan was completely declined, and only one of the twelve ancestors was left to be imprisoned in the Netherworld after being reincarnated, Hongjun also spent a lot of effort to find the location of the Pangu Temple, but there was no gain, which can only be explained as disappearing with the Bu-Zhou Mountain!

However, now, the Pangu Temple in Houtu's hands is slapping Hongjun's face!

And soon, Hongjun felt a new threat,

As we all know, Su Han, like the Pangu Great God, is the way to obtain the Chaos Yuan Dao by taking the Law of Force, but because the current world background is far inferior to the Chaos Great World of the past, plus the problem of cultivation time, it is temporarily inferior in cultivation!

But even so, in the face of the Convergence Dao Hongjun, who only had the highest ceiling of the Holy Dao Nine Heavens, it was still crushed!

And now, Houtu handed over the last remnants of Pangu, the heart of Pangu enshrined in the temple, to Su Han, if it is completely fused by Su Han, it is very likely to be on par with the great god of Pangu in terms of heritage, and completely crush Tiandao and Hongjun and others!

Going a little deeper, the incomparably huge cause and effect of fusing the heart of Pangu will inevitably be repaid by developing the world created by Pangu, and Hongjun and others, who have caused the repeated decline of the desolate world, will also be listed as the object of liquidation!

Hongjun regretted more and more, why should he be arrogant and arrogant at the beginning, thinking that there would be no variables in the entire earth immortal world, even if he sensed the return of the escape, it still did not change, and when he really noticed that something was wrong, he was already powerless!

Glancing at Su Han's eyes again, Hongjun hurriedly put away the unwillingness in his heart and squeezed out a smile again!

"Daoist friends are cultivating the same avenue as Father, and this Father's heart is still more effective in the hands of Daoyou!"

Houtu took a deep look at the Pangu Temple, and said in a resolute tone,

Although the twelve ancestral witches all aim to follow in the footsteps of Pangu, it is quite a matter of saying that the talent of the ancestral witches is actually difficult to achieve the Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortal in the desolate world, let alone the only avenue of power that fuses the three thousand avenues!

Although Houtu gave birth to the Yuan Shen Pingxin Niangniang after incarnating as an incarnation, and had the combat power of a saint, it was actually more inclined to the way of merit and enlightenment, rather than comprehending the law of the earth to the realm of the Great Dao!

Even if there is Su Han's support now, the suppression of the Heavenly Dao no longer exists, and the way out of Houtu now is to integrate with the Tunnel and achieve an alternative Merge Dao Saint, as for the sublimation of the Great Dao Saint again to transcend the desolate world, it is really too much to fish for the moon in the water!

"Please accept the Father's legacy!"

Xingtian and Jiufeng and other witches also saluted in unison,

Since Su Han appeared, they have all seen the changes in the Wu Clan, and with Su Han's identity as the "Pangu Inheritor", it is completely reasonable to inherit the Pangu Temple!

"Then I'll keep it for the time being, if anyone in the Wu clan wants to come to the enlightenment, they are welcome at any time!"

Looking at the sincere eyes of Hou Tu and Xingtian Jiufeng and the others, Su Han also felt quite a little in his heart,

Although it was contaminated with evil qi when he was born, he was unable to cultivate the original god, but it made the simple nature of the Wu clan even more valuable.

Although honest people are the ones who suffer many times, if there is a lack of sincerity in the world, then the whole world will inevitably enter the devil's path completely!

Su Han's heart moved slightly, and eleven wisps of peculiar breath had already been conceived from the Pangu Temple and entered the long river of time and space in the Earth Immortal Realm!

As the origin of the Wu Clan, the Twelve Ancestral Witches have been in the Pangu Temple for most of the time from before the transformation to dominating the Flood Continent, and they have already imprinted a very deep origin imprint!


The entire long river of time and space shook violently, the tumbling waves roared, and a little spray escaping at random was enough to easily destroy one of the four continents, and falling in the heavenly court could also bring countless immortal gods to death!


As the chaotic brilliance of the Pangu Temple in Su Han's hand flickered, the waves of the long river of time and space that roared wildly were always restrained in it, but instead made the eleven wisps of breath that had entered before clearer!

"Is this to forcibly change the cause and effect of time and space?"

"He actually wants to resurrect the other eleven ancestral witches?"

"That's too rebellious, isn't it?"

"The Great Dao Saint is really so terrifying, even the long river of time and space can be controlled at will?"

All the saints and quasi-saints were dumbfounded, even Hongjun was no exception!

The more stable the world, the more stable and terrifying the time and space, even ordinary Heavenly Dao saints can only look at it from afar outside the long river of time and space, and use the observed phantoms to calculate the future!

In the heyday, Hongjun can go one step further away from the long river of time and space, and can better observe the past, future and present, as for reversing the cause and effect of the long river of time and space, forcibly resurrecting and fishing people, I can't even think of it at all!

Including the quasi-saints and the above-commonly used masking heavenly machines, in fact, it is to disturb the laws of time and space where they are, so that when the rest of the powers want to snoop, they will face a greater backlash in the long river of time and space, and the essence is to use their strength! (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

However, now, Su Han is not only trying to resurrect people in the long river of time and space, but also eleven ancestral witches who are proud of a super existence that is a catastrophe, and its cause and effect are really beyond everyone's imagination!

chat group,

Wutian: "The cultivation of the group master is becoming more and more incomprehensible, and the long river of time and space in my later world is all dangerous and unpredictable, which is enough to discourage the quasi-saint consummation, but the more powerful time and space cause and effect of the main transmission is extremely obedient here in the group master!"

Su Han: "Actually, it's also a bit tricky, whether it's the heart of Pangu or the twelve ancestral witches, they are the relics of the creation god Pangu!"

Yang Mei Daxian: "If the inference of the poor path is correct, in fact, the group leader has the ability to reflect the twelve ancestral witches before, but the earth immortal realm itself can't withstand the backlash of the long river of time and space, so it has waited until now, right?"

Han Ranran: "Bad news, the gap between us and the group leader is several notches bigger than we imagined;

Good news: the road ahead for us is brighter, and we have to work hard to absorb and digest it!"

Sun Wukong: "Lao Han is getting more and more humorous, but the stronger the group leader, the more secure it is for us!"

Lord Yunluo: "It's not just us, but those saints and quasi-saints in the Journey to the West world are also confused, which means that after we follow the group leader, our knowledge is higher than them!"

Cao Mengde: "These eleven ancestral witches are all high-level existences of the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal, plus the Houtu that is basically integrated with the tunnel, and they join forces to sacrifice the Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array, they should be able to beat Hongjun, right?"

Huang Rong: "Poor Dao Ancestor, there is actually a day when it is reduced to a unit of measurement!"

Nezha: "He is purely self-inflicted, although in the battle of opening the sky, Hongjun's predecessor was indeed killed by the Pangu God, but after the reincarnation of the remnant soul, he also obtained most of the fragments of the Jade Disc of Creation, and he also became the first Heavenly Dao Saint and a candidate for the Dao!"

This creation is already far better than the cause and effect of the past, but Hongjun does not think about returning, but uses his power to wantonly remove the relics of the Pangu God, and is stunned to toss a good and desolate world to the present, if there is no master to make a move, I am afraid that it will soon fall to the level of the end of the law!"

Wutian: "Although the ancestors are a little short-tempered sometimes, they are indeed more upright, and they are righteous and bold, and they are friends who can really make friends!"

Sun Wukong: "I remember, there are also ancestors and witches working together in the post-sequel world, Wutian, you must have been beaten, right?"

Wutian: "If you see through it or not, everyone is still good friends!"

Tu Shan Yaya: "Look, the eleven ancestral witches are about to be completely resurrected!"

Earth Immortal Realm,

With the gradual condensation of the eleven tall figures, the fluctuations of the long river of time and space became more and more violent, but under the brilliance emitted by the Pangu Temple, there was still no power to struggle, but more runaway origins were absorbed by the Pangu Temple, making the heart of Pangu beat more powerfully!

Su Han couldn't help but have a bold idea in his heart,

Since the fallen eleven ancestral witches can be resurrected, there is a heart of Pangu that has always been alive, and the Pangu god who has incarnated the world will also return one day?

Although this idea is extremely rebellious, far beyond Su Han's current ability, it is similar to the perfect plane to resurrect the sacrificial Dao powerhouse, it must be above the sacrificial Dao,

If Su Han one day cultivates to be on par with the Pangu Great God at the time of the opening of the world, and even takes a step towards the door that the Pangu Great God lacks because of the sneak attack and fall, will he have a chance to do it?

After all, if you really want to talk about cause and effect, the kindness of the Pangu god to open the world, but it still has to be above Nuwa Niangniang's creation of the human race.

To put it bluntly, without the great god Pangu, there would be no desolate world, and there would be no innate sacredness such as Nuwa Niangniang, and there would be no way to talk about living beings such as the human race!

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