
Zhu Zhuqing snuggled up to Su Han's heart, the long cat's tail swayed gently, infinitely charming between the autumn waves, and a little lazy, using his own advantages to surround Su Han's strengths.

Ning Rongrong on the side also turned on various buff auras just right,

For this opportunity, they have studied with Xiao Wu and Hu Liena for a long time, and they know Su Han's hobbies very well, and even used the recovery characteristics of the martial soul of the Nine Turns Glazed Tower, just hoping to get a little more love.

If you're lucky enough to get pregnant, it's perfect!


Su Han smiled dotingly,

Like Xiao Wu's soft bone charm rabbit, Zhu Zhuqing's ghost cat martial soul is also based on physical attacks, so the flexibility and explosiveness are quite good, and it is more wild than Xiao Wu, and when you practice together, you can always give surprises!

Coupled with Ning Rongrong's perfect assistance, the special experience of arrogance and gentle changes made Su Han also enjoy it very much.

And the two of them are not only delicate flowers, but also good helpers in their careers.

Zhu Zhuqing, who came from a family with fierce competition and a cruel elimination system, not only has a very resolute heart, but also has a special compassion under the indifferent appearance, so he was selected by Qian Lingxue to cultivate the way of the netherworld and assist in managing the six reincarnations of the martial soul world, and he is very conscientious!

Ning Rongrong's martial soul is more auxiliary in nature, and he is not too interested in killing at present, so he cultivates the way of life and creation, and is an excellent team combat power improvement unit, and he also has good attainments in alchemy and refining!

Even in a high-level world like Journey to the West, Taiyi Golden Immortal-level immortals who are proficient in 007 reincarnation and the laws of creation are extremely rare, and the potential of the two women is still very rich, and now that they are married into Su Mansion, the future is even more limitless!

For the beauties around him, Su Han has never minded that they have their own legitimate careers, not only because the breakthrough in cultivation can sublimate life again, but also because there is the pursuit of ideals and fulfillment, which will make people's lives more complete!

Temperament and demeanor, including personality, are actually inseparable from nurture, education and experience!

And a confident and generous beauty is definitely more attractive than a "puppet" with an empty face!

The reason why the harems of many dynasties are dangerous and unpredictable, in addition to the coercion of power, the winner is the king and the loser falls into the cold palace, in fact, it is also a closed harem that has nothing to do, and can only use all the talents to compete in the palace.

And a huge system to work well, it must not all rely on one person, even if there is more magic and energy, it is difficult to arrange and consider all aspects, with a mentor and friends to accompany not only themselves will be easier, but also more effective!

In addition, after all, people are inevitably selfish, and following you will inevitably have corresponding reasons and demands, such as cultivation for improvement, spiritual fulfillment, etc., but these original intentions are difficult to ensure that there will be no changes under the tempering of time and other factors, and in the end, the most stable is actually the binding of interests!

To put it bluntly, it is to follow you to be more promising than others, whether it is "material" or "spiritual", at least part of it can be satisfied, and the relationship can be maintained for a long time!

If Su Han finishes everything, the rest of the people, including the members of the chat group, will be idle in the short term, but their growth space will actually be stifled invisibly!

There is a saying in later generations, called standing on the tuyere, pigs can take off, it can be seen that to achieve one party, external force and internal force are indispensable!

Even from the perspective of mortals, in fact, in many cases, "external forces" are more critical,

To put it bluntly, those who are reincarnated in powerful families, even if they lie flat all their lives, the "peak of life" far exceeds many students who work extremely hard in poor families!

Even in many foreign places, in the 21st century, compulsory education has not been universalized, and no matter how amazing the genius is, he will not have the opportunity to learn, and his potential will be buried like Zhongyong!

And this tuyere that can push people to take off is to give ordinary people the opportunity to achieve class jump, and it is also the key to alleviating contradictions and promoting the circular operation of the system!

For Su Han, dividing part of the work to the rest of the people, although it may cost some additional costs, but once these people grow up, they can share more things for Su Han, give back more resources such as luck, willingness, etc., and also allow Su Han to have more time and energy to take care of his family and the road of enlightenment, so as to achieve a win-win situation!

The same is true for the women in the backyard, although emotions are the key factor to come together, but in addition to this, there can be a more colorful life together, and the joy of mutual achievement and sharing.

It's not like some brain-dead dramas in later generations, once you go up, you don't care about it, whatever destruction and sacrifice to the Three Realms are random and messy, and as soon as the liquidation and backlash are opened, you don't even have a chance to reincarnate and continue your relationship!

"It's really much more difficult to build than to destroy!"

At the invitation of the willow god, the Pollen Emperor also came to the martial soul world to witness the advancement of the world, and after a long time of contemplation in the Origin Thunder Pool of the Law and the edge of chaos, he was sincerely moved.

In terms of fighting and killing, martial arts are even stronger than immortal dao in many ways, such as the roughly equal sacrificial dao powerhouse, in the chaos and quasi-saint killing, the odds of winning are often higher!

The reason is actually simple, although the cultivation routes of martial arts powerhouses are also different, the essence is to integrate the great power of heaven and earth into themselves, and when the Immortal Emperor is consummated, he can sacrifice all the existing laws to achieve an exclusive Dao rhyme, which is very similar to the road line with strength!

And the quasi-saint is after the consummation of Da Luo Jinxian, with the innate spirit to entrust the Yuan Shen to behead the corpse and promote, one-sidedly speaking, it is actually (aibh) with the help of external force blessings!

In the desolate world, relying on the home field advantage suppressed by the world rules, the quasi-saint can ensure that he is undefeated,

If you go to the perfect plane, it is definitely extremely difficult for a quasi-saint, even in a relatively neutral foreign land, the chances of a quasi-saint who loses the blessing of the desolate world are quite low!

In terms of force value, only the ancestral witch who inherits the Pangu bloodline and proves the road line can fight against the strong of the sacrificial path!

But compared to using the rules of the Great Dao to adjust and improve the world, compared to having the quasi-saint who has the semi-sustenance of the Heavenly Dao or the humane plug-in, which can better borrow power, the strong of the Sacrificial Dao will be inferior!

Including the old man of the plateau above the sacrificial road, his polemic power may only be inferior to Su Han, but compared to building and perfecting the world, it is not the existence of a world at all!

"After the martial soul world is stabilized, the husband will open the altar to preach, and your questions can be explained in person!"

Liu Shen smiled slightly and said, (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

As Su Han became stronger, the origin of the inner heaven and earth was also more sufficient, and his popularity with allies was also increasing.

Moreover, the Pollen Emperor originally fell in order to protect the perfect plane, and after being resurrected by Su Han, he also fought with Liu Shen and the ruthless Empress on the plateau with the Strange Clan for many years, and he has already become a close comrade-in-arms, coupled with a very obvious affection, he has been completely recognized!

And although the perfect plane is large, not counting the old men of the plateau, so far there are only three of them who are strong in the sacrificial path, and they all have the potential to achieve the sacrificial path, and it is definitely a great help to the inner heaven and earth to have such a hostess!

Da Luotian,

"To develop a world, it is not easy to say, but to say how difficult it is, I personally think that it is not necessarily true!

To put it simply, although the heavens and all worlds are different, the core appeal of the world's will is actually development and evolution!

As the protagonists of heaven and earth, the easiest way for us to get more blessings of luck is to make enough contributions and take the path of merit and enlightenment!

Even in a strict sense, the Pangu God who opened up the desolate world, although he took the path of strength and evidence, can actually be regarded as a higher level of merit and enlightenment, but he is guided by himself to open up a world where more living beings can live, and perfect and sublimate it as the creator!"

"Continue to take the desolate world as an example, the reason why humanity can tolerate the demon clan and the witch clan is that everyone is a descendant of the Pangu god, and one of the basic demands of the demon clan's cultivation is to incarnate as an adult, this Nuwa Niangniang created an innate Dao body with the image of the Pangu god as a template!"

"Therefore, humanity can actually be called the way of living beings, as long as they are benevolent and willing to contribute to the world, they can be supported accordingly, forming a virtuous circle!"

Su Han smiled slightly.

"For the world of martial arts, although it seems that chivalrous indulgence in the rivers and lakes is very majestic, but it often goes beyond the laws of the imperial court, and at the same time as showing off his martial arts, in fact, more people pay the price, so only a real hero who serves the country and the people can become a son of luck?"

Huang Rong's beautiful eyes lit up, and she looked at Su Handao with anticipation.

"The same is true for the dynasty, the emperor inherits the mandate of heaven, the heart of the people, and at the same time, he must also give the people a better life and hope, eliminate grievances and develop the people's livelihood, otherwise the people's anger will be knocked off the dragon chair!"

Cao Cao followed.

"In the world of cultivating immortals, in fact, most of the immortals can only be maintained by the people in the mortal world who are despised by them, so the core of the contradiction is actually that the oppression of the immortals has seriously squeezed the living space of mortals, resulting in the continuous accumulation of karma and the damage to the origin of the world!"

Feng Qingxue and Meng Ke'er glanced at each other and said,

Although there is a big gap between the Ancient Sword World and the Divine Tomb Plane, the essence is that the two supremes of the Ancient Sword Heavenly Emperor Fu Xi and the Divine Tomb Heavenly Dao have lost their true hearts and fallen into selfishness, asking for continuous increases without thinking of giving back, completely breaking the balance of the Three Realms!

"To put it simply, it is still people-oriented, so that the vast majority of ordinary people can have a better way out, humanity and prosperity enter sustainable development, the origin of the world will inevitably rise, and we who have contributed will naturally get rich returns!" []

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