Meng Ke'er: "After seeing the supernatural powers of your predecessors, people are now more and more confident in the dark heavenly way of pacifying the world of the Divine Tomb!"

Huang Rong: "Sister Ke'er is now only one step away from the Taiyi realm, and with more experience in the Fengshen World, if she can achieve Da Luo Jinxian, she will have a very high degree of certainty in returning to the Divine Tomb World!"

Wutian: "Actually, suppressing the chaotic Heavenly Dao is only the first step, and the more important thing is how to construct a balanced new order and keep our own hearts, otherwise as the years go by, we will also have the possibility of degeneration and blackening!"

Footprint Emperor: "Wutian is becoming more and more of a philosopher now!"

Fahai: "Buddhism, Taoism and philosophy have a lot in common, such as exploring human nature, taking oneself as the foundation to explore the road of enlightenment, and in the end, the competition is actually who can benefit the world better!"

Su Han: "The three thousand avenues can achieve mixed yuan, the key is actually to understand what you want to pursue, whether you can get a sense of gain and accomplishment from it, and always stick to it, when the state of mind arrives, it is natural to make a breakthrough in cultivation!"

Although cultivating enlightenment has an obvious "egotism" color, the cultivator himself is a part of the vast universe, whether it is a small world he was born in, or a larger group of worlds he travels to, everything he does is actually influencing the world and being influenced by the world, and what really determines whether he can go to the end is actually whether he can achieve mutual benefit!

To put it bluntly 08, the will of the world is also a special kind of life, if you want to be recognized by it, you must contribute to it, and the cultivators who can drive the whole world to evolve together will be more likely to gain the favor of the will of the world, so as to achieve mutual benefit!

Taking the dragon and Han tribulation in the flood world as an example, the reason why the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn clans can rise is actually that they have pacified the chaotic beast era and made the flood wilderness relatively more orderly, so the patriarchs of the three clans can obtain a certain amount of luck, achieve the mixed yuan golden immortal, and have the qualifications to compete for the throne of the saint!

Hongjun can stand out in the end, because the "Immortal Dao Order" he comprehended from the Jade Plate of Creation and Transformation is more suitable for educating the Flood Famine than the three clans who are simple and rude to convince people with force, Rahu who kills and preaches the Tao, and Yang Mei Daxian who only wants to repay the cause and effect and is alone, so he was finally chosen by the Heavenly Dao!

Before joining the Dao, although Hongjun also had problems such as jointly calculating the three clans with Rahu, his merit to the desolate world was still greater than karma, especially the three sermons in Zixiao Palace, which was a great merit of the Heavenly Dao, so he could achieve the honor of Hedao!

It's just that maybe it was affected by the Heavenly Dao, or that it was difficult to break through the inner demons after the merger, and then Hongjun began to "fall", while removing the influence of Pangu in the flood famine, it also made the flood desolation continue to fall!

To put it bluntly, as a disciple of Hongjun, the son is not the fault of the father, Lao Tzu Yuanshi and Tongtian still have the problem of receiving the quasi-question, Hongjun can't know at all, but he didn't choose to control it, but waited for things to mess up before he came out to end, and there was even a suspicion of fueling the flames behind it!

To put it more bluntly, Hongjun either really doesn't care about anything, and directly does nothing to the end, so that the five saints can directly completely shatter the desolate world, reopen the earth, feng shui and fire, and be eaten back and fall to the holy throne so that future generations will not dare to mess around;

Either they will strictly control the Five Saints before there is a major problem, and truly hand over the jurisdiction of the Three Realms to Haotian, who was still full of ambition at that time, which is better than the final outcome of the gods!

The ruthless empress was able to successfully break through the god chaos to kill the Zhun Ti Saint, and Su Han was able to directly block Zixiao Palace, in fact, it was all caused by the backlash caused by Tiandao and Hongjun's "self-inflicted evil"!

After all, the desolate world was opened up by the Pangu God, and the Heavenly Dao was only the supreme administrator and not the creation god, and it was not irreplaceable!

To exaggerate it, the previous world of gods just didn't have a choice!

Of course, Su Han and the ruthless Empress are "outsiders" after all, and in order to truly gain the recognition of the God World, they also need to show more value!

And this is the best opportunity for the promotion of the chatting masses!

The world of the gods,

Zixiao Palace,

"The number of days has changed, so you can do it yourself!"

Hongjun Daozu indifferently left a sentence, and then disappeared again,

Before, Zixiao Palace suddenly lost contact with the chaotic world, which made Hongjun very clear that the current Heavenly Dao was no longer completely invincible, and after repeatedly pondering, he still decided not to make a move until he had to, so as not to involve more cause and effect!

In the past, the Heavenly Dao was able to control the flood wilderness, which was originally an opportunity for the Great Dao to retreat after the fall of Pangu, but now that the aura of the Great Dao has reappeared, if Hongjun is not reined in, he will be liquidated with the Heavenly Dao!

Anyway, Sanqing and Zhun Ti were originally disciples who were accepted for the purpose of completing the number of days, and their feelings may not be so deep!

"Senior brother, what does this mean, Master?"

The newly resurrected Zhun Ti saint was confused,

"In the past, the master was cloudy, under the number of days, the small trend is changeable, and the big trend cannot be changed, so the victory of this tribulation should still be on our side, but we need to better plan to reduce losses!" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

Taiqing Lao Tzu frowned and said,

Although he also vaguely felt that something was wrong, it was difficult to recover, and many things were impossible to turn back:

To put it simply, although Zhun Ti was reborn by relying on the power of the Heavenly Dao, he was only a "Dharma Body Mortal Body" at the moment, and if he wanted to restore the body of a saint, he had to have a large amount of resources.

has paid such a huge price, if Lao Tzu suddenly says that he will stop doing it, he will turn his face in an instant, and it is very possible to directly join the Tongtian Sect Master to beat people and teach together!

"The advantage is still in me, the recovery needs of the quasi-Daoist friends, and the poor Dao and the eldest brother will help you!"

Yuan Shi Tianzun also refused to stop there,

This killing and robbery was originally caused by the twelve golden immortals under the sect of the sect, if you retreat and let the twelve golden immortals be on the list together, how can you continue to develop the teachings that are already not prosperous?

"Thank you, two fellow Daoists!"

Zhun Ti and Ji Yin glanced at each other, and then saluted together,

This time the number of days changed, the heaviest loss was the Western Sect, the ancestral vein of the old nest Lingshan was destroyed, and the saint Zhun Ti was dead and alive for a while, and his cultivation was seriously damaged, if there was no support from Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi, I don't know that the Year of the Monkey can only be restored!

Although I am extremely dissatisfied in my heart, for the sake of today's plan, I can only turn over the book by continuing to go all the way to the dark and relying on the final victory of the catastrophe!

"The last change in Nuwa Palace, presumably this mysterious fairy secretly caused trouble, and Nuwa's sister is also the one who was played, even if she doesn't join us, at least she will remain neutral!"

Calm down and analyzed: "But for the sake of safety, 757 Taiqing Daoist friends have better make concessions in some things!"

"Poor Dao understands!"

Lao Tzu's eyes moved slightly, but he still nodded, []

Now that the situation is changing, and the suppression of Nuwa and the Three Emperors continues, it is really necessary to force the Wa Palace and Huoyun Cave to the side of the opponent!

"According to Poor Dao's personal experience, this mysterious female immortal cultivates the Dao of the Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortal, although her combat power is extraordinary, but she also has a fatal shortcoming, that is, without the support of the Heavenly Dao, once it is damaged or falls, it will be difficult to recover!"

Zhun Ti gritted his teeth,

Before, the senior brothers were violently beaten by Nuwa, although their faces were also seriously damaged, but after all, it was still the "infighting" of the Heavenly Dao saint, and it could be temporarily covered up under the pretext of the barrenness of the West, which did not affect the saint's high status!

However, now, Zhun Ti was directly used by a female fairy as a sword test stone for the Dao Mixed Yuan, and she was killed like a withering and decaying person, and she could only be reborn by cheating in the Heavenly Dao, not only was the old face directly stepped on the ground, but even the aura of the Heavenly Dao Saint was punctured!

Especially those ancient powers who have already reached the quasi-saint high level and already feel that there is no hope of breaking through and begin to accept their fate, such as Styx Ancestor, Zhen Yuanzi, etc., will inevitably have new ideas and further impact the order of the saint's exclusivity!

To put it bluntly, this group of people may not be able to give face in the future!

It's just that Zhun Ti also knows very well that with the power of himself and his senior brother, it is almost impossible to kill the opponent, so he can only pull Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi into the water together!

No matter how bad it is, it can make Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi lose face together, so that Zhun Ti will no longer be "outstanding"! .

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