Fahai: "The poor monk has always wanted to pay a good visit to all his friends, and now that the group leader is here, he is going to listen to the sermon and learn." "

Footprint Emperor: "Goddess Yan is invited, it must be worth looking forward to, just go and learn." "

Li Yuhu: "This woman has just broken through and has a team building activity, it's really good [hand dancing]!"

Supreme Treasure: "Brother Monkey, why don't we go together?" It's also good to see the world of science fiction elements to open your eyes, and there is a group leader, it must be better than retreat and penance~." "

Sun Wukong: "It's still that child's heart, everyone goes, wouldn't my grandson not be unsociable?"

Supergod World,

The portal opens,

The first to step out of the door was Liu Peiqiang.

After learning that he could go to the supergod world, he prepared for a long time, and sat in the office waiting for the portal to open.

"Lao Liu. "

Angel Hiko greeted him at the door.

"Hello Miss Yan, we have come here to study in the world, and I would like to thank you very much. "

Liu Peiqiang said as he looked around, this should be in a huge spaceship.

There are a lot of high-tech products around, and even he can't understand it.

Angel Yan smiled: "The foundation of the wandering earth world is not bad, there are strengths and weaknesses of each other, you can take a walk and take a look, if there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me at any time." "

At the same time, hearty laughter came from inside the door.

Nezha walked out of the door, followed by Sun Wukong, Supreme Treasure, Yang Jian and other group members.

"Brother Monkey, it's good here, it's just a little too dazzling. "

Sun Wukong also looked around with some curiosity, after all, they had hardly been exposed to these high-tech.

"Sister Hiko!"

Li Yuhu jumped out of the portal.

"Hello Aunt Yan!"

Throw yourself into Angel Hiko's arms.

Xiao Nannan took Xiao Yue'er and Xiao Yu'er and walked out of the portal before Scarlet Smoke and the Willow God Daughters, bouncing and jumping up and down.

Finally everyone looked at the portal, and they were almost all there, and there was only one person left.

Everyone held their breath, after all, there were people in the group who had never even seen Su Han's face.

A figure walked out of the door.

It was the group leader Su Han!

Everyone greeted him one after another, wanting to make a good impression in front of Su Han.

I usually have been chatting in the chat group, but this time I really met the real person, and they, the immortals who went to the sky and the earth, would be a little overwhelmed.

Su Han also noticed that everyone was slightly restrained.

smiled: "You guys have fun, I'm just here to see, don't let go because I can't let go." "

Li Yuhu took Angel Yan's hand and said coquettishly: "Sister Yan, do you have any fun things here, so that everyone can play together." "

Angel Yan smiled slightly: "This is true, but in other galaxies, everyone will wait for a while." "

Then the void in front of everyone was wrapped in a strange energy shield, and the large screen transmitted the scene outside.

I saw that in front of the spaceship they were, a huge wormhole had opened.

The next moment the ship appeared in another galaxy.

"Hyperspace teleportation?"

This made Liu Peiqiang's eyes widen and he looked at the big screen in disbelief.

Does this kind of high-tech really exist?

Yang Jian: "Compared with the teleportation array on our side, the principle is somewhat similar, but how did you move to be able to teleport so far in the technology world?"

Nezha: "That's right, the resources consumed by the teleportation array itself are extremely large, but just now I didn't even feel a large amount of immortal fluctuations inside the spaceship from the teleportation array. "

Angel Yan: "Actually, it's nothing, this universe is like the aura of the fantasy world, with a special source of energy.

To put it simply, it seems that this is a huge magnetic field of energy composed of black holes and dark matter, and we can use this energy for our own use, and we can build many space-time folding points, that is, wormholes;

Once the entire wormhole system is built, in most places in the universe, this wormhole can be opened, according to the words of Xiuxian, it is a teleportation array. "

The group members nodded their heads again and again. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Angel Yan pointed to the planet not far away and said: "There is also the energy of the stars, which is also the source of the power of the wormhole, which can not only make the system more complete and ensure the stability of navigation, but also better reach the living planet in our space fleet." "

Xiao Nannan: "By the way, Sister Yan, what are you doing inside the huge barrier in front of you?"

Li Yuhu: "It looks like there are a lot of spaceships flying in it, is there anything interesting?"

Angel Yan looked at the barrier and introduced with a smile: "This is one of the tourism projects I want to recommend to Liu Peiqiang, the space fleet battle that combines virtual and real technology.

The fleets here are all virtual imaging, and everyone's consciousness can enter the virtual space and fight the enemy as the commander of a space fleet.

0 begging for flowers

In combat, the strength of individuals is limited, similar to online games to fight, and you can have a relatively fairer environment.

This is also a unique simulator for our Supergod World Training Commanders. "

Li Yuhu's eyes lit up, and he ran into the simulator with Xiao Nannan and began to experience space battles.

All kinds of destroyer-class spaceships continued to explode, and finally Li Yuhu pouted and walked out with Xiao Nannan.

"It's so hard, one accidentally fails. "

"Okay, the difficulty here is the highest in our super god world, if you are cleared by this little girl for the first time, doesn't it mean that we are too unskilled?"

After comforting Li Yuhu, Angel Yan suggested again: "Do you want to experience it?" There is a group mode, one person masters a spaceship, and come to see your tacit understanding?"

Footprint Emperor: "Okay, I'd like to see how difficult this game is. "[]

Han Ranran: "I'll join the attacker, let me see how to solve you!"

Xiongba: "Since Han Tianzun joins the attacking side, then I have to defend, see how Han Tianzun loses." "

Wutian: "That makes sense, then I'll attack the other side too." "

Yan Shisan: "I'll follow Brother Han." "

The attacker of this battle was completely defeated, and the commander's attack was taken by Ying Zheng, and the formation was actually quite tightly organized.

But in the end, the Supreme Treasure, Nezha and Sun Wukong couldn't help but be beaten passively, and even drove the spaceship to charge out without permission, messing up the formation, resulting in a bad move.

However, everyone is a little unsatisfied, after all, the simulated space fleet battle is like really being on the battlefield, immersive, and has a different experience than cultivating immortals and the historical plane.

Just when everyone was talking about it, they were ready to fight again, so that they would be ashamed.

Liu Peiqiang's eyes lit up and said: "Seeing the galaxy connection of the supergod world, as well as the simulated battle, I have an idea, that is, I need Goddess Yan and Nezha to help." "

Nezha: "Yes, but what plan do you want me to do?"

Liu Peiqiang: "Since Miss Yan can form a wormhole network from the major galaxies of the entire supergod world, can we follow the basic version of the wandering earth world?"

For example, using the Earth as a space carrier, sailing in the universe, and then gravitationally attracting some asteroids to replace the blown up moon, forming a special galaxy, or a planetary fleet."

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