Sun Wukong: "After all, Rick has divided the world into too many parallel universes, and he has a lot of devices about time and space in his hands, and growing all the time is the most important thing." "

Nezha: "Can't we unite all Ricks and tell them that they can't create new parallel worlds?"

Zuo Qianhu: "I don't think it's possible. "

Jiang Li: "It feels amazing, without cultivating, you can constantly separate into new parallel worlds. "

Angel Hiko: "After all, it's not just mastering the laws of space that can open up space, but also in the world of technology, you can use a lot of matter to create wormholes.

As for Rick, I think it's supposed to be an outlier. "

Liu Peiqiang: "And speaking of which, Rick's personality is very unstable, not to mention whether he can find it all, even if he controls it, I'm afraid he will continue to study secretly." "

Yang Jian: "It's not simple, isn't there a world of its own in each saint's body?

Not only will we be able to accomplish our goal, but we will also be able to share the pressure with Poseidon and spread the Saint Yuan to the world of Rick Morty. "

Cao Mengde: "This is also a way, but what if Pose 22 Dong dies?"

Zhu Youzhen: "Yes, if Poseidon has three longs and two shorts, not only the Rickmorty world, but even the three-body world will be affected, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang: "Don't worry, in the chat group, as long as we don't want him to die, no one can die, we can't do it, and there is the group owner." "

Liu Che: "I think it's also a good way to use a saint as a springboard. "

Angel Hiko: "In that case, then I will put him in the Three-Body World, just in the Rick Morty World, and I will save Rick from coming." "

Three-Body World,

After Liu Peiqiang opened the portal, on the side of the portal, Angel Yan walked out of the portal.

"It's beautiful. "

Luo Ji couldn't help but sigh when he looked at Angel Yan, but he didn't dare to look at it again.

Liu Peiqiang also said cautiously: "I didn't expect you to come in person this time, Fairy Yan." "

Angel smiled and nodded, throwing Poseidon floating behind him to the ground.

"Wait a minute, let's wait for the others. "

She can arrange it successfully, but because of the principle of absorbing energy, she is not very familiar with it, and she will start again when Sun Wukong and them come back.

Soon the portal opens in front of you.

The three of Sun Wukong walked out of the door, one carrying a main god in his hand.

These are the false gods of the world of Olympus, and they have now become instruments for experimentation.

"Rick has been waiting for a long time, we just need to change the materials, and if he does it himself, it will greatly improve the success rate. "

The three of Sun Wukong formed a triangle and surrounded Poseidon.

After a while, he will definitely wake up, so he still needs them to suppress it.

"Let's get started. "

Angel Yan threw out precious and rare materials from his pocket, and if these materials were placed in the Journey to the West, even one of them would cause the world to fall into madness.

Now it's being thrown out as material.

After all, these materials are not precious to her, and she can ask for a lot of them in the inner world.


Rick operated remotely and began to control the material into Poseidon's body.

There are still some differences between robots and humans, so when the experiment began, Poseidon let out a scream.

"What the hell are you going to do, I didn't provoke you, I hid in the world, why did you arrest me and torture me?"

Poseidon's eyes were red, and his handsome face was out of place because of the hideousness.

The whole body of the Saint Yuan began to boil, and the powerful aura spread throughout the planet.

"He's going to blow himself up, suppress it. "

The three of them hurriedly made a move, released the immortal qi of their whole bodies and began to suppress Poseidon, and with Poseidon's terrible screams, they were finally suppressed.

As the renovation took longer and longer, it was finally completed.

"It's really good, I didn't expect that in this world, there are creatures with such powerful bodies, if it were normal creatures, they would have died a long time ago. "

Rick stood on the console and couldn't help but sigh when he looked at Poseidon, who was still breathing.

Basically, all the bones in his body were replaced, not to mention, and even in the end, even his body was transformed and directly connected to his world.

Although he didn't know how these people did it, he felt that the pressure of the world had become stronger and more solidified.

"It turns out that there are so many strong people in this world, which is really amazing. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Rick changed his drunken appearance from his usual appearance, and obviously took this matter very seriously.

"Rick, I still have to warn you, your world is very dangerous right now, and if you create a parallel world like this, the world is prone to big things. "

Rick spread his hand: "What's the use of you telling me, I haven't studied space technology for a long time, it's other Rick who is researching, and I can't control them." "

Sun Wukong nodded slightly after hearing this, he had expected it a long time ago, it seemed that the world of Rick Morty was a big trouble.

And at the moment when Poseidon was connected.

The entire planet of the Three-Body World shone with dazzling light.

The Blue Star in the solar system is even more frequent, the mountains erupt with a rich aura, and the human brain begins to lift the restrictions, so it can be said that the Blue Star has officially entered the civilization of cultivating immortals.

And there are also various high-tech 560 blessings, I believe that there will be greater progress in the future.

chat group,

Luo Ji: "What's the matter, I see that your predecessors are busy in space, how do you feel that the world has changed?"

Angel Hiko: "It's quite surprising that this connection to Poseidon was originally a help to the Rick Morty world, but it actually advanced to the three-body world." "

Sun Wukong: "Well, it seems that the Rick Morty world has begun to merge with the three-body world, although it was stopped in time, but the two sides are already inseparable." "

Nezha: "Isn't this good news, as long as we can successfully control the world of Rick Morty, it will definitely be a good potential stock in the future." "

Yang Jian: "Forget it, this world is mainly Rick is very powerful, but I also saw Rick's mental state just now, if the world is fused, I can imagine how chaotic the three-body world will be in the future." "

Liu Peiqiang: "But it's really fast, it took a long time for my world to be promoted, but I didn't expect that not long after I joined the chat group, Brother Luo's world is really lucky." "[]

Xiongba: "Yes, after all, the promotion of the world requires chance and heritage, and this promotion, it seems that Brother Luo's world has also exploded with a lot of heritage." "

Wutian: "And there is also a saint, although he is a false saint, but he has also brought great help to the world. "。

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