[Yunxiao sent you 1000 points, please get it as soon as possible...]

[Yunxiao sent you 160 points, please collect it as soon as possible...]

Yunxiao: "Li Feiyu bought a elixir that increases lifespan, 2,000 points, related to you, there are half of you." "

Yunxiao: "Li Feiyu felt the exercises, 320 points, related to you, should have half of you." "

The fairies all said that there was a relationship,

Li Luo didn't have anything to shirk,

I just can't help but want to complain, Li Feiyu felt what garbage exercises, only 320 points.

This exercise cheat, sold in the mall is cheap, because it is difficult to learn, difficult to master, buy to learn, no tricks.

The perception is equivalent to opening and hanging, saving decades of time, and the mall is naturally expensive.

But after opening the hanging, it is so much more points, and this exercise can be seen how low-end.

Li Feiyu didn't think so, feeling the wind and thunder knife technique, sharp and fast, and there was a pride of invincibility in the world.

"Medium martial arts, all have such power, with the chat group, I will be able to step on the peak step by step..."


On the other side,

Jiang Yuyan chatted privately as soon as the newcomer joined the group and sold resources,

As a result, I waited for a while, and there was no news.

Jiang Yuyan immediately understood that the other members of the group were also selling resources and asking for a lower price,

"One by one, who are they, where is there such competition, is it easy to earn points hard!"

Jiang Yuyan was in a grudge,

The quotation fee is two percent, it is already so low, how low can it be!

Could it be that the price has been reduced to one percent!

That's how you earn more points.

However, these resources are painstakingly collected and cost nothing.

Jiang Yuyan hesitated a little "two six seven", or chatted privately about the big snake pill and Li Feiyu respectively,

"If you sincerely want to buy resources, the cost can still be compromised, more than three thousand points of resources, the cost is one percent..."

The message was sent out, and Daimaru replied.

Li Feiyu's news is very timely,

"Jiang Yuyan, I don't need resources anymore, Brother Li Luo sent me five thousand..."

"Li Luo!!"

Jiang Yuyan's heart and liver hurt,

At this moment, I wanted to strangle Li Luo.

Is it human, is it human, it's so inhumane,

Exhausted to collect nearly a month, not yet five thousand points of resources,

Li Luo sent it directly there, what points did he earn.

The more Jiang Yuyan thought about it, the more angry she became, and she wanted to cry even more aggrieved,

This day can't be passed, Li Luo, who killed a thousand cuts, why is it so bad.

About the same time,

Zhu Yuyan also learned the news, and her beautiful heart fluctuated violently, and she couldn't suppress her anger.

Last time, he was deceived by Murong Fu and bought more than 2,000 points of resources from Yue Qiluo, and smashed them in his hands,

Ben also counted on the return of blood from the newcomer and sold the return points,

Li Luo directly sent resources, and it was simply pitted home.

"Li Luo, you wait, don't fall into my hands..."


Yue Qiluo also learned about this, and his little nose hummed, and he was angry,

Li Luo also said before what cooperation to sell resources, and took 10,000 points from him.

This is sending resources for free in a blink of an eye, isn't it a pit person!

Yue Qiluo huffed to find Li Luo's theory, and reasonably traveled all over the world,

"Li Luo, how can you send resources for free, you are like this, I will find the resources you take and sell them to."

Well, that's a bit of a pit.

Li Luo blinked and deliberately changed the topic,

"Don't mention this in advance, Murong Funa's points and other items are all in your place.

"Say something to Hongyue, go out to play, and come back early..."

As soon as I heard about the points,

Yue Qiluo had a loss of heart,

Calculating Murong Fu was planned by Li Luo,

Bai got 5200 points, a storage necklace, 600 grenades, which is a bit bad.

But tightly, seeing Li Luo's last words, saying that let Hongyue go back, Yue Qiluo was very worried, so he didn't believe in Li Luo, who had a black heart, and had no shackles, so easily let Hongyue go

"Li Luo, did you ask Yunxiao to place any prohibition on Red Moon?"

This was the only possibility that Yue Qiluo had thought of, and Li Luo alone would definitely not be able to shackle Red Moon.

"There is no prohibition..."

Li Luo told the truth,

"Hongyue accidentally became the spirit of Lingbao, she should have told you.

"This spirit has restrictions, and if you leave the spirit treasure for a long time, your soul will be scattered.

"I told her, she didn't believe it, she thought I lied to her.

"Also, does she want to fuse with you to get out of trouble."

"This matter, I push is very possible.

"Of course, if I say that, you won't believe it.

"So, you guys just try it.

"If it doesn't work, come back quickly, and in the future, you will be considered a mother's family."

"Hongyue has nothing to do to go back to her mother's house, walk around, and I don't object.

"If it happens, we will each rely on our own abilities in the future..."

What a mother's house...

Yue Qiluo rolled his eyes, very worried about Hongyue, and quickly wrote a letter and sent it to Murong Fu.

On the other side,

Hongyue felt weak and was preparing to control Murong Fu from taking poison,

Will wrap the poison with soul power,

When the red envelope arrived at Yue Qiluo's side, this soul energy dispersed, and Murong Fu immediately died of poison.

This saw Yue Qiluo's letter,

Hongyue naturally didn't believe Li Luo's words, but she couldn't help but be a little worried.

This time, it was naturally best to fuse with Yue Qiluo.

If there is no way to merge, the immortal nature of the soul, and there is no one in ten, will gradually dissipate.

But there is no idea of rather die unyielding, but in order to save his life, he returned to Li Luona, more or less, a little embarrassed is not.

After all, left, Li Luo is a life-and-death feud,

Go back, Li Luoke is a dear master.

No, you have to leave some back roads, leave a line in doing things, and meet Li Luo well.

Hongyue was thinking about it, when a crisp and beautiful voice shouted from outside the door:

"Gongzi, go to Mandala Mountain Villa to raise your family, you are ready, when will you leave?"


Murong Fu's fiancée?

The red moon flashed and wanted to see,

If this fiancée is beautiful, she just gives it to Li Luo, and she can show her loyalty and cover up her run this time.

Last time, he gave Li Yueya to Li Luo.

Chongzhen also sent Chen Yuanyuan to Li Luo.

These two beauties, Li Luo is not polite, they are all included in the room.


Often sealed in the ring by Li Luo,

Hongyue could naturally guess what Li Luo was doing.

Obviously, Li Luo is, man, very normal, throw himself into his favor, just right.

"Go now..."

Hongyue controlled Murong Fu's body to reply, walked to the door and opened the door, she saw a bright and moving woman, her eyes were like stars, her complexion was white and tender, smooth and crystalline, and she had a touching charm.

Hongyue was pleasantly surprised, but she didn't expect that this maid from Murong Fu's family was a beautiful woman rarely seen in the world.

The best thing is that Hongyue can see that it is still a pure yin body, which is just given to Li Luo as a gift.

Immediately, Hongyue interrogated Murong Fu and learned that the beautiful maid in front of her, called Azhu, was a maid bought by the Murong family since childhood,

This belongs to a relationship where no one cares about killing and is left to its disposal.


Hongyue pretended to be Murong Fu and said solemnly: (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

"You are not too young, I want to promise you a marriage, you are willing."

"Aju is willing..."

Ah Zhu lowered his eyebrows slightly and bit his lip lightly.

It is the handmaid of the Murong family, which is equivalent to a slave, how can she not be willing.

It's very good to be able to get married.

"Wait over there, you must be obedient and serve the nobles well, you know..."

Hongyue instructed again, and Azhu listened to them one by one,

Wait for the boat to arrive at Mandala Villa,

As soon as Hongyue got off the boat, she saw a girl with a spirit from a distance, and she was surprised to come,


"This should be the fiancée Wang Yuyan..."

Hongyue was a little disappointed, feeling that this Wang Yuyan was not as good-looking as Azhu,

However, it is also a pure yin body,

It is very nice to give a gift to a dear host,

Hongyue directly packed it, and also packed Azhu and sent it to Yue Qiluo.

Naturally, this can't be given directly to Li Luo, think of beautiful things.

The only fusion with Yue Qiluo, these two are big medicines.

It didn't work, you have to go back to Li Luona, it's a gift.

Before there was no result, he said that if Li Luo was allowed to make a wedding dress, let him make a wedding dress, and he could not take it with a little benefit.

Everything is in order,

Red Moon immediately took poison,

The mysterious spiritual platform, in the red mist, there is a small point of light,

"Murong Fu, send me to Yue Qiluo now.

"Don't worry, I won't harm your life, but I don't worry about you either, I will leave some strength.

"Don't worry too much, when I leave, these forces will slowly dissipate..."

Hongyue threatened to make a promise, deceiving Murong into giving Yue Qiluo a red envelope.

Murong Fu wanted this red mist demon to leave quickly, but how could he refuse.

[Yue Qiluo received your red envelope...]

Wait for the red envelope to be sent away,

Murong Fu was completely relaxed, and he also hated Yue Qiluo, the points were gone, the 50 million taels of silver were gone, and the dream of regaining the country was gone0...

But concerned about the fading red mist around him, Murong Fu also restrained in hatred,

Suddenly, the red mist disappeared, and Murong Fu felt his body, and before he had time to stir, he felt colic in his abdomen and difficulty breathing.


Murong Fu was so frightened that he quickly opened the chat group and wanted to ask for help,

But the toxicity is too strong, in the blink of an eye, Murong Fu has become confused, he is not willing to despair, and he is fierce, concentrated, and sent the last paragraph in the chat group,

"Yue Qiluo is a demon, he came to rob me of my points and hurt me..."

With Murong Fu's despicable character in the group, no one took care of him and no one believed him.

But immediately after, the chat group pops up prompt,

[Group member Murong Fu died...]

This news, coupled with Murong Fu's words, made people shudder.

Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun: "How, how did you run over?" "

Zhuge Hercules looked solemn and analyzed: "It may be through the red envelope, what was sent." "

Zhu Yuyan: "The slave family is really afraid, Yue Qiluo, can you explain?" "

I'll explain something.

Yue Qiluo was aggrieved, and wanted to say that what was not done was done by Li Luo, but he was falsely accused by Murong Fu, who was dying, how could this be explained.

"Hongyue, how are you?"

Yue Qiluo was not in the attention group, and looked at Red Moon with concern.

Have tried to fuse the only one, failed.

At this moment, the red mist turned into by the red moon is very light,

"It's not good, maybe it's too far away from Lingbao, it's more serious than expected, you go and help me collect some essence..."

Hongyue was panicked and unwilling, and really didn't want to go back if possible.

Shouting Master Li Luo every day, shouting habits, really into his shape, what to do.

"Don't collect the essence qi, refining the spirit herb pill, the effect is better..."

Yue Qiluo didn't go, took out a spirit herb pill,


Red Moon is not angry,

He was also very angry with Yue Qiluo's defeated behavior,

Big medicine everywhere, and buy spirit herb pills.

Now is not the time to be angry either,

Spirit Herb Pill contains Spiritual Qi, and it is indeed better than Essence Qi,

Hongyue hurriedly refining, feeling that although the effect was not great, it was also effective and relaxed.

However, when the spirit herb pill was consumed, the red mist began to fade again,

Red Moon's mood collapsed a little,

Always use the spirit herb pill, which starts to consume.

And the spirit grass pill is like this, the effect of the essence qi will only be worse.

Hongyue woke up to this, although unwilling, but also very decisive, and immediately said:

"Yue Qiluo, send the 5200 points, as well as all the things I sent you, including those two women, to Li Luo, I'm going back..."

"Isn't the points good..."

Yue Qiluo was very reluctant to 1.1, and he hadn't covered the heat yet.

"Then you keep 1000, Li Luo doesn't know what Murong Fu bought anyway, how many points there are..."

Red Moon said triumphantly:

"Yue Qiluo, I go back this time, don't be sad, this is our opportunity to rise.

"Li Luo will definitely calculate others.

"He doesn't know how many points, we intercept some secretly, how can he know."

"Hmph, let him be treacherous like a ghost, but also work for our sisters..."


Yue Qiluo's eyes were shining, and he felt that Hongyue was really good at staying on Li Luo's side,

It's like guarding a cornucopia, doing nothing, and there is a steady stream of points.


[Group member Murong Fu died...]

Another world,

Seeing this prompt, the big snake pill looked at the discussion in the group, and his gloomy eyes showed a sneer,

Before this, he couldn't think of how to earn points, and he also felt how difficult it was to earn points.

Now, think it's not difficult,

Everyone in this group, who has no points,

Like that demon Yue Qiluo, rob it.

The big snake pill also immediately thought of who to send to rob.

Ninjutsu is a chakra of one's own cultivation, communication and natural energy, and the technique of casting, which has high requirements for the environment.

Other worlds do not necessarily have such natural energy.

To be on the safe side, it is best to send a master of physical skills over.

A master of physical skills who can use and deceive,

It seems that there is only one, Tsunade with strange powers.

"In a few days, it will be the 12th birthday of the rope tree, and he will be blown up the next day, so he can make good use of it..."

The big snake pill secretly calculated, and his gloomy gaze also looked at Li Luo's name.

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