"Li Luo..."

"Li Luo..."

Li Luo didn't care about the private chat, repeatedly studied the administrator permissions, and was curious about what was above the administrator.

And soon found, group master, promotion conditions, become a detached ~.

Li Luo had a question mark on his face, naturally he didn't understand what a detached person was,

But the uniqueness of the group leader is still clear.

In other words, this Ten Thousand Worlds chat group is similar to raising cheats.

Ordinary group members, for the sake of points, so.

Even if promoted to administrator, it is the same and more dangerous.

The administrator's permission can spend 50,000 points to forcibly open the group,

Every administrator is a potential enemy.

So, to be on the safe side...

Li Luo's cold gaze looked at the other group members.

Points must be centralized to control the promotion of administrators.

However, this seems a bit difficult.

Li Luo looked at Yunxiao,

This transcendent holy existence, if he wants to be promoted to administrator, who can stop it.

And when Yunxiao is promoted, saves enough points, and forcibly opens the group, it can't be stopped at all.

At this moment,

Li Luocai woke up to how wonderful it was to hide the label of changing the world with the sole right and the label.

You think I'm in this world, but I'm actually in another, spending 50,000 points to forcibly open a loneliness.

With this right, keep a low profile, and safety is guaranteed.

Li Luo was determined in his heart, and studied other rights and interests for a while before looking at the private chat.

First replied to Xiao Wei's text message,

"Xiao Wei, because of the promotion, there are no more points, wait to save points..."

Li Luo was telling the truth,

Not only no points, but also debt,

Li Feiyu, Zhuge Dalian, Yue Qiluo, 5,000 points each,

It adds up to fifteen thousand,

Gong Ruomei still has three thousand,

In the calculation, half of the final payment of the storage necklace, more than five thousand points, has not yet been given to Yunxiao.

As a businessman with a conscience, Li Luo did not plan to pay the bills, he had to pay them back.

"Zhu Yuyan, there are no points now, wait for me to earn some points, soon go and help you check..."

Li Luo wanted to go to Zhu Yuyanna, and also wanted to adjust her the same as Tsunade, but unfortunately, there were no points.

"Li Luo, brother Luo'er, the slave family is waiting for you to come..."


Although it is not a voice, Li Luo's brain makes up for Zhu Yuyan's charming style, coquettish, and the whole person is bored for a while.

Taking a deep breath, Li Luo ignored her, opened the mall, looked at the rights and interests of the administrator, and opened a store.

Say it's a store, there's only one page,

Li Luo counted, there were a total of twenty grids, representing 20 goods for sale.

Then, open the second page, which requires 20,000 points.

How does it feel like a certain game.

Li Luo complained, and also thought about what items he wanted to sell.

The first is resources,

1 point to buy 3 pounds of gold, the shelves are full, 999 copies.

10 points to buy resources worth 20 points, 50% of the fee, 999 copies on the shelf.

200 points to buy 500, 40% of the fee, 999 copies on the shelf.

500 points to buy 2,000, 20% of the cost of 5, 999 copies on the shelf.


Li Luo put on the shelves firearms and weapons,

50 points for pistols, 30 points for grenades, 200 points for submachine guns, 10 points for 1 bullet.

At this point, there is nothing of value,

Li Luo flipped through the space Lingbao, and put on the shelves tobacco, alcohol, sugar tea, melon seeds, and various snacks, the main thing is a large discount, 1 point to enjoy.

Finally, Li Luo gave the store a name, the discount commissary, and clicked to open.

At this moment, the chat group popped up a prompt,

【Li Luo's discount store is open, welcome to visit...】

It's pretty good, advertised.

Li Luo was thinking, and the group was lively.

Zhuge Dalian: "Li Luo, can the administrator open a store?" "

"Yes, there is one more right to open a store." Li Luo deliberately concealed the only rights and interests, which were all exclusive.

Zhuge Dalian: "This one is also good, I have always felt that the store of the chat group is very wasted, there are no goods, it turns out that the administrator can use it." "

Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun: "Li Luo, there is wine, it's great, I drank it last time, I ate this mouthful..."

Li Feiyu: "Brother Li, these foods you sell are also too delicious..."

Zhu Yuyan deliberately seduced: "The slave family also bought it, brother Luo'er, it's really delicious..."

Xiao Qiao: "Li Gongzi's goods are very novel, and the taste is also very good..."

Jiang Yuyan: "Brother Luo, people also buy it..."


Zhuge Dali looked a little messy,

Li Luo's shop also looked at it,

Those tobacco, alcohol, sugar and tea snacks, not worth anything at all, 1 point can buy three pounds of gold, worth more than 600,000, so much money, buy a few truckloads of snacks.

Such an uneconomical commodity has become the hottest.

Instantly, Zhuge Dali had a feeling that I could do it, and the most important thing in the city was small snacks.

But alas, there is a lack of channels.

In this regard, Li Luo also did not expect this, and planned to find Zhuge to vigorously purchase goods in the future.

After all, it's not good to always sell expired food.

"Li Luo, Brother Li, what are those guns and grenades you sell?"

At this time, Li Feiyu inquired curiously.

Li Luo took the opportunity to flicker: "Let's just say it, martial arts are high, one shot knocks down, there is a submachine gun, invincible in the world." "

Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun: "Brother, is it really fake?" It's not worth a few points, is it so powerful? "

The perception exercises that Yunxiao bought are 1,000 points, and they can't prevent a gun, which makes people very stuffed.

"More powerful than I said..."

Li Luo said deliberately: "The most powerful thing is actually a grenade, especially when marching and fighting, a grenade is thrown over, killing dozens or hundreds of people..."

Xie Xun was excited, he was fighting, this grenade was really so powerful, but it was a divine weapon.

Even if his martial arts skills were close to the grandmaster, if he wanted to kill dozens of people on the battlefield, it would take a lot of effort.

"Zhuge Dalian, is what Li Luo said true?"

Xie Xun asked Zhuge vigorously.

Zhuge Dalian: "Although what Li Luo said is a bit exaggerated, if people gather in a pile, it does have this effect, how is it, you can buy one and try it." "

For Zhuge Dalian's words, Xie Xun was convinced, he didn't need to buy it, he wanted to buy it in large quantities, but Li Luona's price was too expensive:

"Zhuge Xiaoyou, your world over there is similar to Li Luo, and it is also a city, can you provide this kind of thing."


Zhuge vigorously held his forehead with his small hand and sighed,

Why do you feel that it is the same as Li Luo's world, not at all different,

"Can't help, we sell this thing, shoot..."

Another world,

Zhu Yuyan saw Li Luo's introduction, and was afraid for a while,

These firearms are really as powerful as Li Luo said, and if they are not guarded, they will be countered by Li Luo.

But think about it instead,

Zhu Yuyan's eyes lit up again, if she had these weapons, she could easily subdue Li Luo.

All that needed to be done was to deceive Li Luo.

"Li Luo, brother Luo'er, said that you want to come to see the slave family, don't forget..." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Hokage World,

Orochimaru followed the chat group and had a sudden sense of realization,

I thought that Li Luo's strength was strong, so there was no danger warning when he sent red envelopes.

It turns out that it depends on these foreign objects,

As long as you pay attention, one finger can press Li Luo to death.

The big snake pill's eyes were gloomy, and he secretly calculated how to trick Li Luo.

On the other side,

Xiao Wei, who also pays attention to the chat group, has a similar idea.

She once sent lizard essence to Li Luo, and the red envelope did not show danger, and she thought that Li Luo was very powerful.

If it were with these so-called firearms, Li Luo would not be the opponent of the lizard spirit.

Xiao Wei was also more at ease, tricking Li Luo into coming to control him and control him.

At this moment,

Li Luoke didn't know that he was remembered by so many people, and he was in a pleasant mood when he looked at the soaring points.

The only shop in chat groups is to make money.

At this meeting, the gun grenade sold a lot.

And when the points pass the thousand mark,

Li Luo couldn't help but look at Zhu Yuyan's name.

Three times and two invitations, no conspiracy is strange.

However, Li Luo also wanted to save up the experience of going to other worlds to meet this first beauty of the Demon Gate, how beautiful and not bad.


Li Luo turned on the crossover function and selected Zhu Yuyan's world label.

[Li Luo hopes to cross the border to come to this world, do you agree..."

See this prompt,

Zhu Yuyan's eyes are shining, and how can she refuse.

[Zhu Yuyan agrees to cross the border, please choose the landing location...]

There are two options for advent locations, one is random.

One is 50 kilometers to 500 kilometers of Zhu Yuyan's current location, and the specific amount can be chosen.

Li Luo chose 50 kilometers.

Once determined,

Li Luo only felt a trance, and the world changed.

The world that God sees is also completely different.

The end, gray,

In this world, the sky is a bottomless, boundless white cloud,

The ground, as if in the fog, into the eyes, is full of white mist-like heaven and earth vitality.

Coming to such an environment,

Li Luo felt that the air was particularly fresh and the people were very comfortable.

[The world has changed, has the world label changed?] 】

Has unique permission to not change the world label.

But this permission must be concealed.

Therefore, Li Luo chose to change, and the world label changed from an ordinary urban world to a fantasy martial arts world.

This time, Zhu Yuyan is paying attention to Li Luo, seeing his world label change, beautiful eyes, cold as ice,

"Li Luo, let you live better than die right away..."

"Li Luo, brother Luo'er, where are you, the slave family can't wait to see you..."

In what location,

Li Luo really doesn't know,

Surrounded by obvious wilderness,

Li Luo walked for a while, arrived at an official road, determined the location, and sent a message to Zhu Yuyan.

It didn't take long,

Zhu Yuyan has arrived,

She is even more moving than Li Luo imagined,

The skin is fair and shiny, the body is graceful, and its temperament is more beautiful, holy and pure, and no one will feel associated with the demon girl.

"Brother Luoer..."

Zhu Yuyan is dripping and pounced, like a fairy throwing her arms.

Li Luo looked at it with a smile, waved his hand, the little paper man legion, on...

I don't like to throw my arms and give hugs, I prefer Zhu Yuyan to support the wall... Seven....

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