As in the previous life,

Zhuge vigorously agreed on three chapters and opened the door to the world.

Li Luo quietly moistened the past, tied the knot with Zhuge Dasheng according to the previous extreme survival script, and moved in together,

The difference is that after the extreme survival script, this time, it was not Li Luo who went to the so-called main god space alone, and Zhuge Dasheng was also together.

In the last life, a person went to the convenience of coming at any time and leaving at any time,

It is also planned to go to the Flood Barren World and understand all kinds of heavenly materials and earth treasures, and after using Zhuge Dali and Yunxiao's great cause and effect.

Nowadays, just opening the flood world has the crisis of being killed in seconds.

Li Luo only wanted to use this big cause and effect to improve comprehensively.

As for how to use it, it is also simple,

The task of the main god space, nine deaths.

As long as Zhuge Dali knows that Zhuge Dasheng is facing a crisis and dying at any time,

Zhuge was strongly worried and would definitely find a way to help improve his strength.

He and Jiang Yuyan are strangers, and they are willing to ask Yunxiao to help.

Zhuge Dasheng has the kindness of nurturing for many years, and Zhuge Dali is even more difficult to ignore.

"Husband, husband..."

Zhuge Dasheng hugged Li Luo tightly,

It took a long time to wake up from that incomparable wonderland,

Li Luo felt her warm fragrance and softness, kissed her hair, and said gently:

"Wife, do you want to tell Lili about our affairs in the main god space."


Zhuge Dasheng hurriedly said: 09 "This kind of thing is mysterious and dangerous.

"Li Li is too smart, she will definitely investigate, I don't want her to be involved in such a dangerous matter..."

"Your concerns are right..."

Li Luo pretended to sigh and reminded:

"But have you ever thought about it.

"If one day, we suddenly disappear.

"The blow to the force will be even greater.

"She may spend her whole life looking for us.

"It's really that, it's not fair to her.

"It will also be unhappy for the rest of your life.

"We told her the truth.

"If we don't come back one day.

"Li Li will also know what happened.

"She's a smart kid.

"Even if I am sad, I will be strong to face the rest of my life..."

Zhuge Dasheng was still a little hesitant, and said worriedly: "Although Li Li is smart, after all, she is only a teenager, and I don't want her to understand about the matter of the Lord God Space." "

Li Luo knew her concerns and proposed in another way:

"Otherwise, we will write a suicide note in advance.

"If one day, we go missing.

"Try to organize our relics and find them.

"After preventing us from dying, everything about us is erased.

"I also wrote two copies of the suicide note, one simpler, telling that disappearance equals death, and there is no need to look for it.

"Another, detailing our experience.

"If Li Li can see it, it is also a warning to her.

"One day, I also came into contact with mysterious events, so as not to know nothing..."

For the proposal of the suicide note, Zhuge Dasheng did not object, and wrote two suicide notes to Zhuge Dali and put them in the closet.

And then it's simple.

Li Luo deliberately and Zhuge Great Sage Spirit mysterious, often can't see people, once when speaking, accidentally mentioned the suicide note, Zhuge Vigorously keenly perceived, but pretended not to hear, quietly found the suicide note.

When he saw the suicide note, Zhuge Dali was about to collapse,

She noticed that Luo Mu and her mother Zhuge Dasheng often left home mysteriously, and she thought that her mother had some terminal illness, so she concealed that there were various elixirs in Yunxiao, which was not a problem at all.

What extreme survival, what main god space,

It was Zhuge Dali who never thought of it,

But she knows,

It must be a mysterious existence similar to the chat group,

And, there is extreme danger.

Chat groups are just chats, there is nothing dangerous about it.

The main god space, but to go to various worlds to do tasks, is not the same at all.

In the suicide note, from extreme survival to the main god space, Zhuge Dasheng was introduced in detail.

It has also been mentioned more than once that if it were not for Luo Mu, he would have died a long time ago, and it was Luo Mu who sacrificed his life again and again to save him, so he persisted to this day.

Between the lines, it is full of Zhuge Dashen's love for Luo Mu, even if there is death in front of him and there is no future, he is happy and satisfied to face it with Luo Mu.

After reading the suicide note, Zhuge Dali clearly understood that if he wanted his mother Zhuge Dasheng to survive in the dangerous main god space, he must improve his strength, and he must also improve Luo Mu's strength.

Luo Mu is strong and will definitely be able to protect his mother.

Immediately, Zhuge vigorously contacted Yunxiao,

"Yunxiao, Fairy Sister, I have two relatives who accidentally joined the Lord God Space, it is very dangerous there..."

Zhuge Dali gave a detailed introduction, and finally asked: "Sister Fairy, is there a way to directly improve your strength?" "


Zhuge Dali added, "Sister Fairy, you helped me this time, we will be clear, there is no cause and effect." "

Yunxiao: "I have an elixir here, and after mortals take it, they will live for ten thousand years."

"Even a place without aura can live for thousands of years.

"But if there is an injury or illness, the elixir will be immediately healed, and the severed limb can be reborn.

"Disadvantages, mortals cannot refine, and if they are discovered by people with hearts, the elixir will become a life-seeking thing.

"Besides, I have a practice here.

"Without the environment of aura, Ben could not cultivate.

"With the elixir, it can be turned into the cultivation source of this exercise.

"The combination of the two can improve the strength in a short time.

"Other than that.

"I have a charm here.

"When used, you can gain extraordinary power.

"This power is short-lived and can be used nine times.

"The cause and effect between you and me, I can help you twice.

"These add up to enough to settle these two causes and effects, are you willing?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Zhuge Dasheng didn't care about this, and only hoped that his mother Zhuge Dasheng would live well.

After getting these items,

Zhuge Dali deliberately avoided Zhuge Dasheng and had a showdown with Luo Mu,

"Uncle Luo, did you and my mother arrive at the Lord God Space?"


Li Luo pretended to be surprised and immediately vetoed,

"What main god space, I don't know what you say..."

That being said, but in fact, Li Luo's mood was so comfortable, it was obvious that Zhuge was vigorously hooked.

"Uncle Luo..."

Zhuge Dali said sadly: "I saw the letter my mother wrote to me, I know everything..."

"You got it..."

Li Luo took out all his acting skills, pretended to sigh, and assured with perseverance,

"You don't have to worry too much, I will protect the Holy Sister.

"The Lord God Space is not too terrible.

"As long as you complete a certain number of tasks and collect points, you can get out..."

This made Zhuge Dali see hope, and immediately handed the thing to Li Luo,

"Uncle Luo, these things are for you.

"You protect my mother well, don't tell her what I know..."

"What is it?"

Li Luo pretended to be puzzled, and he was also really puzzled, but he didn't delay his heart beating faster.

The item that Zhuge vigorously took out was very simple, two spirit jades with spiritual halos,

This item, Li Luo670 has seen, the first time to find Yunxiao to feel the exercises, Yunxiao mailed over, is such an item.

In addition to this, there are also two small jade bottles, one with a large palm and an inexplicable aura.

"Uncle Luo..."

Zhuge Dali raised his small chin slightly, and said proudly:

"You and your mother are in the main god space, and I also have some chance.

"Don't ask more about this, I'm safe.

"These items were acquired by accident.

"It allows you and your mother to gain strength in a short time and break away from the main god space.

"What is in the small jade bottle is an elixir, after taking it, all external injuries heal instantly, even if the severed limb can be reborn.

"With this elixir, as a source of strength, you can also practice the exercises in the jade chip.

"This is an extraordinary sanctification exercise, and I hope you can protect my mother well."

"Also, this is an immortal talisman.

"If you practice that exercise, cultivate divine consciousness, you can open it with divine sense.

"This immortal talisman can be used nine times, five minutes each time, to obtain the power of the heavenly immortal.

"These items, you told my mother, you obtained them accidentally, don't mention me, otherwise, my mother will want to worry more..."

Am I special...

At this moment, Li Luo don't say that his heart is beating fast, he is almost excited to swing,

It was expected that as long as Zhuge vigorously took the bait, the harvest would be great, but in any case, he could not have imagined that the harvest would be so large.

It's just that the elixir and the immortal talisman will not lose money in blood.

And when Li Luo was curious, the jade piece was attached to his eyebrows, and he learned what the technique was, and he wanted to hold Zhuge and kiss him fiercely, and then he was a daughter.

The exercise is called the "Flint Emperor Sutra", which is an exercise that reaches directly to the heavenly immortals.

And, this is Yunxiao's perception,

Li Luo can easily comprehend all kinds of mysteries,

Now it can be said that the Avenue of Eternal Life has become.

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