Chat Group, People In The Immortal World, Increased By Billions Of Times

35. All Newcomers Are Leeks. Although There Is No Shuttle Function, I Have A Shuttle System.

In the items they sell.

In addition to the value of the item itself, there are also the coordinates of their world.

Even if you sell a stone in your world in the Crossing Chat Group Mall.

Even a grain of sand.

The old members of the Crossing Chat Group have the means to extract the coordinates of your world from that grain of sand or stone.

There is no need to say what the consequences of exposing your coordinates will be! ! !

Although the time-space shuttle function is not enabled in the Crossing Chat Group.

But there is a member in the Crossing Chat Group, and the system he awakened is the [Time-Space Shuttle System].

A six-star system.

So far, it is the highest-level system in the Crossing Chat Group.

The original member of the Crossing Chat Group who had this system.

As long as he doesn't commit suicide, he can basically surpass all of them step by step.

But this member of the Crossing Chat Group has a low IQ and commits suicide.

After obtaining the system, in order to experiment with the function of this system, he traveled to the world where Li Dong, a member of the No. 56 chat group, is.

But the world where Li Dong, a member of the No. 56 time traveler chat group, is located has been controlled by him, completely controlled.

Any slight situation in his world will be discovered by him immediately.

This member of the time traveler chat group who has the time and space shuttle system was caught as soon as he successfully traveled.

He couldn't run away.

And at the last moment of being caught, this chat group member directly told the rest of the time traveler chat group about the system he had and the situation here.

All the members in the chat group knew about the time and space shuttle system, and the owner of this system had been caught by Li Dong, a member of the No. 56 chat group.

In order not to expose the coordinates of their own world.

Everyone immediately removed the items in the chat group mall.

Li Dong, No. 56, who got the time and space shuttle system from that group member, didn't know what to do for a while.

Without the chat group's items, the world coordinates cannot be extracted, and the time and space shuttle system cannot be used.

Moreover, these group members already know the existence of the time and space shuttle system. If there are new members joining in the future, these people will tell those new members.

These new members naturally wouldn't continue to sell items in the mall.

In the end, there was only one result, that is, the time-space shuttle system was useless.

In this regard, Li Dong No. 56 had no choice but to let the time-space shuttle system condense dozens of subsystems.

Distribute them to other group members.

Only when 60% of these group members agree to time-space shuttle, this system can be used.

With the same interests.

Everyone gradually began to unite and harvest the leeks of the new members of the chat group.

Harvest the world they live in, harvest their system gold fingers.

This is why the chat records disappear in the chat group of time travelers.

How can such things be seen by new members?

How can they harvest after seeing it?

Wang Ling was still a new member at the beginning, because he was always vigilant in his heart and did not put items on the shelves.

And after others gradually died after putting items on the shelves, Wang Ling would not put them on the shelves.

Therefore, he survived in the end.

In order to prevent him from leaking secrets after other new members join, he naturally obtained a subsystem and joined this alliance to harvest leeks.

Become a beneficiary! ! !

Opening the column of the character avatars in the chat group of time travelers, Wang Ling randomly clicked on a new time traveler and turned on the private chat function.

Prepare to have a private chat with these leeks.

What to chat about privately?

Of course, it was to privately chat with these leeks to put items on the shelves.

What is Wang Ling's identity?

In the ten days since these new members joined, Wang Ling would reveal his identity as a wizard from time to time.

He is a wizard who needs exotic species from various worlds and other materials for research knowledge.

As a wizard, let these newcomers upload items from their worlds for him to study.

Reasonable or not.

Naturally, no one would doubt that a wizard wants to study items from other worlds.

And this can not only gain chat group points.

And make friends with the newcomers in his chat group of strong men, who would not agree to upload.

On the other side.

In a fantasy world.

Ye Peng, a member of group No. 347, who has become the lord of a city with the power of his three-star system, was originally practicing hard in his city lord's mansion.

Strive to beat the holy places in the fantasy world within a year and become the most powerful kid in this world within ten years.

But at this time, he heard a ding-ding electronic prompt sound suddenly in his mind.

Indicates that someone is chatting with him privately.

A little doubt flashed in his eyes, and Ye Peng thought in his heart:

"I don't seem to know anyone in the time traveler chat group."

"Who would suddenly send me a private message."

With this doubt.

Ye Peng found that the person who sent him a private message was actually an old member of the chat group, which made him even more confused.

[Private chat].

Group member No. 347 Ye Peng (Earth traveler):

"Boss, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Group member No. 245 Wang Ling (Blue Star traveler):

"I heard you say that the world you traveled to is a fantasy world. I have encountered a bottleneck in my research recently."

"I plan to study other things first,"

"It just so happens that I have a little interest in the world you are in. I wonder if I can upload the items in your world to the chat group mall."

"I'll buy it and study it."

"Don't worry, the price will definitely satisfy you."


"Do you need items from my world for research?"

Seeing the content of the other party's private message to him, Ye Peng was a little surprised.

Good thing!!!

He had actually been envious of the hundreds of millions of items in the time traveler chat group.

But he couldn't afford them because he was short of money. Who could understand the pain of being able to look but not buy?

It's not that he hadn't thought about uploading the items from his own world to the chat group mall, but with his current strength, what good things could he post there?

Who in the chat group is not the owner of a world? Does he lack these things?

It's useless to upload.

But now someone needs the items from his own world, and can pay him satisfactory points.

Isn't this a good thing?


Must upload.


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