After the two newcomers joined the group, the Wanjie chat group naturally became more lively.

At the same time, Natsume also returned to Lincheng and began to play around.

After a day's time passed, the fireworks in the world made Li En, who was floating in the universe, and Xiao An, who was swimming in the black mud of the Great Holy Grail, feel a lot of emotion.

Riene Ishmagnagall: "I don't know what will become of Class 7 when I return to Semuria!"

Angora Manuel: "If only I could live in this era of peace."

Tony Stark: "Indeed, although there are demons and monsters on the dark side of the dragon kingdom in the Natsume world, the stability of the surface world is much stronger than that of the beautiful country on my side.

"True Horn Daigu: "After all, it is an ancient civilization with a history of at least 5,000 years!"

Kiana Kaslana: "If the squad leader sees another world's Shenzhou like this, he will be very happy."

Elysia: "It's decided! I'm going to find time to travel to Natsume's world myself!"

After hearing the feelings of the two, the other four also agreed.

After seeing the speeches of the group members, Natsume showed pride in his heart, and every patriot would be happy because of the strength of the motherland.

After eating dinner and packing and sending a few portions to the group members in need, Natsume habitually opened the portal and returned home.

Just as he was about to play a game and go to sleep, someone called him in the chat group.

Riene Ishmegona: "Natsume, will there be time?" @夏目" Natsume: "Ris, what's the matter?" Riene

Ishmego: "

I'd like to ask you for a favor." Natsume

: "???" Rion Ishmegonagall: "

I would like to ask you to come to my world and return to Semuria to tell my friends that I will definitely go back."

Elysia: "Why are you looking for Natsume?" Miss Pink Fairy wants to go too!

" Tony Stark: "It's okay to find this genius!"

"Makku Daiko: "

To be honest, I want to go to another world, too."

Kiana Kaslana: "Me too, but the conditions don't allow it." Angola

Manuel: "+1.

When Rien made his request to Natsume, the five members of the diving group bubbled up to speak.

Rien Ishemagnagall: "I'm in a special situation, and only Natsume can help. Angola


: "Why?" Tony Stark: "Is it because the person receiving the cross-border invitation will be with the inviter?"

Ryan Ishmegonagall: "That's right. "

During the day, Elysia accepted Kiana's invitation to visit the moon and appeared at the other party's side, so the person who accepted Rian's cross-border invitation to his world should appear in the vast universe.

Kiana Kaslana: "Is it because ordinary people can't survive in the universe?"

"So Rien, you want to use your connection with the Semuria continent as a guide to let Natsume return smoothly?"

Rien Ishumagna: "Yes, I can clearly feel the direction of my hometown now, as long as I lend Natsume the power, he should be able to do it."

Natsume: "In this case, only I can do it!" Group

prompt: Natsume sent out a red envelope.

Group Prompt: Dawn Ishmegonagall received a red envelope.

Group Prompt: Dawn Ishmegonagall sent out a red envelope.

Group Prompt: Natsume received a red envelope.

The exchange of red envelopes was completed in an instant, and the pages of the Book of Fate engraved with the message of Rion Ishomagnagall appeared in Natsume's hand.

In the moving image on the page, the Beast Eye Kirstin is quietly suspended in the dark and infinite universe, and in the cockpit is a white-haired and golden-eyed young man with black and red lines on his skin.

Name: Rien Ishu MagnagallIdentity

: Yatsuha Ichibu Ryū Ao Legend Sword Saint, Knight

of Zero Fate: Friend

"Strange! Does Rien believe me so much?"

After seeing that the two of them were friends from the beginning, Natsume couldn't help but show a look of surprise, which was a bit unexpected to him.

Because it is impossible for ordinary people to trust strangers who have just come into contact with them so much from the beginning, after all, Elysia is a very special existence.

Rian Ishmegonagall: "Natsume, please come over as soon as you can, I don't want my friends to be sad because of me."

Natsume: "OK! Now send an invitation!" Tony

Stark: "Wait!" Natsume: "What's wrong?"

Tony Stark: "

Natsume, you'd better find a place to borrow Ryne's power to transform first!"

Natsume: "yes, I almost forgot, thanks for the reminder."

Elysia: "Don't forget to start a live stream and let everyone see what you're going to become." The

golden portal appeared, and upon stepping inside, Natsume appeared on a deserted mountain, not far from the valley where he borrowed Elysia to destroy the vampire bat demon.

"Come on, Varima, the Grey Rider!" the

boy raised his right hand and shouted, a black hole appeared above his head, and the Grey Rider flew out of it with black and red veins.

Because Natsume and Rion Ishmagnagall's affinity level is now that they are friends, he can borrow half of the other party's power, so it is not the Zero Rider who descends, but the Grey Rider who has been corrupted by the curse.

At the same time, his body has also changed, with black and red lines covering his body, white hair and red eyes, and a knife at his waist, which is exactly the image of Lane Shuvaze who was eroded by the curse at the end of "Trail of Flash 4".

Natsume: "Guys, look at my new image handsome?" Ryne

Isho McGonagall: "It's a nostalgic look! That's how I said goodbye to everyone in the first place."

Angora Manuel: "The face is still clean, better than me!" Tony

Stark: "I have a question." Natsume

: "What?" Tony Stark: "Why is it that Natsume transforms differently every time you use power?"


"No, I can directly use my power to transform as long as I have a thought, and the reason why I use different forms is just that I think it's handsome."

Tony Stark: "I know! You and Char have the same personality.

Natsume: "Hehe, we're brothers

!" "Rie Ishmergown: "Natsume, is it okay?"

Natsume: "

Let's go!" Group

Prompt: Riene Ishmeagall sends out a crossover invitation.


As soon as the thought moved, Natsume turned into a ball of light and entered the cockpit of the riding god suspended in mid-air, and then the riding god who exuded a cursed aura disappeared on the spot.

At the same time, in the dark and boundless universe, with the flickering of light, a smaller gray rider appeared next to the Zero Rider.

"Natsume, you should be able to feel it now, right?"


it feels clear.

"Then I'm bothering you. "

Don't worry, leave it to me!" After

communicating with Rien, Natsume followed the sense and flew into the distance.

Target the continent of Semuria, set sail!

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