The sound of hurried footsteps resounded in the mountains and forests, and more than a dozen members of the D∴G Order were fleeing with panic on their faces.

They were originally ordered to come to find the meteorite that had just fallen, but they were attacked by strange monsters on the way, so a group of dozens of people fled in several waves in different directions under the chaos.

Suddenly, a black shadow suddenly jumped out of the nearby woods and smashed straight at several people.

Seeing this, the men hurriedly rushed around, trying to dodge the attack, boom!

The black shadow fell to the ground, raising a large cloud of dust,

but it did not hit anyone.

After a while, the dust fell to the ground, and the black shadow also showed its true body.

"Damn!Honkai Beast!"

The friends who have played the three jumpers will definitely exclaim when they see this guy.

That's right,

the one who attacked this wave of Order members was none other than the Metal Chariot Honkai Monster from the Honkai Impact III game.


Seeing the members of the Order in front of them get up from the ground and try to continue their escape, the Alloy Chariot Crash Beast opened its mouth and roared.

As the sound wave passed, several people who were fleeing couldn't help but cover their ears and show their pain.

At the same time, several black shadows flew out of the woods on the other side, and in the blink of an eye, they were cut to the ground.

Rush-level Honkaimon and Super Rush-level Honkaimon can levitate in the air to charge at their target, and use their wings to unleash sharp slicing attacks.

While this wave of members of the Order encountered the enemy, those who fled in several other directions were also attacked.

The combination of the Scarlet Sakura Chariotmon and the Ice Chariot not only allowed a wave of people to experience a dual sonic attack, but also allowed them to enjoy the feeling of a double heaven of ice and fire.

The Scarlet Sakura Assault Beast and the Ice Assault Beast also made a wave of people experience the two heavens of ice and fire, and what was even worse was that their corpses were cut into pieces.

As for the procession of the priest who led the procession, the reception was even more solemn.

The Temple-level Honkai and Thor-level Honkai Beasts were in hot pursuit, and their counterattacks were simply unable to deal effective damage to these Honkai Beasts with extremely strong defense.

Knight-level Honkaimon, Paladin-class Honkaimon, and Ice-class Honkaimon will charge in the gap between these people's attacks, and every now and then someone will be pierced by their spears and turned into a corpse.

In a short time, the other waves of Church members had been wiped out by the Honkai Beasts, and there were only a few people left in the team of the priest who led the team.

Eventually, pursued by a large number of Honkai Beasts, the men came to a closed valley.

Just as they were about to fight to the death, there was a clear sound of footsteps in the air.

When I looked up, I saw a white-haired and golden-eyed girl with half of her wings fluttering behind her back walking towards the valley step by step in the void.

This was the thought of several people at this time, and then their faces showed despair.

Because they are not followers of the Goddess, but members of the D∴G Order, the anti-Goddess group, it is certainly not a good thing for them that the Goddess is here.

As a result, few people thought, only to see that the "goddess" opened her mouth and spit out four words coldly after coming to the sky above the valley.


The sound of

breaking the air was almost in a line, and in the blink of an eye the entire valley was plowed by a terrifying attack.

But the priest was unscathed, and he was now slumped to the ground, his crotch wet.

"Goddess, please forgive me for my sins, I will take you to Paradise to judge those who believe in demons!"


"Paradise is the Order's nearby stronghold, and it's full of demonic heretics. "

Tell me, what year and month is it?"

"Goddess, it's January 2, 1196 in the Seven Dawn Calendar.

After hearing the priest's answer, Xia Ling's expression in the form of the Lawgiver of the Sky couldn't help but become strange.

Natsume: "Guys, I know why I can't borrow Ryne's power now.

Ryan Ishmagnagall: "It's a matter of time

!" Kiana Kaslana: "What do you mean

?" Tony Stark: "So Natsume, you're here to the past continent of Semria?"

Angora Manuel: "

That's okay!".

Elysia: "I remember Natsume saying that Rien and Ishu McGonagall are infinitely fighting each other in the space of no end and the concept of time, so it's not impossible for him to cross time and go back to the past when he flies back!"

Kiana Kaslana: "Go back in time!

Ryne Ishemagnagall: "Natsume, in that case, can you please go back to your own world first, and then accept my invitation to try again?"

Natsume: "Of course, but before I do that, I want to do one thing first." Ryne

Ishomagnagall: "What?"

Natsume: "Go destroy a hell called Paradise." "

Paradise, the D∴G Order is located in a stronghold in the Republic of Calvard.

This stronghold is not only used to use abducted children as test subjects to develop true wisdom and wisdom, but also to provide some kind of unspeakable entertainment to some officials and wealthy people in various countries who have perverted habits.

The reason why Natsume is so familiar with the information of this stronghold is naturally because of the child who appeared in the empty track.

Ling Haivas, the fifteenth executor of the Serpent of the Society, codenamed "Angel of Annihilation".

When Rei was a child (about 6 years old), her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Haevas, temporarily entrusted her to the care of friends in the Republic because of their business failures.

Later, when her parents paid off their debts and planned to pick her up at a friend's house, all they saw was ruins and unrecognizable corpses.

The two thought that their beloved daughter had died as stated in the investigation report, but they didn't know that Ling was abducted to "Paradise".

In that hell called "Paradise", the girl was subjected to inhuman treatment, and it was not until the Serpent of the Body sent the second "Sword Emperor" Levi and the thirteenth "Black Fang" Joshua to destroy the paradise that Ling was finally rescued.

Now that she had come to this point in time, and she happened to be near the "Paradise", how could Natsume not think about destroying that hell and rescuing the children inside in advance!

After suppressing the tumbling thoughts in her heart, she looked down at the priest of the Order below, and gave an order in the expectant eyes of the other party.

"Tear it apart!" As

the words fell, the surrounding Honkai beasts immediately surrounded them, and with desperate screams, the other party was torn to pieces little by little.

Natsume: "Xiao An, can you lend me your power?" Angora

Manuel: "Of course you can, but you shouldn't need my weak strength

, right?"

Natsume: "Of course, because the Avenger Angora Manuel has a special attack on people, which is just right for those beasts to experience real hell."

Kiana Kaslana: "Natsume is so fierce now!" Tony

Stark: "It seems that there is an unacceptable darkness in that 'paradise'!"

Natsume: "That's right, please be mentally prepared and don't have the idea of destroying ugly humans." "

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