Demons, demons, ghosts, and monsters, this is the division of non-human things in the dark world of the Dragon Kingdom.

Demon refers to the goblins in the cognition of ordinary people, that is, animals, plants, etc., absorb the aura of heaven and earth and cultivate successfully.

Demons mostly refer to those human beings who deviate from humanity, as well as all kinds of inhuman things from foreign countries.

Ghosts, as the name suggests, refer to the souls of intelligent beings after death, including good spirits that are harmless to people, and evil ghosts that kill lives.

Strange, the weirdness born of fear in people's hearts, most of the horror existences that appear in urban legends belong to this category, and under normal circumstances, weird people who want to kill people need to abide by the corresponding rules.

Since ghosts are the most likely to make people fear and generate rumors, the two are often combined to form ghosts.

Weirdness has the unique ability to absorb people's fears and grow stronger, which is why governments deliberately hide the existence of demons and monsters.

Because if the weirdness absorbs enough fear, then the entire Blue Star may usher in the end of the world.

The above is the information that Char got from the Book of Fate after destroying Nightmare Phokas.

The reason why the Book of Fate shows these contents is naturally because he is in this world and has become attached to the world.

He consulted this information on the basis of his curiosity after seeing the Nightmare, and on the other hand, his desire to understand the current state of the world in which he lived.

Tony Stark: "Demons, demons, ghosts, and monsters, the division is so detailed, if we were on our side, we would probably call them demons."

Natsume: "Of course! Dragon Kingdom has a long history, and the cultural heritage is there

!" "Makaku Daigu: "It's really an interesting world!"

Natsume remembered to start the live broadcast when he met those demons and monsters in the future, and I happened to be very idle at the Mars base.

Tony Stark: "yes, maybe I'll be inspired by those guys and develop a new steel suit."

Natsume: "No problem, in the future, this anchor will show the two demons and monsters of this world." A


knock on the door interrupted the communication between the three of them, and since Natsume was still on the live stream, Tony and Dagu naturally heard the sound as


Makakin Daiko: "Natsume, you're a guest, you go and receive it!" I'll leave first, and I'm going to continue watering the plants.

Tony Stark: "+1! I'm going to work on a new suit."

Natsume: "OK!" And

Tony. After Dagu said goodbye and turned off the group live broadcast, Char came to the door and was about to open the door to welcome guests, but the Book of Yuan, which was floating beside him, suddenly reacted.

The pages of the book flipped, and a blank page of paper emerged with new content.

The first thing that catches my eye is the image at the top, which is an old man in tattered clothes with a blue face who is numbly knocking on a door.

Name: Sun ChangxingSpecies

: Knocking Ghost

Classification: Ghost

Level: E

Edge: Enemy

Rules: Open the door to kill

Open the door to kill, the knocking ghost has the power to bewitch people's hearts, and ordinary people will be brutally killed once they are tricked into opening the door.

Notes: Sun Changxing worked hard all his life, but in the end he was driven out of the house by his unfilial son in the cold winter and froze to death, and after his death, his soul turned into an evil spirit and killed his son's family because of resentment.

After being kicked out of the house, he kept knocking on the door to return home, which led to the legend of the knocking ghost spreading around the neighborhood where he lived, so he became a ghost who constantly wandered the city and killed people by knocking on the door.

After seeing the information on the Book of Fate, Natsume hurriedly withdrew his right hand that was about to open the door.

"Damn! I almost got hit!" It's

eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, and under normal circumstances, when you hear a knock on the door, you should ask first, or confirm the identity of the person who came through the cat's eye, instead of opening the door without thinking about it.

Obviously, he was clearly bewitched by the knocker to open the door and kill the rule just now.

"First the nightmare, then the knocker, my experience on the first night of this crossing was really wonderful!"

After complaining softly, Natsume entered the Wanjie chat group.

Group Prompt: Natsume has started the group live broadcast.

Natsume: "Two big guys, come and see a new ghost!" @托尼 Stark, @真角大古.

Tony Stark: "What's the situation? It's only been half an hour, Natsume, you've been tricked again?"

Makku Daiko: "It seems that after we left the chat group, the speed of time in the world is not the same, and an hour has passed on my side."

Natsume: "Actually, it's only been a minute since I've been here.

Tony Stark: "Okay! You're out of luck!"

Makatom Daiko: "Tell me what's going on."

After a while, Char explained the message of the knocker, and after hearing what happened to the old man named Sun Changxing, Tony and Dagu couldn't help but feel sympathy.

Makakku Daiko: "Natsume, use the power of Tiga to free this old man

!" Natsume: "Understood! Please look at it, my transformation!" The

Book of Fate turned the page and came to the page where Makakku Daiko's information was recorded, and then Natsume

was confused, because there was still a red warning message at the bottom of the page.

Warning: It will take 11 hours, 52 minutes and 61 seconds for the Fate Red Line to reconnect, and it is currently impossible to manifest the corresponding force.

"Eh, this is the cooldown time for cross-world disconnection and reconnection?"

"Bastard! Knock it on!" a

nameless fire suddenly surged into his heart, and he was about to step out of the door and hit someone.

The sound in his head made the boy stop and turn his attention to the chat group, only to realize that he had almost been hit again.

Daiko Makaku: "Natsume, don't be fooled by the knock on the door@夏目!"

Natsume: "Well, thank you, Mr. Oko, for the reminder."

Tony Stark: "Natsume, why don't you change your body?" Natsume

: "I want to too, but I can't change now!"

After explaining the current situation to the two, the kind-hearted Dagu immediately opened his mouth to apologize, and Natsume naturally wouldn't be so brainbroken as to blame the other party.

Tony Stark: "I wanted to study this mysterious page more!" Group

prompt: Tony Stark sends out a red envelope.

Tony Stark: "him with my strength!" Natsume

: "Okay!" Group

tip: Natsume received the red envelope.

The page with the name "Tony Stark" re-embedded in the Book of Edge, and the relevant information emerges.

In the video, Tony Stark is wearing a classic gold and red steel suit, and he will use the weapons loaded on the suit to attack in all directions, and he will wave his hand to draw a magic circle to show various magical magic.

Name: Tony Stark

Identity: Magic Iron Man

Fate: The first acquaintance

fate was successfully concluded, and Natsume began to borrow without hesitation.

I saw the open Book of Fate fly behind him, and then it began to grow rapidly, and finally turned into a huge book about his height and fell to the ground in a "V" shape.


pages of the book turned, representing the page of Tony Stark's relationship from reality to fiction passing through the boy's body, and one-tenth of the power of Magic Iron Man successfully possessed.

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