Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 508 The Uncanny Valley

On the big screen, the mummy's resurrection was easier than Charlotte's.

As soon as Evelin finished reciting the spell, it roared and came to life.

At the same time, signs of disaster immediately appeared——

Swarms of locusts flew from the sky.

Locust plagues were very terrifying disasters in ancient times.

In modern times, although humans with pesticides are no longer afraid of locust plagues, that is relative to the entire human society.

As for individuals, when they see the overwhelming locusts coming like a black tornado, they still inevitably panic.

Everyone had no choice but to hide in the underground tomb area that had been excavated by them.

However, just after leaving the wolf's den, he entered the tiger's den again——

A large group of corpse beetles emerged from the ground in the mausoleum, causing O'Connor, Evelin and others to flee in all directions.

Those who had no time to escape were quickly swamped by corpse beetles——

Corpse beetles burrowed into their skin, crawled under the skin, and finally swarmed into their chests, gnawed at their hearts, and crawled out of their mouths...

——People who were overwhelmed by corpse beetles were quickly chewed into mummies that were even shriveled up than mummies.

"This part is really scary!"

Jaina subconsciously covered her eyes, and with her coy tone, she looked like a weak girl.

Emily, who knew his true nature, sneered at this.

"Is there a man here who is pursuing you? Who are you acting like this for?"

Emily murmured in her heart,

"Especially, you are covering your eyes and peeking between your fingers. Are you trying to trick a ghost!?"

Although Emily also knows that there are indeed many girls who pretend to be scared when watching horror movies, and the more scared they are, the more they want to watch it, but Emily, who has watched horror movies since she was a child, is very concerned about such people. Disliked.

Of course, it would be a lie to say that she wasn’t scared at all when watching horror movies——

At least, when she saw the large group of corpse beetles rushing towards the screen, she felt the hairs on her back stand up.

But on the big screen, O'Connor and the others were separated from Evelin while being chased by the corpse beetles.

Evelin accidentally encountered a rotating wall and was transferred to another room.

Here, she saw a cowboy from the American expedition. His eyes were gouged out by something unknown, and a section of his tongue was missing.

This scared Evelin quite a bit.

Then, something even more terrifying appeared——

The reanimated mummy, its face studded with eyes and tongue stolen from the American cowboy, stepped out of the shadows.

——It turns out that, as the curse on the box excavated by the American expedition said, if the mummy wants to be fully resurrected, it must kill everyone who opens the box and take part of their bodies before it can become human.

The unlucky cowboy had his eyes and tongue taken away first.

Now, the mummy used his newly acquired eyes to stare at Evelin, who was leaning against the wall and was too scared to speak.


“Did the mummy mistake Evelin for his former lover Ansuna?”

Susan asked nervously while holding Donnie's hand.


Danny nodded and held the red-haired lady's hand next to him tightly.

——Although he was swatted away by the other party with a look of disdain, thanks to the terrifying atmosphere in the movie "The Mummy", Downey succeeded in the end.

Of course, this is just Downey's opinion.

From the side of Susan, this was purely because Donnie was too timid and screamed a few times when he saw the scene of corpse beetles eating people.

In order to avoid being disturbed by his shouting while watching the movie, Susan had to hold the hand of the man who seemed to have a crush on her to comfort him and shut him up.

——Susan wouldn't admit that she was a little scared anyway, so she held Donnie's hand to hug him for warmth.

Even though she had received psychological support at this time, she was still a little curious——

“This mummy’s expression looks like a real person,

Has current special effects technology developed to this point? "

As a strong working woman whose main job is film production, Susan has always followed the trend of film technology.

For example, she studied James Cameron's "Titanic" no less than five times.

——Although her eyes are red from crying every time after watching it, and she has become a big fan of Leonardo DiCaprio, Susan still insists that she studies film special effects technology.

Charlotte Booth is also one of the directors who is better at using special effects technology in Hollywood in recent years.

——His use of special effects may not be as grand as James Cameron's, but it is better than being delicate and expressive.

Many times, Susan felt that the special effects in Charlotte's movies were simply real.

This kind of delicate and real shock is not something Cameron's movies can give her.

Therefore, Susan will watch every Charlotte movie as soon as it is released.

As a film producer, although she has not yet been a leading producer, as Emperor Napoleon said -

A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier.

After working hard in the workplace, Susan naturally has the idea of ​​​​making her own movie, so she continues to track the development of computer special effects.

But now, she is sensitively aware that Charlotte Booth's Spectre studio must have made some technological breakthrough in real-life motion capture technology——

Therefore, they were able to create "mummies" with expressions that look so much like real people that they can even show obvious emotions.

"But that makes it even scarier! Isn't this the so-called uncanny valley effect!?"

Susan pondered.

This idea is Susan’s misunderstanding——

The so-called uncanny valley effect is a hypothesis about how humans perceive robots and non-human objects.

It was proposed in 1969, which explains that when robots are more similar to humans than a certain level, humans will suddenly become extremely disgusted with them -

That is to say, even if the robot is slightly different from humans, it will appear very conspicuous and dazzling, so that the entire robot will have a very stiff and terrifying feeling, just like facing the walking dead.

——In other words, the uncanny valley effect is more manifested in puppets, robots and 3D animations that are more similar to living people.

Like the mummy on the big screen, its appearance is still far away from that of a living person.

The sense of fear it gives people is mostly caused by people's natural fear of death and monsters.

Of course, there are also factors that make the mummy's expression very real and make the audience more involved in the drama, but it has nothing to do with the uncanny valley effect.

As of 1999, the uncanny valley effect in Hollywood movies was more obvious in the field of 3D animation.

For example, the cowboy Woody in Pixar Studio's "Toy Story" has somewhat touched the boundary of the uncanny valley effect.

In fact, how to avoid the uncanny valley effect is also an area that Hollywood 3D animators are currently working on...

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