When uprooting the last cult stronghold.

Palace God Haoyue originally wanted to return to the royal city, but unexpectedly met two people he had never met, but he had known for a long time.

Uchiha stop water and Uchiha ferrets!

The water and weasel are also very confused, they have just completed their mission and are about to return to Konoha, but they did not expect to meet the famous Sun Moon Death on the road!

Watching the two take out the weapons nervously, Palace God Haoyue chuckled:

“How? Are you planning to take action against this sect leader? ”

Shui Shui glanced at each other and said, “Your Excellency is now the leader of the Fire Nation Sect, and we naturally will not disrespect you. ”

Gongshen Haoyue smiled playfully:

“Is it? However, I would like to see how the genius of the Instantaneous Water and Uchiha family is doing now? ”

Before the words fell, Palace God Haoyue began to take an instant.

The figure flashed and came behind Uchiha Shuishui, swinging the ice wheel pill and chopping down!

The cold blade slashed through the water, but it was like slashing in the air, without any sense of quality.


Is this the art of teleportation?

Kind of interesting.

“Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique!”

Uchiha dodged and distanced himself from the palace god Haoyue, causing the fire to swallow him.

The huge fireball contains billowing heat, which seems to scorch the air!

The Uchiha family is really very good at Huodun.

As soon as Palace God Haoyue avoided the fire, the nine doppelgangers formed by Uchiha stopped the water and attacked Gong God Haoyue from different angles.

The two worked together perfectly, and the attack rhythm was tight, leaving no gaps.

With this method, ordinary Shangnin will definitely be hit hard in this wave of attacks.


Palace God Haoyue’s body turned into a white smoke and dissipated in the air.

The two were slightly surprised, shadow doppelganger?

It is worthy of the legendary sun and moon death!

Unexpectedly, he quietly used the shadow doppelganger in front of the Sharingan, and he didn’t even notice it!

“Binding the Dao Sixty-One Six Staff Light Prison!”

A sound sounded in the void.

In an instant, Uchiha’s body was sealed by six pieces of light, and he couldn’t move a single point!

Uchiha was taken aback, he knew very well what Itachi was capable of, and he was not inferior to himself!

Such a master was actually controlled by the Sun Moon God of Death in a moment, and he was worthy of being a man who gave the five great ninja villages an incomparable headache!

“Kaleidoscope Sharingan!”

Uchiha stopped the water without hesitation and directly opened the kaleidoscope chakra eye.

Because he knew that with only the three jade writing wheel eyes, in front of this man, he couldn’t even hold it for half a minute!

“Very good, let me see how powerful the so-called strongest illusion ninja is!”

Uchiha stopped the water and smiled faintly: “Palace God Sect Master, your strength is unimaginably strong, but in front of my eyes, no matter how strong your strength is, it is useless!” ”

“Don’t be a god!”

Uchiha stopped the water and directly used the strongest illusion technique, and transmitted the will to the palace god Haoyue.

Let him return to Konoha, and from now on serve Konoha, and must not betray!

After using Betenjin, Uchiha’s burden on stopping water seems to be great.

Directly kneeling on the ground panting, covered in cold sweat, blood dripped from one left eye, and gradually returned from the kaleidoscope to normal eye.

After a pause, he smiled and said, “Now, you can’t pose a threat to Konoha anymore. ”

“Oh? Is it? How do I feel more disgusted with Konoha? ”

Hearing this, Shuishui’s terrified jaw was about to drop, how could this be?

Don’t be a god, it didn’t work?

How the hell did he do it?

Palace God Haoyue smiled indifferently, in fact, what he did was very simple, that is, hypnotize himself with the mirror flower water moon!

As a traverser, he is well aware of the special ninjutsu of everyone in Naruto.

Among these ninjutsu, perhaps the most incomprehensible is Uchiha’s other god who stops the water.

Betenjin is not so much an illusion as a ninjutsu that modifies the will.

With the cautious character of Palace God Haoyue, how could he not take precautions earlier?

As early as three months ago, he hypnotized himself with Mirror Flower Water Moon.

As long as someone vainly tries to modify their will, the hypnosis of the mirror will initiate the correction and restore their true will!

One is the strongest illusion, the other is unsolvable hypnosis, it seems that the mirror is better!

“The Sun Moon Death God is worthy of being the Sun Moon Death God, I lost.”

Since even other heavenly gods had no effect on him, Shuishui also knew that he was not at the same level as this man, so he had to simply admit defeat.

With a wave of his hand, Miyakami Haoyue untied Uchiha Itachi.

After Uchiha regained his freedom, he immediately came to Shisui and asked with concern:

“Stop the water, are you all right?”

Shuishui shook his head slightly, looked at the palace god Haoyue, and asked puzzledly: “Your Excellency won’t kill us?” ”

Rub, you treat Lao Tzu as a murderous maniac, right?

“There’s no good to kill you, I won’t do anything that doesn’t do good.”

Hearing him say this, the two breathed a sigh of relief.

But it’s strange, how does this palace god Haoyue in front of him look different from the legendary Sun Moon God of Death?

Gong Shen Haoyue looked at them and thought that these two were really a tragic duo.

One was attacked by Tuanzo, lost one eye, and then gave the other eye to Itachi, committing suicide.

As for Uchiha Itachi, it was even more of a tragedy within a tragedy, and it was used by Danzo for Konoha.

Killing one’s own kindred, beloved women, biological parents.

After that, he single-handedly arranged for the second pillar to avenge Uchiha.

It can be said that the weasel is great in this life, but it is also stupid and tragic!

It’s even a little infuriating!

Now that Tuan Zang is dead, these two people should not repeat their tragic lives, right?

After thinking about it, this may not be, although Danzo is dead, Konoha and other high-ranking people, these people are still full of discrimination against the Uchiha clan.

Moreover, the Uchiha clan is also very dissatisfied with Konoha’s suppression of them and has been plotting to usurp power.

Therefore, no one can say exactly where the wheel of cause and effect rolls.

There is still more than a year to go, and it is the day when the weasel slaughters his people.

Miyakami Haoyue was also not sure whether the tragedy of the Uchiha clan would happen.

“Your Excellency was also a Konoha ninja, and I know something about the reason for your defection, is it true that Your Excellency has no possibility of détente with Konoha?”

Uchiha’s words interrupted Miyakami Haoyue’s thoughts.

Hearing the harem god Haoyue, he smiled coldly: “Why should I ease up with Konoha?” Does it match? ”

“Konoha made a mistake back then, but it was someone’s fault after all.”

I wipe, listening to your tone, it seems that you want to play with me?

You are Uchiha One Dozen Seven, not Naruto!

Palace God Haoyue shook his head slightly: “The chakra eye can see illusion and physical skills, but it is difficult to see the darkness of this world.” You two, be careful with the Konoha high-level in the future. ”

“Having said that, how you choose is up to you!”

As soon as the words fell, his figure flashed and disappeared from the front of the two.

The two vaguely sensed that Palace God Haoyue’s words meant something, and fell into deep thought.

Especially Uchiha Itachi…

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