Seeing hundreds of Senbon falling, but the paralysis caused by the previous Thunder Tiger killing had not completely dissipated, and when it was too late, Miyano Zuoto bit the tip of his tongue, stimulated his body with pain, and finally made a move before Senbon hit.

He slammed his legs on the ground and rolled on the ground, avoiding most of the steel needles, except for his left arm and one in his hair.

He got up from the ground and laughed loudly as he looked at the exhausted Miyakami Haotsuki and Kakashi, who was almost unconscious.

“Hahaha, a little ghost is a little ghost, and he actually used such a waste ninjutsu with the last chakra?”

“Go and die! Tsuchiwa, Iwasukin! ”

Seeing this scene, Sunset Hong exclaimed loudly: “Don’t! ”

Jiraiya’s face has changed greatly! Is this Iwa Shinobu trying to cause human life during the negotiations?

The two imps don’t have Chakra anymore, even if you can’t avoid an ordinary blow, you have already won, why use ninjutsu with such strong attack power?

Zi Laiye’s figure moved, and he just wanted to rush down to stop it.

The earth dun that can shatter rocks has directly hit the body of the palace god Haoyue.


Palace God Haoyue’s body turned into a ball of water and splashed around.

Everyone was stunned!

Kakashi, Red, Miyano Zuoto, and even Jirai, who had arrived from afar, were stunned.

Several people looked left and right, but did not find the figure of the palace god Haoyue.

Zi Lai also exclaimed: “Is it to withdraw from the battlefield?” No! If he withdrew from the battlefield, it is impossible for me not to find out! ”

With a “boom”, the thousand books on Miyano’s left head suddenly turned into the palace god Haoyue!

At this moment, he was riding on the neck of Miyano Zuojin, with a bitter handle against his throat, and said coldly: “You are dead!” ”

Jiraiya was amazed!

The clever combination of the water body and the thunder tiger to kill paralyzes the opponent, turns himself into a thousand books and inserts himself into the opponent’s head, lures the opponent with a doppelganger to use ninjutsu attacks, and shows the body to perform the final lore when Miyano Zuoto is surprised!

Wonderful! It’s so wonderful!

However, when did this little devil become Senbon and use his water body?

Thinking back, since the palace god Haoyue was stabbed by the Tulong gun, there has been no hand-to-hand attack, is it that time?

This kid, he was just a little distracted, and he didn’t even notice.

Miyano Zuoren also simply threw away the bitterness in his hand and said, “I admit defeat.” ”

Palace God Haoyue jumped down from his back, the Ku Wu in his hand still not taken away, and said coldly:


“I’m sorry miss, I apologize for the words that humiliated Konoha ninja before, and for hurting you.”

Subject to people, Miyano Zuojin is also simply.

Sunset Red widened her ruby-like eyes, as if she hadn’t recovered from the shock.

For a long time, she suddenly threw herself into the arms of the palace god Haoyue, and cried out with a wow!

“Gong Shenjun, just now, just now I thought…”

“You think I’m dead? Hmph, isn’t my palace god Haoyue so easy to kill? ”

Xi Rihong nodded vigorously and said, “Well, well, Gong Shenjun is the most powerful!” ”

Kakashi looked at Miyagami Haoyuki and Sunset Red, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then fainted.

Jiraiya rushed over and helped Kakashi up, healing his injuries with the little medical ninjutsu he knew.

As for Miyano Zuojin, he was defeated by two imps who had only been in the ninja school for a few days, and naturally he had no face to stay here anymore, turned around and left the training ground.

A moment later, Kakashi slowly woke up, and Sunset asked anxiously, “Kakashi, are you all right?” ”

Zilai also knew Hong, he laughed: “The little ghost of the sunset family, don’t worry, he is just slightly injured and Chakra is overconsumed, just rest for a few days.” ”

At this time, Ape Fei Asma also ran over from a distance, and after seeing a few people, he asked stunnedly, “What about that Iwa Shinobu?” ”

Xi Rihong smiled and said, “He has already been defeated by the Palace God Monarch. ”

“Really? I knew the boss was the best! ”

At this time, Ape Fei Asma admired the palace god Haoyue even more, and quickly asked about the wonderful process of the sunset red battle.

Sunset Hong looked confused, because she didn’t understand why the palace god Haoyue suddenly appeared on the back of Miyano’s left person.

Zi Lai also smiled and said, “Asma, I’ll explain it to you when I go back next time.” Little ghost, you are the son of Gong Shenye, right? ”

Palace God Haoyue nodded and looked at this Konoha Yellow gambling drug one suspiciously.

“You defeated Iwa Shinobu and won Konoha’s glory. As a senior, I have to give you some rewards. Say, what do you want? ”

As soon as he heard these words, Palace God Haoyue’s eyes lit up all of a sudden, and there was a reward?

Zilai can also be one of the three ninjas, there must be a lot of good things in hand, what is the order?

“Intimate Paradise”?

No, no, no, he doesn’t seem to have written this book yet. It is not uncommon to write about Miyagami Haoyue, and I am afraid that only Kakashi likes this tune.

Money? It doesn’t seem to have much money.

Fairy? It seems that no, he is only a four or five-year-old baby now, Chakra is far from enough, and he can’t learn fairy arts yet.

S-class ninjutsu? Hehe, forget it, his own bit of chakra, even the thousand birds can’t be released.

After thinking about it, Palace God Haoyue said:

“I want to learn the art of multiple shadow doppelgangers!”

Although the art of multiple shadow avatars is an A-level forbidden technique, even if you are a subjugator, you can learn it, but according to your own chakra amount, the number of doppelgangers is different.

Naruto’s pervert has differentiated into thousands of doppelgangers at a time, and he doesn’t need so much, just a few.

There are two characteristics of this doppelganger, one is that the doppelganger has an independent consciousness outside the ontology, and the second is that the memories and experiences of the doppelganger will be integrated into the ontology after being lifted.

Whether it’s fighting or practicing, it’s the best ninjutsu!

With it, it is equivalent to bringing an experience baby, and the experience of practicing fighting monsters is doubled!

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