Gong Shen Haoyue had already thought of the pretext, nodded and said

“That’s right, this is the ancestral ninja tool that the Miyagami family has always been in the seal, called Ice Wheel Pill.”

Anyway, the palace god family is dead except for himself, and the palace god Haoyue is not worried that someone can expose his lies.

Sure enough, Ape Fei Ri Chopper did not have much doubt, or his mind was not on this at all, nodded and smiled

“Good, good, with the help of this ninja tool, I believe that your mission will go smoothly.”

Next, the three generations spoke to several people about the mission needs, this time an escort mission.

The main task of several people is to escort the youngest daughter of the daimyo of the Fire Nation, Princess Kaede to the Land of Fields to worship the gods, and then escort her back safely, even if the mission is completed.

Tanokuni, a small country bordering Konoha, like the country of Waves, there are no ninja villages in the country, and there are no ninjas, and in the near future, Orochimaru established the Oto-ninja Village here.

Shortly after the establishment of Oto-ninja Village, Orochimaru killed the daimyo of Tano Kuni and took Tanokoku for himself.

Then, three generations of Hokage introduced several people.

The girl in the emerald green dress was Princess Kaede, and the samurai was her bodyguard, named Okamoto Zeroichi.

Palace God Haoyue frowned when he heard this.

Kaede love? What is this broken name? Is the combination of Matsushima Kaede and Iijima Ai?

I just don’t know if you’re photogenic.

And this Okamoto Zero One, don’t you think this model is too thick?

It should be called Okamoto Zero Point Zero One, so that it matches Kaede Ai.

While thinking about it, the girl who was called Princess Kaede bowed slightly and said politely: “I’ve caused trouble for everyone.” ”

If you know that you are in trouble, don’t worship any gods, now that there is a big war outside, it is very dangerous to go out and run around.

Seeing that Kakashi was returning the gift, the palace god Haoyue had to learn the same, and slightly owed his body to be regarded as a gift to the princess.

Okamoto Zero frowned and said with some hesitation

“Third generation Hokage-sama, I don’t agree with you sending these imps to carry out this guard!”

The third generation smiled: “Don’t worry, Samurai-san.” None of them are ordinary children and will definitely be up to the task. ”

Hearing the three generations of Hokage say this, Okamoto Zero One could no longer insist, so he had to nod and acquiesce.

After several people introduced each other, they left the Hokage Building together and set off on the road.

With everyone’s foot strength, it took about seven days to make a round trip, and the palace god Haoyue secretly prayed.

I hope I don’t feel as sad as Naruto, it’s difficult to perform a task casually.

Don’t be like the first time he went out on a mission, and he could casually meet a master like Peach Land and Chop No More.

As a princess, Kaede naturally rides in a carriage, while the others each guard the front and rear of the carriage, left and right, and set off all the way to the country of Tanokoku.

On the first day, everything was normal and nothing special happened.

The next day, after dark, everyone found a secluded place to rest and waited for dawn before proceeding.

Kakashi goes to find firewood, Okamoto Zero One feeds the horses with fodder, Sunset Red and Shizune prepare fast food, Miyagami Hiroshiki is in charge of guarding, and everyone has their own division of labor and cooperates in an orderly manner.

After a while, Kakashi returned with a pile of dry branches, and Miyakami Haoyuki lit it with a fire, and soon started a fire.

Everyone gathered around the fire and sat down, and Sunset Hong heated the fast food and gave it to the palace god Haoyue.

“Gong Shenjun, you have been tired for a day, try it.”

Miyagami Haoyuki took the dish, turned around and gave it to Kakashi, and said, “Kakashi, I’m not hungry yet, you eat first.” ”

“Thank you.”

Kakashi took the dish and thanked Miyakami Haotsuki.

Sunset Hong pouted cutely, her expression was slightly aggrieved, and Princess Kaede covered her mouth and chuckled when she saw this scene.


Miyagami Haoyue pulled out Kumu and stabbed at Kakashi who was opening the lunch box!

Kakashi threw away the lunch box in an instant, and pulled out the kunai to resist this sharp blow!

Everyone was taken aback, not knowing what kind of wind the palace god Haoyue suddenly smoked.

Shizune said angrily: “Palace God Haoyue, what are you doing?” Now is not the time to joke! ”

Palace God Haoyue didn’t pay attention to her, added a little more strength to his hand, and asked coldly:

“Say, who the hell are you?”

In a word, Shizune suddenly reacted.

The first time he ran to Princess Feng’ai, he looked around without vigilance!

“Hahaha, such a keen little ghost, how did you tell that I am not your companion?”

Kakashi’s appearance instantly changed into another human face!

Miyagami Haoyue sneered: “It’s simple, Kakashi will never say thank you to me!” ”


The fake Kakashi drew his shuriken and shot it at Miyagami Hiroshiki.

He had to take back his unresisted, and taking advantage of this opportunity, the imposter Kakashi jumped backwards and distanced himself from several people.

This man was about the same height as Kakashi, but he did have an extremely mature face and looked to be at least in his twenties.

Palace God Haoyue sneered in his heart, it turned out to be a dwarf.

The dwarf laughed strangely: “So, from the moment I appeared, you doubted me?” ”

Palace God Haoyue shook his head: “No. ”

“Then why are you tempting me?!”

The dwarf exclaimed.

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