Soon, Sunset Hong and Palace God Haoyue sorted out the scattered shurikens and walked towards the woods.

“Red, this illusion ninja should not be good at fighting, otherwise it will not be the dwarf who came to attack us.”

“You’ve studied illusion and have some resistance to illusion. You walk in front to attract the enemy, and I will follow behind you and fight for a one-hit kill! ”

Don’t look at the ease that Palace God Haoyue said, this is just to make Sunset Hong less nervous.

Only he knows that he only has one chance to face the illusion ninja!

It’s not about killing with one hit, it’s about doing it!

If you can’t kill with one hit, and you are used by that ninja to use illusion, then it will be yourself and Red who will die.

Tsunade had taught tracking in class, and it wasn’t hard to find Kakashi.

The two followed the traces he left and groped deep into the woods, each step cautiously and on guard.

Sure enough, Miyagami Haoyuki analyzed well, and Kakashi and the ninja did not go far.

About five hundred meters away from the rest camp, Honghe Palace God Haoyue discovered the target.

The two hid in a clump of ordinary products, their eyes fixed on the open space in front of them.

At this time, Kakashi was tied up by five flowers and leaned against a huge rock, and at this time he had his eyes closed, his head tilted to the side, and drool still drooling from the corners of his mouth.

Your uncle’s, our lives are almost gone, you actually sleep here?

Beside Kakashi, there was a teenage ninja in his teens, armed with a short knife, who was carefully guarding his surroundings.

Fortunately, this ninja did not find him and Sunset Red. Even more fortunately, he was injured!

Palace God Haoyue made a gesture to make Sunset Hong calm down, watching his gesture before attacking.

The two took out their shurikens and fixed their eyes on the young ninja.

Sunset Hong may be too nervous, a pair of white little hands trembled slightly, but she had to clench her teeth and try her best to restrain herself.

Palace God Haoyue touched her head, gave her some comfort, and pointed to herself, meaning: “With me here, don’t be afraid.” ”

Sunset Hong showed a hint of a smile, nodded vigorously, and sure enough, she stopped trembling, replaced by an incomparable firmness!

Kakashi’s body suddenly deflected and fell to the ground. The boy rolled his eyes when he heard the noise.

“Swish, swish, swish!”

At this moment, a series of more than twenty shurikens suddenly shot out from the hands of Palace God Haoyue and Sunset Hong!

Miyakami Haoyue did not hesitate at all, and at the moment when the young ninja was slightly distracted, he immediately made a gesture and sent out his shuriken with Sunset Red!

“Sword Taming Technique!”

Two shurikens circled behind the young ninja under the control of Miyakami Haoyue.

Clang! Clang!

The young ninja swung his short knife to block all the shurikens, then turned and slammed the shuriken that attacked him from behind.

At the moment he turned around, Sunset Red rushed out from the Guan Fanpin, and the bitterness in his hand turned into a cold light, straight to the back of the young ninja’s head!


Sunset Red hit!

However, as a white smoke rises, the young ninja transforms into a mortal head.

Damn, it’s a stand-in!

At this time, the young ninja appeared from behind the rock, and his hands quickly froze.

“Illusion Nanke One Dream!”

Sunset Hong, who was looking out, was hit by the illusion, his eyes narrowed, and he fell to the ground.

The young ninja sneered: “You think I don’t know you’re hiding nearby?” It’s also too underestimating my alertness, right? ”

“However, this guy Jeonichiro should have missed, damn Konoha imp!”

After talking to himself, the young ninja limped towards Sunset Hong, and when he came to Sunset Hong’s body, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a murderous aura appeared in his eyes.

He slowly raised his short knife and said to himself: “Little ghost, I only need a living mouth, count you unlucky!” ”

At the moment when the short knife fell, a shuriken on Sunset Red’s waist suddenly transformed into the palace god Haoyue!

“Broken Path No. 4 White Thunder!”

Gongshen Haoyue did not use the ninjutsu of the Wind and Fire Palm that took too long to read the note, but used the instantaneous skill of White Thunder!

A bolt of lightning burst out from his fingertips and instantly passed through the young ninja, and the kunai in his hand followed, cutting the throat of the young ninja!

Blood splashed, blood gushed out like a spring!

The young ninja’s eyes widened, his hands tightly covering his throat, and he had an unbelievably hideous expression.

“Well… Good calculation! ”

Reluctantly spitting out these words, the boy fell to the ground.

Palace God Haoyue sat on the ground, panting heavily, and his small heart was plopping wildly.

Good risk!

This illusion ninja is very powerful, fortunately it is properly arranged, otherwise it will be himself who falls to the ground.

Sunset Red is just a decoy, and her role is twofold, one is to test whether the other party is a doppelganger, and the other is to cover for the palace god Haoyue.

Taking advantage of the teenager’s carelessness, he launched another surprise attack and killed with one hit!

However, there is also an element of luck in this, if the teenager is not injured, Bai Lei’s attack may not be effective.

After a while, the palace god Haoyukikata slowly got up from the ground and came to Kakashi’s body.

He hasn’t learned how to unlock illusions, so how to wake him up?

Is it okay to give him a stick?

Just do what he said, Miyagami Haoyuki picked up a mortal stick and smashed it at Kakashi’s head.

As a result, Kakashi’s head was smashed several times and he didn’t wake up.

Well, it seems that this method does not work!

Miyagami Haotsuki threw away the mortal stick, carried Kakashi on his back, and then picked up Sunset Red and returned to the rest camp.

“Magic solution!”

After returning to the camp, Shizune directly unlocked the illusion of the two.

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