“Bang! Bang! Bang! ”

One Konoha Shinobu couldn’t dodge, and was instantly penetrated by more than a dozen rocks, fell to the ground and could not get up again.

Countless rocks were like bullets, overwhelming the sky. Konoha ninjas are small in number and can only barely defend themselves with the earth flow wall.

Yusuke was just about to rush over, but was stopped by Miyakami Haoyue: “Let me come.” ”

“Okay, then watch you perform.”

Knowing that the palace god Haoyue was powerful, Yusuke’s expression froze, and he said with a slight excitement.

“Hundred Ghosts Night Walking Snow Girl Bingli!”


A ghost cry sounded, and the ghost fog rose, swirling around the palace god Haoyue, gradually revealing a beautiful silhouette from the black fog.

“Snow Lady Ice Ginseng!”


Gongshen Haoyue pulled out the ice wheel pill, his figure shook, and rushed into the battlefield, those high-speed flying rocks could not graze half of his body at all, and he was soon rushed into the camp of Iwa Shinobu.

“Vacuum Ice Blade!”

Starting with the ice system skill has become the habit of the palace god Haoyue.

Countless ice blades instantly penetrated more than a dozen Zhongnin, and then the snow girl also held up an ice shield and entered the battlefield.

“Ling Bing!”

As soon as the snow girl slapped the ground, hundreds of ice thorns pierced out from under Iwa Shinobu’s feet, and those who could not avoid it were pierced by ice thorns.

With just one blow, he killed nearly thirty Zhongnin!

Ohki looked dumbfounded on the side, and his expression was horrified:

“This… This is the power of the Sun Moon God of Death?! Simply too strong!! ”

Soon, Iwa Shinobu’s formation was scattered by Miyakami Haoyue, and Yusuke with hundreds of Konoha ninjas also rushed over to support, and the two sides fought for more than an hour before Iwa Shinobu was repelled.

In this battle, Konoha lost twenty-one middle Shinobi and nineteen lower Shinobi. And Iwa Shinobu left more than five hundred corpses.

Most of them were killed by the palace god Haoyue.

Because he was a little tired, Gongshen Haoyue did not clean the battlefield with everyone, and turned back to the camp alone to rest.

Suddenly, he saw three figures emerge from the east side of the camp and quickly rush into the distance.

He immediately unfolded his figure and followed closely.

The speed of these three people was very fast, and the distance between them and Palace God Haoyue was far, and he had been chasing nearly thirty kilometers and had not yet caught up.

But the distance between the two sides kept getting closer, until they bypassed the swamp and came to a village near the Land of Rain.

Palace God Haoyue used an instant step to stop the three of them.

The three looked about the same age, all in their teens, and all wore black robes.

The man at the head had blond hair and was a very handsome teenager.

To his left and right, there was a blue-haired girl and a red-haired teenager.

The girl is beautiful and beautiful, her shoulders are like a shave, her waist is like a vegetarian, and her snow-white skin is like coagulation.

The red-haired boy looked emaciated and looked a little indifferent.

The palace god Haoyue was stunned, isn’t this Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan?

At this time, they should have learned ninjutsu from Jiraiya, but they don’t know what their strength is.

However, the palace god Haoyue didn’t plan to try, in case Nagato was forced and summoned the Outer Path Golem, it was not a joke!

Yahiko covered the bag in his hand and said, “Hey, Konoha ninja, we won’t return the food pill to you anyway!” ”

Xiao Nan took out a kunai and said, “You Konoha and Iwa Shinobu have brought war and suffering to the Land of Rain, and this is what you owe to the Land of Rain!” ”

Only Nagato did not speak, but he was staring on guard.

Seeing that the palace god Haoyue was just stunned there in a daze, and did not say a word. Xiao Nan was anxious and said:

“Hey, Konoha ninja, what the hell do you want?”

Palace God Haoyue was a little helpless and said:

“You have to pay me back at least half, right? This is all our rations. New supplies haven’t been delivered yet, so we can’t starve to death until then, right? ”

The three were stunned, almost unable to believe what they were hearing.

According to common sense, shouldn’t he have snatched back the soldiers’ food pills?

Xiao Nan was a little overwhelmed and turned his gaze to Yahiko, who pondered for a while and agreed.

The three of them took a total of six bags of military grain pills, each bag was full of thousands of pills, enough for a hundred people to feed for three or four days.

Gongshen Haoyue retrieved the three bags and asked

“You guys took such a big risk just to steal a few bags of military food pills? Take it and sell it? I don’t think the price of this thing is too high. ”

Yahiko was silent for a moment and said, “You come with me.” ”

Xiao Nan reminded from the side: “Yahiko! ”

“Don’t worry Xiaonan, he shouldn’t be that kind of evil person.”

After that, Yahiko strode towards the village, and the palace god Haoyue and the others followed closely behind him.

The village has long been dilapidated, full of ruins, and has long been uninhabited.

Or rather, the people in the village have long been killed.

When a few people came to a dilapidated house, Yahiko pushed open the wooden door that was almost falling apart and said, “I went to get your military food pills for them.” ”

Gong Shen Haoyue saw that the narrow house was crowded with dozens of children, the youngest was only three or four years old, these children were thin and wore ragged clothes. You don’t have to guess that they are a group of war orphans.

This kind of thing, Palace God Haoyue saw too much, at first he was shocked, and as time went by, he gradually faded.

Although he does not have a heart of compassion, he still appreciates people like Yahiko.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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