Palace God Haoyue didn’t feel anything.

“Let’s go, let’s go get something to eat.”

Xiao Nan nodded lightly, followed behind the palace god Haoyue without saying a word, and did not know what he was thinking.

At this time, a drunken samurai walked over to him, his steps stumbled, and his body was planted directly towards Konan.

Out of his body’s instinctive reaction, Konanichi pushed the samurai away, causing him to crash into a roadside stall.

“Bastard, dare to push Uncle Ben?!”

“Huh? She’s a nice woman. ”

The samurai looked at Konan, with narrowed eyes, a lewd smile on his face.

“Woman, you will follow Uncle Ben in the future, I Nagata is a famous samurai in the country of bears, and I will not let you suffer.”

Xiao Nan said coldly: “I don’t want to kill people today, let me go!” ”

The samurai named Nagata pulled out the saber at his waist and said angrily:

“Dare to refuse Uncle Ben? Do you know what the consequences are?! ”

Some of the onlookers looked at the weak Xiao Nan, lest the latter be spattered with blood on the spot.

He couldn’t help but persuade in a low voice: “Little girl, Nagata is a famous samurai, and he is ruthless, if you refuse him, you will be killed!” ”


Gong Shen Haoyue felt very funny, no matter how ruthless he was, could he compare to the second-in-command of the “Xiao” organization?

What’s more, there is also his own sun and moon death.

The word ruthless and spicy can’t get the turn of this so-called Nagata!

Nagata, Nagata, it seems that you are also the role of a local hegemon, is it not good for you to stop being your samurai?

Miyakami Haoyuki mourned the fate of the samurai for three seconds, and Nagata’s long knife slashed over.

Xiao Nan sideways avoided, and a kunai directly hit Nagata’s neck.

The icy blade was mixed with Xiao Nan’s cold eyes.

Changtian sweated coldly, and the alcohol instantly sobered up for most of the time, and said in a trembling voice:

“Endure… Are you a ninja? ”

Xiao Nan’s body exuded a cold killing intent, and he said coldly:

“Get out!”


The samurai who walked around the ghost gate instantly dropped the long knife in his hand and fled with a roll.

The onlookers never expected that this girl who looked soft and weak turned out to be a ninja, and she was also a very powerful ninja!

The people around me talked about everything and everything.

“What a great girl, she became a ninja at a young age!”

“It’s a pity that such a powerful female ninja is followed by a useless teenager. When Nagata made a move, he was so scared that he didn’t dare to move, alas, it’s really useless…”

Gong Shen Haoyue was stunned: “Is this talking about me?” ”

Xiao Nan covered his mouth and snickered and nodded: “That’s right, it’s talking about you.” ”

Palace God Haoyue said with a dark face: “Go, go eat.” ”

When it was evening, Miyakami Haoyue found the samurai named Nagata, and he killed the other party with an ice escape, and his heart was much more comfortable.

For the next three days, Miyakami Haoyue traveled to various scenic spots in the country of bears.

There was a big beauty by his side, and sometimes there was a virgin ghost that made him feel very good, and he killed a few local bullies by the way.

Three days later.

The two officially began to meet Kusanagi.

With their foot strength, in less than ten days, they came to the Land of Grass.

The country of grass is one of the main battlefields of the Third Shinobi World War.

Kusanagi is good at learning and cracking the ninjutsu of other ninja villages, and at the same time has a very clever diplomatic skill.

Therefore, this small country was able to survive many ninja world wars.

Palace God Haoyue guessed correctly, the purpose of Xiaonan’s trip is the legendary box of bliss!

Although it has long been known that the box of bliss cannot fulfill the wishes of others, Gongshen Haoyue is still very interested in the monster of “enlightenment”.

If you use it well, you may be able to find some trouble for several big countries and avenge the pursuit and killing of the year!

The country of grass is a plain strip with few hills and mountains.

The agriculture here is very developed, looking at the farmers working in the fields and the roaring harvesters, Gong Shen Haoyue sighed in his heart.

The Naruto World technology tree is too crooked, right?

Cranes, electric lights, walkie-talkies and everything else were invented, but they were still in the era of cold weapons.

He suddenly felt that such an all-round scientist as the Great Snake Pill was very rare…

While he was thinking about it, Palace God Haoyue suddenly sensed Chakra fluctuations in the distance.

He frowned, wouldn’t it be coming at me and Xiao Nan?

“There are ninjas ahead, I’ll take a look.”

After speaking, Palace God Haoyue stepped forward and soon disappeared from Xiao Nan’s sight.

Xiao Nan looked at the fleeting figure of Palace God Haoyue, so fast that even she couldn’t see it clearly.

I couldn’t help but be secretly horrified: “I didn’t expect that in just five years, he was already so strong!” ”

In the wilderness.

A child of about seven or eight years old was running desperately, and behind him were three ninjas from Kusanagi Village.

The child was pale and worn-out.

They are dirty, just like many street children.

He runs fast and is not inferior to the average ninja.

But compared with the Kusanagi in the rear, it is obviously slightly inferior, and the pursuers are constantly approaching, and it will not take long to be caught up.

Palace God Haoyue frowned slightly, what is Caoyin Village doing to catch a child?

Anyway, Caoyin Village also participated in the pursuit and killing of him back then, and Palace God Haoyue naturally would not let them succeed in their purpose.

“Vacuum Ice Blade!”

Hundreds of ice blades attacked the three Kusanagi and bypassed the child.

“Fire Escape Dragon Fire Array Art!”

Nine roaring fire dragons appeared, surrounding Kusanagi, blocking all the vacuum ice blades.

Palace God Haoyue was slightly surprised, the strength of these three grass ninja is not bad, at least it is also the level of ninja among the elite.

Caoyin Village sent such three people to chase a child?

What’s so special about this kid?

With a dragon roar, nine fire dragons roared towards the palace god Haoyue!

The corner of Gong Shen Haoyue’s mouth raised, revealing a sneer.

“Just let you practice the proficiency of the ice wheel pill.”

After such a long battle, Orochimaru was only a dozen points short of proficiency before he could unlock the seal.

“Prism Ice Array!”

“Vacuum Ice Blade!”

“Multi-layer vacuum ice wall!”

“Ice Escape Combo!”

Various ice skills were emitted from the hands of the palace god Haoyue, until the system prompted the ice wheel pill to unlock the seal.

He only used the God Killing Sword to kill the lives of these three Kusanagi.

A azure blue light emanated from Orochimaru’s blade, and the blade trembled, emitting a buzzing sound.

At the end of the hilt, a blue chain suddenly appeared, and there was a chill from the chain.

He smiled to himself and said, “Such a delicate chain, let’s call you an ice chain.” ”

Open the system and take a look at the introduction of the ice wheel pill.

[Special props: Ice Wheel Pill (completely unsealed): Incidental skills: Vacuum Ice Blade, Prism Ice Array, Ice Dragon Spinning Tail, Liuyi Ice Formation, Bird Icicle, Vacuum Multi-layer Ice Wall (You can use the ultimate power of the Ice Wheel Pill to solve 3 times, and the ice wheel pill shattered and disappeared after use.) )】

After all, it was the “Sealed Ice Wheel Pill” obtained by chance in the middle grade, and it took so many years to unlock the seal.

Now there is also a limit to the decomposition, and it will completely shatter after three times.

If it is the “Ice Wheel Pill” intercepted by the ultimate chance, I am afraid that there is no need to be so troublesome, and it can even use the swastika without restrictions!

Palace God Haoyue shook his head, and didn’t think too much, now there are not many people in the ninja world who can let him use the Great Red Lotus Ice Wheel Pill against the enemy!

Now that the Ice Wheel Pill has begun to solve, its chill has increased several times, and it is more than several times more terrifying than before.

It’s enough for the enemy to drink a pot! _

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