“Bang! Bang! Bang! ”

The blood line suddenly exploded, turning into a thick blood mist, which spread around the palace god Haoyue.

A wisp of blood mist just fell on the palace god Haoyue, and immediately sucked away a part of Chakra in his body.

Palace God Haoyue’s face changed drastically, and he was about to leave with the earth escape, but found that his feet were already scarlet!

It seems that this Blood Sea Array is an all-round closed formation, and even the underground is infiltrated by the Sea of Blood.


Palace God Haoyue could never have imagined that the Evil God Sect still had such a means!

He quickly covered his body with ice armor with a thick layer of ice armor to temporarily resist the erosion of the blood mist.

At this moment, there was already a blood mist, and all the vision was obscured by the blood mist.

The skill of turning a hundred turns was cracked, and Gongshen Haoyue had to lift the ghost entanglement state and think about countermeasures in his heart.

From the battle just now, Palace God Haoyue learned a terrifying message, that is, this blood array can evolve itself!

The second Yan Killing Black Dragon Wave did not work, and the later ice blade had no effect, which is enough to prove this.

That’s why he has been using ice to fight, and he does not dare to use other ninjutsu, so as not to let the sea of blood evolve again.

However, the blood array is temporarily difficult to deal with, but it does not mean that these cultists are also difficult to deal with!

As long as the person who cast the blood formation is solved, this formation will be self-defeating!

The cold ice was gradually absorbed by the blood mist, and seeing that there was only the last thin layer left, it would soon erode into his body.

Palace God Haoyue’s expression was extremely calm, and the corners of his mouth pulled up a dangerous arc.

Since ninjutsu is useless, try this!

Taking advantage of the fact that the cold ice covering his body had not yet been completely dissolved, Palace God Haoyue took out a book of seals from his backpack.

The box of bliss was taken out from the inside.

In Caoyin Village, he had already used the Sharingan to copy the seal of that elder opening the box of bliss.

“Box of Elysium, open!”

The face on the box of bliss slowly opened, and a huge suction force instantly sucked away the blood mist, freeing up a space for the palace god Haoyue.

Then Palace God Haoyue turned the Bliss Box in one direction and continued to absorb the blood mist.

Soon, Gong Shen Haoyue discovered a problem, the sea of blood constantly shot blood lines, replenishing the concentration of blood mist.

And the box of bliss, its suction power is gradually getting smaller!

“Your uncle’s!”

The palace god secretly cursed, and his mind quickly thought about countermeasures.

Outside the blood mist, a group of evil god sect members couldn’t see what was happening inside at all, and could only feel that the blood mist was constantly decreasing.

They were horrified!

The Blood Sea Array Book, that was given to them by the High Priest specifically to deal with the palace god Haoyue!

It is the top formation in the cult, is this also ineffective against the Sun Moon God of Death?!


When everyone was shocked, the ground under their feet suddenly concave.

A huge box flew behind the box from the ground, followed by the person they wanted to get rid of in every possible way today, Palace God Haoyue!

The white-robed man was shocked, probably?

The underground has long been infiltrated by the sea of blood, how could he escape from the blood array?!

How could they have imagined that Palace God Haoyue actually directly used the suction power of the Bliss Box to dig a passage in the ground.

“Evil King Yan Kill Black Dragon Wave!”

Before these people could react, a black dragon swallowed by, instantly engulfing these people, and burning them to the slag!

The Black Dragon Wave is not effective against the Blood Array, but it is still effective against the members of the Cult.

Only one person avoided the attack of the Black Dragon Wave at the moment of danger, and that was the white-robed man!

The moment Palace God Haoyue made a move, he noticed it and dodged into the sea of blood, avoiding the attack of the black dragon wave.

After the members of the cult were burned by the black dragon wave, the blood mist and sea of blood suddenly disappeared by more than half.

Only a small ball of blood remained floating above the head of the man in white!

The white-robed man put down the scroll in his mouth, and his face became more and more ugly:

“It is worthy of the Sun and Moon God of Death, who can escape from the blood mist! However, you will still die at my hands after all! ”

“Blood Death!”

The white-robed man’s hands quickly froze, and the blood in the air squirmed like life.

It immediately fell down and poured over his body, dyeing his whole body a scarlet color.

The blood gradually condensed, turning into a red armor that covered the white-robed man’s body.

The aura on the white-robed man rose again and again, and his figure became more and more burly and dangerous.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, a bright red blood-colored death scythe appeared in his palm.

The figure flashed, and the white-robed man instantly rushed to the palace god Haoyue, brandishing his scythe and slashing towards the palace god Haoyue with the momentum of thunder!



The fierce attack knife killed the knife, and the sound of weapons clashing was non-stop.

Palace God Haoyue Ice Wheel Pill pulled a knife flower and blocked the blade in time with the momentum of an antelope hanging horn!

The white-robed man sneered, and several blood lines suddenly spewed out from the scythe of the god of death, winding towards the palace god Haoyue!


Palace God Haoyue hurriedly withdrew thirty meters away, avoiding the hunting of the blood line.

“Sun Moon Death, your attack can’t crack the defense of my bloody body!”

“Your black flame is also useless to me, so let’s die obediently!” Sacrifice your life to the Evil God-sama! This will be your supreme glory! ”

Palace God Haoyue shook his head and smiled contemptuously: “You are too arrogant, do you know why I only use ice escape?” ”

“I know that I know that I will not die in a hundred battles, and I have learned more and more about the so-called bloody methods of your evil god sect!”

“Now I’ll send you to your Evil God Lord!”

Palace God Haoyue’s eyes gradually became cold, murderous, and high-frequency humming sounds.

“Wudun Shuriken!”

A pitch-black shuriken appeared in the hands of the palace god Haoyue, and its appearance was no different from that of ordinary shurikens.

Elephants are invisible, big coincidence!

The more ordinary it looks, the more dangerous it tends to be!

As soon as the palace god Haoyue raised his hand, Wudun Shuriken cut through the void.

Wind, thunder, water, fire, earth, the five energies rotate endlessly, there is no way to avoid it, and it instantly penetrates the body of the white-robed man!


“Boom! Rumble! Rumble! ”

A series of explosions sounded.

The five kinds of energy were detonated in an instant, and the energy explosion generated by the collision of each other caused the entire void to fall into a strange silence for a while.

Loud voice!

After a short silence, the white-robed man and the proud blood armor on his body were instantly blown into powder! 、

·· Today’s fifth is more sent, the old money to slow down for a while, eyes looking at the screen for a long time have spent. Thank you for your support of the old watches, sometimes some people in the comment area who are not iron fans scold the old money, I hope the old watches support ha, hahaha… Liver explosion in the evening, there are five more today! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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