Check In From Marvel

Chapter 107-Me and Harley Quinn

In the consulting room, a beautiful female doctor is stretching her waist.

She is Harleen Quinzel, who won the gymnastics championship at Gotham State University.

At the moment, she was shining brilliantly, but she made a decision that shocked everyone in the school.

She is such a proud girl of heaven, she chose to be an intern in a terrible place like the Arkham Asylum.

She believes that the criminals here are more challenging to her.

For example, the inspection report she is holding now.

"Hysterical identification disorder, this is correct."

The so-called hysterical identification disorder is actually a multiple personality disorder.

Its occurrence is closely related to whether the patient has been traumatized in childhood, especially sexual assault.

When the patient receives a huge impact, he chooses to "empty" to achieve the feeling that "this matter has nothing to do with me", which may be necessary for patients who have suffered serious injuries for a long time.

So there is a second or more personality.

The patient who can be grasped for Arkham has a high probability of being antisocial personality disorder, but Harleen Quinzel is also a responsible intern, and she still called the person on the report-Mu Qiu.

"Hi, it's you."

Mu Qiu was taken to the clinic by the guards, and he saw Harleen Quinzel, the future Joker woman, at a glance. Mu Qiu waved his hand and called Roar.

Mu Qiu looked familiar with the lipstick worn by Harleen Quinzel.

Orange Chanel Bright Glamour Lipstick No. 182, this is correct.

A little pink is added to the orange, it looks full of vitality.

The blonde Harleen Quinzel was behind the desk in the window, and the sun shone on her. She gleamed like Angel descended from heaven, exuding her own charm.

The guards and Mu Qiu were dumbfounded.

Such a beauty, coming to Arkham, is really ruined.

"Ah..." Harleen Quinzel was a little embarrassed to see a few people staring at him dumbly, and coughed lightly. Everyone should leave now, they should be busy.

"Um... you are looking for me?" Mu Qiu approached Harleen Quinzel. When she approached the Joker girl, the perfume scent from her opened up Mu Qiu's appetite. He even planned to eat two more steamed buns (bread) at noon. ).

"How are you sleeping lately? Has anyone bullied you in the cell? If so, you can tell me and I will try to help you solve it." Harleen Quinzel did not talk about the inspection report, but started talking. Homely.

Mu Qiu listened to Harleen Quinzel and gave her a compliment.

What is a profession? This is the profession.

Let's get closer to you first, and get close to you.

Only in this way can you break your psychological line of defense and prevent you from hiding it.

"Well, it's okay, but the cell has been a bit unlucky lately."

Harleen Quinzel doesn't know what bad luck is, and she always answers with a smile instead of what she doesn't understand.

"Are you going to treat me?" Mu Qiu glanced at the information on the table and saw his name.

"Your examination has come out, um...can you tell me about your situation?" Harleen Quinzel looked at the patient Mu Qiu with big watery eyes, as if he wanted to listen to others.

"Um... don't, it's shameful."

"If this is not the case, it will be fine! You have to be good!"Harleen Quinzel's words seemed to have a magical power.

But the more Mu Qiu listened, the more he felt that he was far from Harleen Quinzel.

How did he feel that the light emitted by the other party was like maternal love...

No way, Harleen Quinzel was also kind, and Mu Qiu still told his story.

However, if others tell lies, three points are true and seven points are false.

He directly leaves.

Mu Qiu brought Joker's classic speech skills over.

"my childhood..."

Harleen Quinzel puts her chin in her hands, and if she shows her teeth and smiles again, she is like a flower in the cos.

Her action was to make herself look more harmless, and to make the patient in front of her more expressive.

"My family is not happy."

"I envy other children who can have a harmonious family. They have Wu You's carefree childhood and don't have to worry about doing something wrong and getting beaten by the whip..."

Mu Qiu said, as if he was really reminiscing something, his eyes glanced to the left, this is the look of recollection.

When lying, he still can't touch his nose and blink his eyes frequently. He knows these micro-expression common sense.

For the Joker woman who has obtained a degree certificate in psychology anyway, it is obviously impossible to talk nonsense.

"Your...parents, who beat you? Or do you say they beat you?" Harleen Quinzel covered her mouth. She couldn't see that Mu Qiu was lying. She really sympathized with the person in front of her. After all, multiple personalities are not like You can get a cold as you say it.

"Mom remarried, and I followed Dad."

"He doesn't love me, on the contrary, he still uses me as an inflator."

"He likes to drink and spends his whole day with wine. When I was a child, I ate cheap food that was about to expire in the supermarket to make ends meet."

"He didn't smile. I never saw him having fun at home, except for one time when he took me to the circus to see a show..."

"Well... he must have troubles too, he should love you..." Harleen Quinzel said his thoughts.

"I think he can take me there because I can get free tickets when I am young, and he can enjoy a half-price discount..."

When Harleen Quinzel heard this, he couldn't bear to interrupt.

"It was at the circus that time, and for the first and only time in my life, I saw his smile."

"That was a Joker wearing extremely fat pants, kicking a stupid dog that was not obedient, but he kicked the air, but he fell somersault." Mu Qiu said, looking out the window and recalling, "he At that time, I was laughing happily. Although I don’t know what’s funny, I think at that time...we two really looked like father and son once."

Harleen Quinzel had tears in her eyes, and she still had empathy for Ability.

"So, in order to please him, I want him to have a better relationship with me. I wore his fat pants and fell heavily in front of him, trying to make him happy."

"As a result... he didn't laugh." Mu Qiu touched the bridge of his nose, "He interrupted my nose, um... Fortunately... my nose doesn't seem to be injured anymore, right? Doctor Harleen."

Harleen Quinzel took it seriously, she looked at the poor man in front of her, and even had an urge to hug him.

No way, Mu Qiu believed that he was a little bit convinced. In order to pursue the effect, he pretended that he didn't care, but Harleen Quinzel was heartbroken.

Harleen Quinzel's eyes were red, "Then why did you come to Arkham after you? I didn't mean anything else, I mean..."

"I came on my own initiative, and both the dean and the guard at the door know the situation." Mu Qiu pretended to be anguished. "There seems to be a demon living in my body. He always says terrible things in my ears. Sometimes people around me will tell me some memories that I don’t have. Those things weren’t what I did, not me..."

"I came to Arkham by myself so that the person in my body can't do bad things anymore. Even if I am in jail and bullied by inmates, I don't want my friends around me to be harmed..." Mu Qiu said directly and left. The script, the desire to perform suddenly came up, and started crying.

Looks like...not to mention how miserable.

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