137: Zhang Chulan, Pineapple Snowflake Cheat Sheet, learn Nobita’s technique of picking up girls!

In the light curtain

【”that……I will work hard and try my best to rescue Miyako’s father!”】

【Nobita smiled softly, and a confident look appeared on his young face:”I promised you, so you have to cheer up”】


【After hearing what Nobita said, Miyako was startled at first, then she smiled and her cheeks were slightly rosy.】

【Gentle opening:”Thank you”】


【Before Nobita finished speaking, Miyako gently patted Nobita’s face with her cat’s paw, and a cat’s paw print was imprinted on one side of Nobita’s face.】

Nobita laughed and quickly chased after him.


Zhang Chulan took a breath of cold air, not daring to hesitate, and quickly picked up a notebook and hurriedly wrote it down.

Xu Si came over curiously:”Chulan, what are you writing?”

Zhang Chulan replied while writing:”Of course I am writing down what Master Daxiong said just now. It is so perfect. Although it is just a few short sentences, it hits the heart directly!!”

“I don’t know how much Miyako’s favorability has been increased directly. Great, this is what I want to learn, this is the art of language!!”

Xu Si heard this and a group of black lines appeared on his face:”You are really hardworking to find a girlfriend, have you studied so seriously before?”

Zhang Chulan was very disdainful:”Learning is not that important, these are all practical knowledge, it turns out that late-night chats are the best way to increase favorability!”

Fruity Robo World.

Not only Zhang Chulan, but also Pineapple Blowing Snow was taking notes at this moment


“Those few words just now were really great. If you meet a girl you like in the future, just say them to her. It will definitely be effective!” Pineapple Blowing Snow was very impressed. He had to admit that Nobita was even better than him in this aspect!

Orange Liuxiang was speechless:”Are you going to say the same thing to other girls? Could it be that the fathers of the other girls have also been captured by the devil?”

“Tsk tsk.”

Pineapple Blowing Snow shook her head and glanced at Cheng Liuxiang:”Sure enough, your rank is still too low. Just make a slight adjustment. Miyako’s father was captured by the Demon King, then I will go find those girls whose fathers were captured by Dongfang Qiubai.”

One Punch World.

Saitama was also watching the screen at this moment, but his mind was not on Nobita and Miyako, but on the magic carpet under their feet.

He touched his bald head, and there was some curiosity in his dull eyes:”This magic carpet is really magical. It looks so small, but there is a hidden space underneath. Is this space technology? If I can have such a magic carpet, I won’t be afraid of not having enough space at home in the future.”

The picture returned to the light curtain.

【Later, in the process of saving the Full Moon Priest】

【Nobita and Miyako are trapped in a cave by a group of demons.】

【Miyako wanted to act as bait to help Nobita escape, and Nobita said that even if he was useless, he couldn’t leave Miyako behind and escape.】

【Miyako said that she was very happy to have the adventure with Nobita, and then rushed out to lure the enemy】

【In the picture】

【At this moment, Miyako and Nobita were hiding in a cave, and demons were chasing them from outside following the smell.】

【””Oh no!” Nobita’s expression was ugly. If he was caught by the devil, he would definitely be eaten.】

【Miyako handed the only stone hat to Nobita:”Come on, put it on quickly!”】

【As long as you put on this hat, your presence will instantly be reduced to nothing, and you will be invisible in the eyes of others.】

【Nobita took the hat, but did not put it on immediately. Instead, he asked,”But what about you, Miyako?”】

【Miyako spread out her cat paws, with a small scroll in her hand. The reason why the group of demons chased Miyako and her companions was to take away this scroll!】


【This scroll holds the secret to defeating King Dima!】

【Miyako also gave the shrunken scroll to Nobita:”I believe that the part that has not been deciphered must contain information on how to defeat the devil. I believe you and Doraemon can use this thing!”】

【”Can it be used?”Nobita was stunned.】

【Then, Miyako said,”I will go stop the demons, you go!”】


【She placed all her hopes on Nobita, and she wanted to sacrifice herself so that Nobita could escape.】

【”Wait a moment!”】

【Nobita could no longer sit still, and stepped forward to grab one of Miyako’s arms:”No matter what, I can’t leave a girl alone and run away!!”】

【Miyako was silent for a while, then turned her head and looked at Nobita with her beautiful eyes.】

【”So can you use magic?!”】

【”Can you fight the devil?!”】

【”If we were here, both of us would be caught. Then who would protect the earth?”】

【As she spoke, Miyako shed tears, and this string of words instantly silenced Nobita.】


【He doesn’t know magic and is unarmed. He has no chance of being a match for those demons. Staying here will only hinder Miyako.】

【Nobita lowered his head, but Miyako suddenly smiled and her tone became gentle again:”I’m sorry for yelling at you, I’ll leave everything to you!”】



【Nobita said:”Can we meet again?!”】

【Miyako did not answer, but said:”It’s great to be friends with you. Although it’s only for a short time, I’m so happy. Goodbye!”】

【After saying that, Miyako rushed out directly, holding a sword and fighting the devil.】

【After Miyako had attracted all the demons away, Nobita finally showed up. Looking at Miyako’s back, Nobita muttered to himself:】

【”Miyako…..Miyako, I’m sorry, I will come back to save you!!”】

Spell World


Xiaoyu couldn’t help but swear:”I really envy Nobita, he can always participate in the event of protecting the earth, I wish I could do it too!!”


Hearing this, Chen Long frowned and taught:”Fighting with demons is not something to be happy about. You may lose your life if you are not careful!”

“That world is really outrageous. They actually let Nobita and other children protect the world. Really!!” (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

On the other side, the Holy Lord, who is still in the form of a sculpture, is also watching the screen

“Oh, big devil, that’s interesting!”

“I really want to see how strong the big devil in Nobita’s world is!!”

Chopping Knife World

“Miyako-chan is so gentle!”

Ito Makoto sighed, and was instantly intoxicated by Miyako’s gentleness.

She would even sacrifice herself for Nobita, but why didn’t he meet such a good girl!


“It can be seen that Miyako really likes Nobita!”

Kara is also a woman, and she can see at a glance that Miyako definitely has more than just a good impression of Nobita, and she must also have feelings for him.

After all,…….

The effect of Nobita’s night talk in the previous scene is really great. Every word he said touched Miyako’s heart. If she were Miyako, she probably wouldn’t be able to resist.

PS: Miyako’s part is written by combining the old and new versions. After all, both versions are very good, and some parts are worth combining together.

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