144: Nobita’s son, whose fault is this violent character?

Seeing this scene, the audiences in the heavens and the worlds were all stunned. They didn’t expect that Nobita would actually ask this question.

“Good guy, taking this opportunity to ask Shizuka if she likes him, ~ Nobita is really good at it!!”

“Haha, look at Shizuka’s face, it’s so cute, but it’s a pity that the one who likes her is not me”

“Wait, is there a possibility that the Shizuka who said she liked Nobita was actually a fake, and all this was just her disguise, and her real purpose was to eliminate the real Shizuka, it’s really scary when you think about it, it’s really scary when you think about it!!”

“No, can you please stop coming up with conspiracy theories? Can you not be so dark inside? And what you said doesn’t make any logic!”

Conan World.

At this moment!

Mitsuhiko also felt that there were some conspiracy theories, so he expressed his own ideas, which were very similar to the above ideas.

They all thought that all this was just a conspiracy of the fake Shizuka, who deliberately chose to stand on the side of Nobita. After all, the props in Nobita’s hand determined their life and death.

But as soon as she said it, she was opposed by everyone.

Ayumi pouted:”How is it possible, Mitsuhiko, you think too much, don’t you, Conan!”


Conan nodded:”Yes, at first glance, what Mitsuhiko said sounds quite intimidating, but in fact, there is no logic at all. For example, even if the real Shizuka doesn’t like Nobita, she wouldn’t say such things to Nobita. That tone is obviously not Shizuka’s.”

Ai also said:”And if Shizuka really didn’t have feelings for Nobita, they wouldn’t get married later.”

“” Okay.”

After hearing what the two said, Guangyan also felt that it seemed a bit unreasonable.

【After dealing with the clones, Nobita and Shizuka strolled under the sunset】

【Shizuka still felt a little sad:”Isn’t it too pitiful to be a clone like that?”】

【”That’s right!” Nobita nodded, then suddenly lowered his head, his cheeks flushed:”Shizuka, your answer just now…..You really are……”】

【”Eh?” Shizuka looked over.】

【Nobita shook his head quickly:”No…..there is nothing!”】

【Shizuka quickened her pace and walked in front of Nobita, then said,”My answer just now was……secret!”】

【”this…..That’s it!”】

The World of Others


“This conversation, this atmosphere, is just too much like the content in the Sakura youth romance drama!!”

Zhang Chulan was very envious. It turns out that those movies and TV dramas are not random!

Damn it!!

I also want such a youth!!

With good friends and a girl who likes me, Zhang Chulan can’t imagine how happy it would be if it were really like this!

【As we all know, Nobita finally married Shizuka and gave birth to a son.】

【And their son is named Nobi Yusuke!】

【He looks almost exactly like Nobita, even his hairstyle is the same.】


【Yuusuke’s personality is completely different from Nobita’s. He is not only competitive, but also very strong in combat. He usually beats Suneo’s son and Takeshi’s son. He is the king of the children. 】

Doraemon Universe.

Nobita’s home


Nobita, Fat Tiger, Suneo, Shizuka and Doraemon all stared with their eyes wide open in disbelief.

“My son will become the leader among children?”

Nobita pointed at himself, feeling unbelievable, if that was true, who did he inherit it from?

He didn’t like fighting, not to mention Shizuka was so gentle, it was really weird.

Fat Tiger couldn’t accept it even more:”My son didn’t actually inherit my strength, damn it, he’s not even as good as Nobita’s son, it’s such a disgrace to me!!”


Fat Tiger snorted and said unconvincedly:”I want to see how powerful Nobita’s son is!!”

Shizuka blushed slightly, feeling a little embarrassed, because she felt that Yusuke might have inherited it from her. After all, although she was a girl, she actually wanted to run around like a boy, play baseball or something.

Doraemon smiled:”I’m also curious about what Nobita’s son will be like!!”

The video on the screen continued to play


【At this moment, on the open space】

【Nobita, no, it should be said that the child who looked like Nobita, spoke impatiently to the two children who looked like Fat Tiger and Suneo below.】

【”Hey, you two are too slow!!”】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【”Especially Xiaopang, don’t think that you can pull yourself up just because you are fat and strong, do you hear me?”】

【Xiaopang, Fat Tiger’s son, stretched out two fingers in fear and pointed at each other:”But I inherited my father’s genes and there is nothing I can do about it.”】

【Xiongsuke frowned and jumped down from the pole:”How dare you talk back? You don’t even think about the fact that you are just a fat boy!”】

【Next second!】

【He actually pulled up Little Fatty. You have to know that Little Fatty is much bigger than him, just like Fat Tiger and Nobita, they are not in the same heavyweight class at all. 】

Please give me flowers 0At the same time, the audience outside the screen also widened their eyes, thinking it was very novel.

“This must be Yusuke, he looks exactly like Nobita, there is no difference at all, don’t even mention he is a son, I would believe it even if you told me they are twins!!”

“It seems that this is definitely Nobita’s biological son, but his personality is a little rough.”

“It feels like the personalities of Nobita and Fat Tiger’s sons are completely opposite to their fathers. I never thought that Nobita’s son would actually beat Fat Tiger and Suneo’s sons. It’s unbelievable!!”

“The worst one is Suneo, not only he got beaten, but his son got beaten just like him!!”

Doraemon Universe[]

The 22nd century.

Shi Xiu also opened his eyes instantly and couldn’t help but say:”That is…..Grandpa, I didn’t expect you to be such a powerful person!”

Dorami smiled:”His personality is completely different from Nobita’s.”

At Nobita’s home.

Seeing his son’s timid look.

Fat Tiger was immediately furious:”You coward, why are you so timid, you were lifted up by Nobita’s son!!”

Nobita was also a little confused:”Is that my son?……Why do I feel that except for his appearance, he looks more like Fat Tiger!!”

Doraemon smiled lightly:”Who cares? As long as he looks like you, it means he is definitely your biological son. But I didn’t expect that Fat Tiger’s son has such a soft personality. He is completely different from Fat Tiger.”

Seer World

“Is this Mr. Nobita’s son?”

Ateda stared at Xiongsuke in the picture and immediately became interested:”He looks like he can fight!!”

Sai Xiaoxi found it incredible:”Nobita’s size can actually suppress Fat Tiger’s size, and why does this little Fat Tiger look a little timid, is he really Fat Tiger’s son?!”

Kalulu:”Judging from his appearance and body shape, he should be……Or maybe Fat Tiger’s wife is a gentle person, maybe his son inherited his wife’s personality.”

Sai Xiaoxi still felt something was wrong:”Then who did Nobita’s son inherit his personality from? It can’t be from Shizuka, right?”

After all, the impression Shizuka gave them was that of a very gentle and lovely little girl, how could she do such a thing?

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