147: Nobita’s wife turned into an ugly woman? !

In the light curtain

【It was at this time——】

【Just then the phone rang, interrupting Nobita’s thoughts.】

【Nobita answered the phone first. When he heard that the caller was Shizuka, Nobita’s face instantly became happy, but soon became sad again.】

【Doraemon blinked and said,”Shizuka isn’t coming?”】

【Nobita turned his head and said sadly:”You didn’t tell me the reason, you said you would arrive later.”】

【At this moment, Nobita’s already worried heart became even more frightened.】

【He quickly pulled Doraemon into the room, got on the time machine, and headed to the future, wanting to confirm in the present future whether Shizuka would marry him!】

【Otherwise, he would feel really uncomfortable!】


【The time machine brought Nobita and Doraemon to the future, but what Nobita didn’t expect was that 25 years later, the place where his home was originally located was converted into a public toilet.

“Damn it!”

“Did Nobita’s family renovate the public toilet? That’s really outrageous!”

“However, since it was demolished, Nobita’s family should be able to get the demolition compensation!”

Bai Xiaofei thought about it and felt that even if it was converted into a public toilet, it would not be unacceptable. After all, Nobita’s house seemed to be quite large.

There was even a backyard at home, so there must be a lot of houses to be demolished!

Doraemon Universe.

Nobita’s house


After seeing that his home had turned into a public toilet, Nobita couldn’t help but widen his eyes and his expression turned pale, as if he had swallowed a hundred flies alive.

Doraemon comforted him,”It’s okay, Nobita, we can still get a lot of demolition compensation, and the location of our home is still good.”


Nobita opened his mouth. Although what Doraemon said was right, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, this was where he lived day and night, but it became a public toilet. He would have no objection even if it became a museum or library.

The picture on the screen continued to play.

【It turns out that this area was transformed into a park in the future, but Nobita’s house happened to be transformed into a public toilet.】

【Although Nobita was a little sad, now was not the time to be sad. Then Nobita asked the police and learned the location of Nobita’s new home.】

【After a while, Nobita and Doraemon arrived at the apartment where he would live in the future.】


【Just when Doraemon was about to knock on the door, Nobita stopped him.】

【Nobita blushed, still a little embarrassed:”I feel like it’s not a good idea to meet in person.”….~.”】

【Hearing this, Doraemon folded his arms and thought for a moment:”You are right, okay.”】

【Next second!】

【Doraemon took out a perspective mirror from his pocket and handed it to Nobita.】

【Nobita pointed the perspective mirror at the door, and through the mirror, Nobita saw a person sitting on the sofa behind the door.】

【From her clothes and hairstyle, it can be judged that she is a woman, but at this moment, she is facing away from Nobita, so Nobita can’t see her face clearly.

After seeing the back of this woman, the audience in all the worlds couldn’t help but start to speculate.

“Well, judging from the back, it doesn’t look like Shizuka.”

“I think so too. This hairstyle is a bit too ugly. It doesn’t fit Shizuka’s image at all.”

“That’s right, and based on my years of experience secretly observing girls, this guy is definitely not that pretty!!”

“Come on, what can you tell from just a back view? Besides, judging from her figure, she is quite similar to Shizuka. Maybe Shizuka has changed her hairstyle!”

On Hyoga Hyoga.

Kara stroked her chin and stared at the back view in the picture.

“Eh, this doesn’t look like Shizuka at all. This hairstyle is a bit old-fashioned, as if it’s something that only old ladies would have. Shizuka wouldn’t have this hairstyle, would she?”

The doctor smiled and said,”Who knows? We’ll know the answer soon.”

Mermaid Kingdom

“Oh no, this woman is definitely not Shizuka. Does this mean that the future has really changed? Nobita’s Shizuka is really not Shizuka?!”

Sofia said with certainty.

Little Harry was a little surprised:”Princess, how do you know this is not Shizuka’s?”

Sofia said mysteriously:”This is a woman’s intuition.”

Little Harry:”…….”

Return to the scene in the light curtain

【”I can’t see his face.” Nobita frowned.】

【At this moment, Doraemon suddenly had an idea. He took a deep breath and shouted:】

【”Come to collect the money!!!”】

【This trick really worked. When the woman inside heard Doraemon’s voice, she immediately turned around.】

【Nobita and Doraemon also saw each other’s faces clearly, and it was not Shizuka at all!!】

【And she’s a bit ugly, like a female monkey】


【”Not Shizuka!!”】

【Nobita suddenly threw himself into Doraemon’s arms in despair and burst into tears:”I don’t want it, I’m so scared!”】

【At this time, the woman also opened the door and looked, but Nobita and Doraemon had already escaped from the apartment. 】

Doraemon Universe.

Nobita’s Home

“.No way!!”[]

“My future wife is this girl, I don’t want her!!”

Nobita was immediately frightened by the woman in the picture, and he felt bad. Even if he never got married in his whole life, he didn’t want to marry such a woman.

Compared with Shizuka, she is really too different!!

Doraemon touched his head:”Uh……Don’t jump to conclusions so quickly, Nobita, there might be some misunderstanding!”

On the side,

Suneo couldn’t help but laugh at Nobita:”Haha, Nobita’s future marriage partner is actually a female monkey, this is so funny!!”

“You actually married such an ugly woman. Nobita, you are really surprising. You are not picky about food!!”

Seer World


Sai Xiaoxi, A Tieda and Ka Lulu were all startled and fell to the ground.


Sai Xiaoxi took a deep breath, got up from the ground, wiped the cold sweat that had just flowed out of him because of the shock, and spoke in a daze.

“It’s so scary, I thought that woman was a monster when I first saw her!”

Kalulu glanced at him and said:”Although she is indeed not as pretty as Shizuka, isn’t it a bit rude for you to say that about a lady?”


After hearing what Kalulu said, the only person who couldn’t help himself was A Tieda. He spread his hands and pointed at the woman in the picture.

“Are you telling me that this woman is just not as pretty as Shizuka? She is not pretty at all. Among all the girls who like Nobita that I have seen so far, none of them looks more abstract than her!!”

“Mr. Nobita’s future is to marry such a woman, I can’t accept it, I can’t accept it, Shizuka is so good, where did this girl come from!!”

Sai Xiaoxi scratched his iron head:”You can’t judge a person by his appearance, maybe this woman has other characteristics that attract Nobita, who knows.” ps: uh……I really didn’t mean to belittle Xiaofu’s wife.

It’s just that when I first read it, I thought she was too ugly.

I’m afraid some readers have forgotten, so I added a picture to this chapter. This is what the woman mentioned in this chapter looks like. You can judge for yourself whether she is ugly or not.

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