175: Dodge cloak, translation konjac, adaptation lamp and memory bread!

In the light curtain

【Another one is the dodge cloak. This item is actually an offensive and defensive item. Its ability is to bounce back the attack towards itself like a bullfight, protecting itself from harm. It is also a good item.】

【The practicality of the dodge cloak is still very strong. Doraemon often uses it in long stories. Moreover, the dodge cloak can also bounce back objects that are several times larger than itself.】

【Doraemon once used it to bounce back a meteorite.】

【The power of the Hand of Revenge is very simple. Attacks taken by the wearer will be rebounded three times to the opponent. It is a prop that kills one thousand enemies and injures eight hundred of its own.】

【There are many more damage-related props, so I won’t list them all here. 】

After seeing the introduction of these props in Doraemon, the audiences of all realms watched the screen with great interest. After all, these props are still very novel to them.

“That wrestler is really interesting. With only ten yuan, he can make others fall down three times. It feels like a very suitable prop for playing pranks on people!”

“I’m a little curious, what would happen if a wrestler wrestled with a tumbler? Could he really knock the tumbler to the ground?!”

“This Hand of Revenge 23 feels really powerful, it can bounce back three times the damage, it’s really a magical weapon, if the boxing champion hits me seriously, and then bounces back three times the damage to him, I’m afraid even the boxing champion can’t stand it!!”

“However, I feel that if you really got hit by this punch, you would be the first to fall down, and die right on the spot, and you would still be thinking about bouncing back.”

“Doraemon’s props are really varied, it’s amazing.”

The picture on the screen continued to play.

【Of course, there are many props that do not cause any damage but are extremely useful.】

【Translation konjac, needless to say, is a prop that Doraemon often uses. After eating it, he can understand any language and have the ability to communicate.】

【The most amazing thing about this tool is that it can even translate alien languages, eliminating all communication barriers and eliminating the tedious language learning process. It is definitely a magical tool.】

【There is also a dress-changing camera. Just point the camera at a person and they can change into all kinds of clothes. It is very convenient.】

【I think the more important thing is that the clothes here are free.】

【Next are the three major flashlights: magnifying light, reducing light, and adapting light.】

【The functions of the magnifying lamp and the reducing lamp are as the name implies, which is to magnify and reduce the target illuminated by the light.】

【The adaptive lamp allows the person being exposed to adapt to various environments, such as the vacuum of space without air, or the high-pressure seabed tens of kilometers deep, or the volcanic zone with excessive temperature. As long as there is an adaptive lamp, they can adapt to any environment.】

【There is also an invisibility cloak, which can be worn directly on the body to make it invisible and disappear. Another one with a similar function is the stone hat.】

【Wearing a stone hat can reduce your presence to the extreme. In the eyes of others, you will be like a small stone that can be seen everywhere on the roadside.】

【But the difference between the invisibility cloak and the invisibility cloak is that the principle of the invisibility cloak is to make oneself invisible and not be seen by others, while the stone hat cannot be invisible. Everyone can see it, but they will ignore its existence. 】

Inhuman World

“Oh my god!!”

Seeing all these dazzling array of props, Zhang Chulan really broadened his horizons.

“This adaptive light is really a magical tool. It can help people adapt to various environments with just one light. It’s really amazing!!”

Xu San nodded:”Indeed, these props of Doraemon are more magical than one. You know, in the deep sea, the terrible low pressure and extreme low temperature can be fatal. I didn’t expect that people could adapt to the environment with just one light.”

“Is this a change in the human body structure or something? And it can even survive in a vacuum, how is this possible?!”

Zombie World.

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei was also confused by these props of Doraemon.

“”Fuck, how many treasures are there in Doraemon’s bag? If I can get any one of these props, I can live a comfortable life in this apocalypse!”

This is not just talk. If he is given a magnifying lamp, he can directly transform into Ultraman and fight those damn zombies. If he adapts to the lamp, he will hide in places with extreme environments, so that no zombies will bother him.

If he has an invisible cloak and a stone hat, he can just go to supermarkets and department stores to get supplies. No one will find him anyway. As for giving him the Earth Destruction Bomb and the Overlord Gun, he will just rise up in rebellion. As long as he is not facing those zombies with outrageous strength, he can deal with them.

If he really attracts some zombie king, he can die together with the Earth Destruction Bomb. Who is afraid of whom?

The picture on the light screen is still playing. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【There is also a prop called a test weapon, memory bread. Just print what you want to remember on the bread and eat it, and you can remember it easily.】

【Doraemon once took out the memory bread to help Nobita because he was about to take an exam.】

【In the picture】

【Because of the upcoming exam, Nobita was anxious and ran around the room, trying to attract Doraemon’s attention and get him to take out the props to help him.】


【Doraemon refused. In his words, the reason why Nobita was always so worried about getting a zero on the exam was because he didn’t study hard at all.】

【Nobita did not give up and kept clinging to Doraemon, rolling around and acting like a spoiled child to him.】

【Finally, Doraemon decided to help Nobita.】

【Next second!】

【He took out a piece of ordinary-looking toast from his pocket.】

【Then, under Nobita’s surprised gaze, Doraemon took out a notebook, opened page 1, put the bread on it, and pressed it hard.】

【In an instant, the words on the notebook were printed on the bread, and Doraemon threw the bread into Nobita’s mouth and asked him to eat it. 】

Doraemon Universe.

The future of the 22nd century[]


Doremi put her hands on her hips and looked at the screen with a frown:”Brother is always like this, he clearly said not to help Nobita, but in the end he couldn’t help but help him!”

“Because of this, Nobita’s grades never improve. His brother is too unreasonable and spoils Nobita too much!”

Shi Xiu crossed his arms and nodded,”Next time, find a time to talk to Doraemon. After all, sending him to his great grandfather is to make him excellent. If it keeps going on like this, there will be no change in his great grandfather, right?!”

On the Hyoga Hyoga star


Kara raised her eyebrows and said a little worriedly:”Won’t it be dirty if I just print the words on the notebook on the bread?!”

“Is it really okay to eat it directly like this? Will it cause diarrhea or something?”

In her opinion, this behavior is a bit unhygienic.

“Don’t worry.”

The doctor comforted:”Doraemon must know more than us. Since he dares to do this, he must have his reasons. Maybe this memory bread is like this.”

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