Chapter 60: The world is in chaos, get a special weapon, a pistol!

Alien World

“Wow, I got the special weapon!”

“This is a sure thing!!” Zhang

Chulan said with a smile.

“Nobita has the gun, now he’s safe.”

Pineapple Blowing Snow is really confident in Nobita’s shooting skills.

“No, no, no, that’s not necessarily true!”

Lu Xiaoguo shook his head, fanning himself with a folding fan, and retorted

“Oh, why?” Cheng Liuxiang asked

“Have neither of you guys ever seen a zombie movie?”

“Don’t you know that the zombies will also evolve? After they evolve, not to mention pistols, even tanks may not be able to hit them!”

“Ah, is this true? Are zombies so scary?” Cheng Liuxiang scratched his head. It seems that Lu Xiaoguo knows a lot about zombies.


【With his innate sharpshooter talent and top-notch marksmanship, Nobita easily knocked down the two zombies.】

【After dealing with the zombies, Nobita wanted to check on the policeman’s injuries.】

【But the police officer was powerless to save the situation. After telling Nobita that the survivors would gather at the school, he asked Nobita to be more careful.】

【I couldn’t hold on any longer and closed my eyes completely.】

【”police…..Uncle policeman.”Looking at the policeman lying on the ground with no vital signs, Daxiong suddenly felt extremely sad.】

【at the same time…….】

【Because the gunshots just now attracted a large number of zombies to surround the warehouse, Nobita could only calm down, tearfully bid farewell to the police officer, and fled all the way to the school gate.】


【The disaster was far from over. When Nobita arrived at the school gate, he found two zombies gnawing at something. Not only that, many zombies appeared behind Nobita and chased after him.】

【Obviously, the school where the survivors gathered has also fallen.】

【Nobita quickly fled to the school’s health room, but what he didn’t expect was that Fat Tiger, Shizuka, Suneo and Deki also fled there.】

【”Isn’t this Nobita?”Fat Tiger was stunned when he saw Nobita suddenly rushing in.】

【Nobita was also very surprised:”Fat Tiger! Everyone is here too!”

Doraemon Universe.

Nobita’s home


Seeing themselves in the video, Fat Tiger and the others all breathed a sigh of relief.

“Fortunately, fortunately, he didn’t turn into a zombie.”

Doraemon 000 said with a smile:”I told you that everything will be fine.”

At this time, Nobita looked at Doraemon and suddenly said:”By the way, where did Doraemon go?”


Doraemon was stunned for a moment, then pointed at himself:”I’m right here, Nobita, can’t you see it?” Nobita was speechless after hearing what Doraemon said

:”I’m not talking about you, but Doraemon in the video. At that time, he seemed to have helped me stop my mother. I wonder if something happened?”

“Don’t worry!” Fat Tiger patted Nobita on the shoulder and said,”Are you worried about Doraemon? He has so many powerful gadgets in his pocket. Even if he can’t beat him, he can still use the anywhere door to escape!”

“That’s right.” Nobita nodded, thinking that Fat Tiger had some truth in what he said.

【Although it is temporarily safe now, the crisis will come sooner or later.】

【”Oh, how about hiding in the back mountain before things calm down?”Xiaofu suddenly thought of something and suggested hiding in the back mountain where there were few people and animals and waiting for rescue.】

【”Back Mountain……”】

【Xiaofu continued,”Although the streets are full of zombies, there are almost no people or animals in the back hills.”】

【Hiding in the back hills is indeed a good idea, but food is a problem. I can only go back to the convenience store on the street to get some.】

【The zombies are slowly gathering towards the school, so we must act quickly.】

【As the leader of the children, Fat Tiger began to assign personnel to the operation.】

【at last——】

【He and Suneo went to a nearby convenience store to look for useful things, while the other three were responsible for exploring the campus. In order to stay in touch at all times, Nobita suggested going to the office to look for a mobile phone.】

【After the group decided on the battle plan, Nobita suddenly ran into trouble and had to go to the toilet first.】

【”It really looks like Nobita, go quickly!”】

【”Watch out for monsters!”】

After a few complaints, Nobita left and went to the toilet.


“It’s obvious that Nobita has watched too few horror movies!”

Huo Linfei shook his head.

“Oh?” Hearing this, Tianyu’s beautiful eyes flashed, and she asked curiously:”Why do you say that?”

Huo Linfei spread his hands and explained:”Don’t you know that the most taboo thing in horror movies is to leave the team alone? Once you are left alone, you are basically the next to die.”

Long Ji frowned:”You mean Nobita will be in danger?”

“Of course!” Huo Linfei nodded confidently:”But it shouldn’t be a big deal. After all, Nobita’s marksmanship is there. Now Nobita should be the most powerful among those little brats.”

“As long as you don’t encounter too powerful zombies, it’s generally not a problem.”

Tianyu raised his eyebrows:”You seem to know a lot about zombies.”

“Of course!”

Huo Linfei straightened his nose proudly, just like Pinocchio:”I, Huo Linfei, grew up watching zombie movies. I’m not kidding, I couldn’t sleep if I didn’t watch a zombie movie for a day when I was a kid!”


Miao Tiaojun said with disdain:”Boasting again.


【Just when Nobita was about to go back】

【Several zombies suddenly rushed into the toilet looking for someone, which immediately made Nobita, who was hiding in the cubicle, hold his breath, fearing that he would be discovered by the group of zombies.】

【Although it’s not a bad idea to rush out and fight, but the bullets are limited, so it’s better to avoid it if you can.】

【After all, he didn’t want to waste precious bullets in such a place.】

【After a long time】


【”Finally left”】

【After the roar of the zombies outside disappeared, Nobita finally put his heart at ease.】

【Nobita returned to the health room, but found it empty. Everyone had disappeared without a trace.】

【”Everyone……Where have they all gone?”】

【Just when Nobita was puzzled, he suddenly noticed a note left on the table. He picked it up and saw that it was written by Shizuka.】

【The note says——】

【Because Nobita was too slow, the others had already started to act, and reminded Nobita to go to the office to get his cell phone.】

【Everyone ‘s contact number is also written on it.

“Oh, how stupid!”

When Gray Wolf saw that Fat Tiger and his men left without waiting for Nobita, he immediately shook his head in frustration.

You know, Nobita is now the strongest fighter in the team, and he even has a pistol in his hand.

As a result, that group of people didn’t bring Nobita with them. If they encountered a few slightly stronger zombies, wouldn’t they be wiped out?

“”Dad, I think that Fat Tiger is pretty awesome, like a chimpanzee.”

Little Gray stood at Gray Wolf’s feet and said in a baby voice.

“Well……”Gray Wolf was stunned for a moment, then he smiled and said,”Little Gray, Fat Tiger does look very strong, but he is still too young. He has no advantage over adults, let alone those desperate monsters.” Magical Ayo

World. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


Xiaomi looked at the video and asked with some confusion:

“Why didn’t Fat Tiger and the others just bring another phone from the office and let Nobita run to the office to get it? Aren’t they afraid of something dangerous happening?”

Ayo held his chin with his hand and thought for a while:”Maybe they are afraid that the ringing of the phone will attract zombies.”

“In this case, wouldn’t it be okay to just turn off the phone ringing?”

“Maybe because the situation was urgent, they didn’t think too much about it. Think about it, there were zombies everywhere around them, and they were just children, so it was inevitable that they would be afraid, and when they were afraid, their minds would be a little confused.”

“That makes sense.” Xiaomi nodded.

Ding Dong couldn’t help but complain at this time:”Nobita and the others seem to be about the same age as us, why do I always feel that their elementary school life is different from ours?”

That’s right , how come they always encounter such strange things?

【After getting the phone safely】

【Because the fire shutter door on the second floor was locked and he couldn’t go up, Nobita had to explore the first floor now.】

【When Nobita arrived at the cafeteria, he unexpectedly found one of his old classmates, Zhifu, in the cafeteria office.】

【But at this moment, Zhifu’s condition was very bad. He was covered in blood and had a huge bite wound on his body.】[]

【”Zhifu, what’s wrong with you?” Daxiong frowned and asked hurriedly】

【”Nobita…..Be careful, there is a huge monster in the gymnasium.” Zhifu panted and spoke word by word with great difficulty.】

【Just as he finished speaking, Zhifu was too seriously injured to hold on any longer and died in front of Nobita.】


【But no matter how Nobita called out, Zhifu did not respond.】


【Another person died in front of him. Nobita felt very complicated, but with the previous experiences, this time Nobita quickly calmed down.】

【Nobita thought about what Zhifu had just said and decided to go to the gym to find out.】

【As soon as he stepped into the gymnasium, Nobita was frightened by the scene in front of him. The gymnasium was littered with corpses, and everyone had a huge bite mark on their body, just like Zhifu.】

【Nobita speculated that they were killed by the same monster.】

【At this moment, Nobita suddenly felt a murderous aura coming from behind him. The strong sense of crisis made Nobita subconsciously dodge.】

【Next second!】

【A hard tongue went straight through the wall in front of him】

【Nobita was shocked. If he hadn’t dodged just now, he would have been dead by now.】


【Nobita turned his head and saw a huge chameleon standing behind him, opening its bloody mouth and facing him.

“Damn it!”

“It’s a mutant zombie. I didn’t expect that there would be a mutant zombie in just three days!”

Bai Xiaofei looked unusual. He had seen many kinds of mutant zombies. Basically, each mutant zombie had a strength far beyond that of ordinary zombies. It was extremely difficult to deal with. What’s more, the zombie that Nobita encountered was a zombie transformed from an animal, with a huge body.


“Nobita might be in danger. It’s a bit difficult to fight this monster with just a pistol.”

“Uncle, is Big Brother Nobita in danger?” The little deer asked with a silly look on his face while eating a lollipop.


Bai Xiaofei nodded and continued to look at the screen. He wanted to see how Nobita would respond.

“This is only……..Chameleon zombie?”

Aida Wang was stunned, but the size of this zombie seemed a little strange. How could it be so big?

It seems that Nobita is in trouble.


“What kind of monster is this? It’s so ugly, it scared me!”

Kara patted her chest. She was frightened by the sudden appearance of the chameleon zombie.

“I didn’t expect that not only humans can turn into zombies, but animals can also turn into zombies, and the zombies they turn into seem to be much more terrifying than ordinary zombies.”

The doctor didn’t expect this either.

The picture on the screen continued to play.

【Obviously, it is impossible to fight with weapons.】

【Nobita hurriedly fled, but then he thought, fortune and wealth are sought in danger, there are so many boxes inside, maybe there are key props】


After hesitating for a while , Nobita returned to the gymnasium and found the key card for the fire shutter door on the second floor from a corpse.

“This Nobita is really too brave!”

Zhang Chulan was stunned. He never thought that Nobita would dare to run back.

If he was caught by the chameleon by accident, he would probably be eaten to the bone.

“I have to say, Nobita is a very good kid!”

Xu San admired Nobita’s courage. If it were him, he might not dare to go back to the gym.

“Yes, the kids nowadays are really amazing.”

Xu Si also said with emotion



【Nobita leaves the gym again, with explosions and Chameleon’s roar behind him.】

【Although I don’t know what happened, I heard the scream of Dekisan again.】

【”The sound just now was……Is there a wooden fir?”】

【Nobita felt something was wrong and started looking for Izukusan. He finally found Izukusan in the family library.】

【At this moment, he was cornered by a zombie.】

【Fortunately, Nobita arrived in time, shot the zombies away with a few shots, and rescued Dekisan.】


【”Sorry, Nobita, you really helped me a lot.”I looked at Nobita gratefully.】

【Nobita shook his head and told him not to take it seriously:”It’s really a close call. It’s too dangerous if you don’t take any weapons.”】

【Izuku has no weapons and can do nothing when he encounters zombies.】

【The two returned to the health room together. Fat Tiger, Suneo, and Shizuka had been waiting for a long time.】

【”It seems that Nobita is fine.”】

【”By the way, Nobita, if you find the phone, please call me.”Fat Tiger complained】

【Xiaofu nodded and agreed,”After such a long time without any contact, I thought you were dead!”】

【Shizuka also said:”I am worried about you, Nobita”】 ps: The reason I wrote the Unreasonable Remake is because I have only played the Unreasonable Remake, but because it was played quite a long time ago, I also looked up information online when I wrote it. I can also write other versions, but I haven’t played them and I’m not very familiar with them. If I play them now, it’s too late. If anyone has resources, please tell me in the comment section.

Game live resources, or detailed plot explanation resources, so that I can roughly know what the plot is.

Then this book was updated with about 50,000 words yesterday, and then it will be guaranteed to be 10,000 words every day..

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