Chapter 63: The reason for the zombie outbreak, Nobita’s despair, the terrible biological weapons, the tyrant!

In the light curtain

【After dealing with the two purple monsters, Shengnai found the battery in the next room.】

【And found an elevator in the basement of a room】

【This elevator seems to lead to the underground】

【Shengnai returned to the lounge, called everyone to come and find out what happened, and then fainted.】

【I took the elevator down to the underground and found that there were many tunnels dug there.】

【Not only that, there is no signal for mobile phones underground. Nobita said he would explore the front by himself, after all, he is the fastest runner here.】

【Although Fat Tiger is very worried, he can only leave it to Nobita first. 】

Doraemon Universe


“Nobita is the fastest runner among us?!”

Suneo was incredulous. After all, how could Nobita be the fastest runner among them, since he would be out of breath even after running 50 meters?

“Well, it’s a parallel world, anything is possible.

Doraemon explained casually whenever something happened.

“That’s right, don’t worry about these.���Details, don’t disturb us watching the video.” Fat Tiger shouted.

【After a while, Nobita found a man dressed as a mercenary in a pit, with wounds all over his body.】

【From him, I learned that he was sent here by Umbrella Corporation to rescue a researcher in a facility.】


【A traitor appeared in the team, but before he could finish his words】


【A bullet came from nowhere and killed the mercenary.】


【Nobita was startled, his head quickly looked around and he shouted,”Who is it?!”】

【He wanted to check on the mercenary’s injuries, but the mercenary’s heart was completely pierced, and there was no possibility of saving him.】

【The Umbrella he mentioned is a large pharmaceutical company, but who knows what they are doing behind the scenes?】

【Now it seems that this Umbrella Corporation is definitely not as simple as it seems. Perhaps this zombie incident is related to Umbrella. 】

Resident Evil World.

Alice opened her pink lips slightly, her face full of shock.

“The plot is surprisingly consistent!!”

The zombie virus in their world was developed by the Umbrella Corporation, but it was accidentally leaked, and there is also an Umbrella Corporation in Nobita’s world.


Both companies are large pharmaceutical companies!

“Is it a coincidence? Alice was a little confused.

“The zombie virus must have been leaked from the Leila Company!”

Based on his years of experience watching zombie movies,

Bai Xiaofei quickly came to this conclusion.

【Even though the clues are incomplete, we have no choice but to keep moving forward】

【Nobita accidentally discovered that a man who looked very similar to Izuki was communicating with someone. From the content of the conversation, he learned that the person who fired the gun just now was him!】

【Nobita went up to ask, and after learning that this person was not Dekisugi, Nobita also became wary.】

【”It doesn’t matter who it is. In order to protect the information, you must die here.”In order to protect the information, the other party intends to kill Nobita.】


【Nobita subconsciously wanted to fire back, but the opponent was too fast and shot Nobita in the arm first.】


【Even so, the mysterious man was also in a state of turmoil.】

【The speed of drawing the gun just now! ?】

【This guy is definitely not a simple kid!】

【But the other party did not kill Nobita immediately, but kept talking in a way that Nobita could not understand.】

【Just at this moment!】

【A giant spider suddenly appeared behind him and entangled him with silk.】

【What was even more coincidental was that there was a big pit nearby, and the man fell right in. 】

Glacier Glacier Star.

Seeing this scene, Kara’s mouth twitched, and she couldn’t help but complain.

“Is it so casual?……”

Although she didn’t want anything to happen to Nobita, she really couldn’t understand why this guy didn’t just finish off Nobita, but also had to talk so much to Nobita.


Huo Linfei was also confused and pointed at the screen.


“Doesn’t anyone here know how to finish off the enemy?”

“If I had finished off the opponent, there wouldn’t be so many problems. I’m a little suspicious whether this guy is here to make fun of me.”

Miao Tiaojun nodded:”Well, it’s still very important to finish off the opponent here. Don’t forget to finish off the opponent in the future!”

“Of course!” Huo Linfei continued:”Forget about finishing off the enemy. I won’t feel at ease until I burn the enemy to ashes!”…….(bff)……….

Doraemon Universe.

In Izuki’s home.

Izuki looked at the screen and scratched his head.

“Could it be that I have a twin brother in that world?”


“It seems that the guy who looks like me is not a good person.”

The video on the screen continued to play.

【Nobita looked at the huge mutant spider in front of him and thought of the chameleon he had defeated before.】

【There was no way to run now, and he was injured, so it was impossible for him to escape.】

【”escape…..There’s no escape”】

【”We can only fight!”】

【Nobita wanted to fight with the spider, but even though he was injured, his fighting power remained undiminished, and under the pressure of tense nerves, Nobita’s fighting spirit was even higher!】

【After a few rounds, the spider was actually solved by Nobita.】

【After Nobita solved the spider, he picked up a C4 bomb next to the pit.】

【A hole was blown open, and there was an elevator behind it.】

【Nobita called everyone here】

【Seeing that Nobita was injured, everyone was a little worried about him.】

【”Nobita……Even if I beg you, please don’t do such dangerous things again”】

【”Really, Nobita you are such an idiot!!”】

【”Are you okay?”】

Seer World


“As expected of Mr. Nobita, even when he is injured, he can still have such a strong fighting power!”

A Tieda took a breath of cold air. He almost felt that Nobita was omnipotent!

Such a huge spider zombie was solved by him so easily alone, and even with his right arm injured.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

“I feel like Nobita is growing so fast!”

Sai Xiaoxi was also shocked by Nobita’s current strength. Just a few hours ago, he was still a guy who hesitated for a long time before fighting zombies, but now he has the ability to deal with large zombies alone.

This growth rate is too exaggerated!!

Kalulu clasped her hands together and looked at Nobita with some admiration:”I feel………In that apocalyptic era, staying with Nobita seems to be very safe!” (To read the exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

“That’s true.” A Tieda and Sai Xiaoxi both nodded.

“No, buddy?!”

Bai Xiaofei was stunned.

A primary school student could actually beat the spider zombie and blow up the cave with a C4 bomb.

Even though it was the apocalypse, it had only been three days. Are n’t today’s primary school students too brave?

Now, Bai Xiaofei thought that Nobita was stronger than him.

When he was Nobita’s age, the C4 bomb he touched was in the blasting mode of Crossfire!

The result is – today’s children are actually starting to play with genuine products!

【However, it is obviously unreasonable to have such a large facility here.】[]

【But generally such large facilities must have escape routes inside】

【Explore it and maybe you can find a way to escape.】

【Here, Nobita found some confidential research materials of Umbrella.】

【It records the data of some monsters encountered so far. It seems that many monsters were released into the city by them.】

【The last one is codenamed Tyrant…….】

【They didn’t see any specific pictures here.】

【It seems that the world has suddenly become like this, it is indeed Umbrella’s doing.】

【at last——】

【There is only the fourth underground floor left to explore.】

【At this time, Izuku also arrived and accompanied Nobita. Izuku found some secret information. This is Umbrella’s secret military research institute.】

【They are researching a virus codenamed T, which can mutate any living creature while strengthening their physicality and ferocity.】

【Eventually become a biological weapon!】

【What’s even more exaggerated is that if it is used on humans, it may be able to revive dead cells. If used in medicine, it may allow some immobilized limbs to function again. 】

Naruto World.

Shippuden Period

“Reviving dead cells?”

Orochimaru spit out his snake tongue and watched the video on the screen with interest.

At this moment, he no longer had any interest in the village, the position of Hokage, etc., and devoted himself to eternal life.


He has indeed developed a way to barely make himself immortal, which is to take over the bodies of other people and continue to exist.

But this is not the immortality he wants, but the so-called T virus in the video has given him a good idea.

Although the T virus seems to have some side effects, as long as it is developed more, he is confident that he can definitely produce a completely perfect T virus drug.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru’s vertical pupils flashed, and he looked at the screen excitedly.

He wanted to understand how the so-called T virus was developed.

“Hiss~~Seeing other worlds is much more interesting than I thought.”

Resident Evil World


“”T virus!”

Alice was stunned. Their world also had the T virus, and it was because of the T virus that the zombie apocalypse occurred.

And it was because of the injection of the T virus that she gained superpowers and a physique beyond ordinary people. She didn’t expect that there was also a T virus in Nobita’s world, and its function was to mutate organisms. As a biological weapon, this was too coincidental.

Alice was now a little suspicious………

The world Nobita lives in is not the same as hers, is it?

However, the T virus in their world was developed by Umbrella, not Umbrella in the picture.

【But even if you recover, if you don’t continue to inject antiviral drugs, your cells will mutate and your body will die.】

【Then resurrected once again, becoming the walking dead】

【Because the mutant skin will continue to rot, and due to the rapid metabolism, the zombies have extremely strong vitality, so they will provide the huge energy needed for metabolism.】

【It will be solved by eating!】

【Before the virus spread, it made sense that Nobita and his friends were not infected while on vacation, but Izuki and the others were fine, maybe they had antibodies in their bodies.】

【And in front is the most important confidential area, which seems to contain the essence of their research.】

【Something is sleeping in a huge sealed chamber】

【Unable to resist their curiosity, Nobita and Dekisan moved closer to take a closer look, and found that there was a terrifying monster lying inside, eight feet tall and like a giant!】

【Just by looking at its appearance, one can tell that this monster is much more powerful than the chameleons and spiders they encountered before.】

【If this monster gets out, the consequences will be disastrous.】

【After that, Dekisu hurriedly looked for a self-destruct device to destroy the base.】


【As soon as Chu Mushan left, the computer next to him started up and opened the door of the sealed cabin.】


【An explosion sounded, and the sealed cabin was blown up directly.】


【Under Nobita’s horrified gaze, the eight-foot-tall monster slowly walked out. Every time Nobita took a step, he could feel the floor vibrate. 】

Doraemon World.

Mermaid King

“It’s over! It’s over!”

“How did this monster appear?”

Sophia looked at the screen nervously, her beautiful eyes not daring to move:”Little Harry, do you think Nobita can be a match for this monster?”

Hearing Sophia’s words, little Harry on the side subconsciously answered that it was impossible.


After thinking about it, he decided not to hit the princess so hard, so he changed his statement to a more tactful one:”It’s unlikely. After all, Princess, you can see the strength of this monster!”

“It’s totally different from the chameleon and spider. To be honest, this monster can crush me to pieces with just one step.”


“I think you should not hold too much hope, but Mr. Nobita may still have a chance to escape. After all, he is so big, so he should not be very fast.”

Although he said this, little Harry still had no confidence that Nobita could escape.

He said this purely to comfort the princess, after all, the princess seemed to have different feelings for Mr. Nobita.


Nobita was so frightened that his face turned pale:”Hey, hey, why did this monster come out? How do you want me to fight this kind of monster?!”


Doraemon swallowed his saliva, laughed dryly, and opened his mouth with difficulty:”I…..Believe you can do it, Nobita, kill him!!”

“Kill him, me?”

Nobita pointed at himself, then shook his head quickly, like a rattle.

“Impossible, impossible. You saw that when the monster walked, the ground shook. I would be turned into a meat paste if I was hit by it.”


“Why do you want me to fight this kind of monster?!”

Nobita’s mentality collapsed. He found that he seemed to encounter all kinds of monsters.

Chameleon, spider monster, and this time, the giant!

He is too unlucky!!

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