083: In the desperate moment, teammates died one after another!

In the light curtain

【After catching Nobita and the others, the mission was completed and they were ready to relax.】

【But Niao Chai suddenly received a letter——】

【In order to protect the information from being leaked, Umbrella prepared to spread the modified virus over the city.】

【That being said, the real purpose may be to experiment with the virus’s effects and spread.】

【The UBCs team was also used as a sacrifice. 】

Zombie World.

Seeing how it would unfold.

Bai Xiaofei couldn’t help but smack his lips:”This Umbrella is too cruel, even the employees who fought for their company were abandoned directly.”

“Some of them are too inhumane!”

However, he thought again, if this Umbrella really had so-called humanity, it would probably not spread any virus.

Fox Demon World

“Oh my god!”

Bai Yuechu was stunned. He never expected that Umbrella Corporation was so inhumane.

There are still many normal people in this town! They actually use living people to experiment on viruses.

Doing such a heinous thing, aren’t you afraid of being struck by lightning?

“This guy is really brave!

【Although I can’t believe that I have become an abandoned person, it is best to find a safe place to take refuge now.】

【People coming and going on the street】

【There were several more helicopters in the sky for no reason.】

【Although people noticed it, they were busy with their own affairs and didn’t pay attention.】

【Suddenly, a white light flashed across the screen!】



【Fires were everywhere, screams and zombies’ roars of”four eight seven” came one after another】

【The streets are full of zombies that eat people. The town that was once full of human smell has turned into a hell on earth! 】Seeing this scene, all the righteous people in the heavens and the worlds could not sit still!

Demon Slayer World.

In the Pure Land.

A huge rage suddenly rose on Tsugumi Yoriichi’s calm face.

He stared at the people who had turned into zombies in the picture, and his heart was like a knife.

At this moment!

His whole body exuded a cold and murderous aura.

If the Demon King Muzan was here, he would probably be very familiar with this aura.

Because he saw Tsugumi Yoriichi’s aura at the beginning, and then he was almost hacked to death with a knife.

It’s just that – compared to that time, Tsugumi Yoriichi’s anger was even worse at this time.

“So many innocent people suffered for a mere experiment……..”

“What on earth do those guys regard life as!!!”

The last sentence, Jiguo Yuanyi couldn’t help but roared!

Since Muzan, he hasn’t been as angry as he is now for a long time.

If it weren’t impossible, otherwise, he would have rushed into the light curtain and directly found that Umbrella to let them know that life cannot be desecrated!

Seer World


“So brutal!”

Allison and Zog were both stunned.

Zog touched his head and looked stupidly at the boss, Dean:”Boss Dean, compared with Umbrella, we space pirates don’t seem to be that bad guys!”

“That’s right!” Allison nodded quickly:”This Umbrella is much worse than us. They actually used live people to operate!”

Dean didn’t say much, but looked at the screen calmly.

The video on the screen continued to play

【Nobita, Sasha and his group hid in the underground warehouse for three days.】

【Because there are too many people, we can hardly get enough food and water.】

【Lisingurski decided to escape from this place, but because of the language barrier, Tori Chai acted as a translator and explained to Nobita and his friends.】

【Everyone agreed to flee from this place, because now that there are more people, the chances of survival will be much greater.】

【Nobita and the others were also very powerful, and Sasha simply joined the UBCS team.】

【But before leaving——】

【Torishi suddenly said that he forgot to take something, so he asked Nobita and the others to go first.


Zhang Chulan gently touched his chin, looking thoughtful.

Then he pointed at the bird in the picture and said,”This guy seems to be not simple. He didn’t take it earlier or later, but had to take it before leaving.”

“I smell a conspiracy!”

Xu Si smiled and said,”You were born in the Year of the Dog, so you have such a keen nose. But Chu Lan thinks the same as I do. This girl is definitely weird.” Xu

San sighed and said,”I just hope she doesn’t make trouble. I still want Nobita’s group of children to survive.”

【On the street!】

【At this moment, it has completely become a paradise for zombies.】


【Because they were all ordinary zombies, several people successfully broke through, but there was no sign of Tori Chai.】

【���Singulski was waiting beside a car. Niao Chai was walking towards him from a distance, but she was seriously injured. Every step she took left a pool of blood under her footsteps, which was shocking.】

【It turns out that Torishiba took some research materials from Umbrella and wanted to save a child before leaving, but was bitten by a zombie.】

【I hope Lisingurski can help her get rid of it, and give him the information. 】

Seeing this, everyone was relieved, but also felt a little guilty.

At first, they thought that Tori Chai must have some conspiracy to change his mind at the last minute, just like Zhang Chulan.

I didn’t expect that she actually went to get Umbrella’s information, and even got bitten by a zombie to save a child.

This means that if there is no antibody, she will be assimilated into a zombie in no time!

But in this kind of place, there is no possibility of antibodies or the like.

【Although they have only been together for a few days, the two have already recognized each other as companions.】

【Although she felt very uncomfortable, Lisingurski also understood that turning Torishiba into a zombie would be a torture for her.】


【He still shot to help Tori Chai free】

【Meet up with others and escape together】

【After escaping successfully, everyone began to plan to deal with Umbrella, sneaking into the institute and stealing bacteria and virus information to the government】

【Through the clues given by Tori Chai, several people determined the location of the research institute, on a heavily guarded isolated island.】

【After allocating the combat power to the four places, several people began to act.】

【Nobita, Fat Tiger, and Saika sneaked into the water cave. 】

Zombie World


Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei could also guess that in Nobita’s world, the zombie virus should not have spread as widely as in his world.

In his world, basically every part of the world is infected by zombies, and the human government is also in danger.

In the picture, Nobita’s world is a little better.

However, after thinking about it, Bai Xiaofei felt that the level of technology in Nobita’s world should be higher than theirs.

After all – there are even time machines, and children can get grenade launchers.

Resisting zombies should not be a big problem. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

And, the most important point is that the zombies on Nobita’s side seem to be only average in strength, unlike his side, where the zombies can be said to be monsters, one more outrageous than the other! It even feels like they can’t be called zombies, but more like another terrifying species with high intelligence.

In the light curtain

【A group of people came to a secret room in a building】

【There seems to be a lot of virus research data here, but the others who followed closely behind came with the injured Yanov on their backs.】

【Because he accidentally alerted the guards on the way, Yanov’s leg was seriously injured and he could not move.】


【A large group of zombies are attacking this side, the situation is very critical】

【Nobita and others hurried to find medical supplies, but the zombies moved too fast, so Sasha could only take Nobita to defend first. Seeing that the number of zombies was increasing, and there were even a lot of biological weapons mixed in.】

【There are many more that even Nobita has never seen before. It seems that Umbrella’s research on viruses is more in-depth than he imagined.】

【The two could only keep retreating】

【On the other side, the seriously injured Yanov also knew that he was dying, so he asked everyone to escape first, and he took the weapon to cover the inside of the building.】

【Although everyone wanted to take Yanov with them, the number and speed of the enemy did not allow them to do so.】

【Otherwise, I’m afraid the whole army will be wiped out.】[]

Nexus world.

Looking at everyone in the picture who seemed to have a sense of sacrifice.

Ikki Komon couldn’t help but his eyes turned red. He suddenly thought of Mr. Ji Shizhun.

Mr. Ji Shizhun is also such a person!

Resident Evil world.

Seeing this scene, Leon couldn’t help but give a thumbs up to Yanov.

This Yanov is a man!!

In the light curtain

【No choice, everyone retreated first】

【When the ammunition of several people ran out, Yanov——】

【He killed a group of hunters with a rocket, helped the rest escape, and then took his last breath.】

【”team leader……I’ll take care of the rest.”After saying this, the seriously injured Yanov slowly closed his eyes.

For a moment, everyone mourned!

Although Yanov initially worked for Umbrella.

But it is undeniable that he is a hero with flesh and blood and worthy of admiration!

At the same time – many people understand the cruelty of the facts. The sacrifice of several team members can only increase the possibility of the success of Nobita’s plan!

It can even be said that more team members will be sacrificed later!

【Another companion was lost, but Esta also cracked some data in the institute……】

【Umbrella also has a biological weapons research facility in Hokkaido】

【The next goal is to infiltrate and seize intelligence, destroy the facility as much as possible, and then spread all the information about the injured.】

【No matter what means are used, Umbrella’s conspiracy must be uncovered! 】

Resident Evil World.

A glimmer of hope rose in Alice’s eyes.

Could it be that Nobita and his team can really bring down Umbrella!

Publish all the heinous crimes committed by this company!

【But there is still a lack of a means of transportation, so Nobita contacted Da Ying】

【To its conclusion a two car】

【After learning what Nobita was going to do, although he wanted to stop it, it was too dangerous after all.】

【But Nobita was very determined, and Taiying had no choice but to hand the car over to Nobita.】

【A group of people drove to the Commercial Weapons Research Institute. The security here was much stricter than other places, and all kinds of armored vehicles, weapons and ammunition were available!】

【After a lot of effort, they were finally discovered by the guards, who sounded the alarm, so they had no choice but to rush in.】

【Nobita and his group were waiting on another road, but a hunter attacked them and they had to flee in all directions.】

【Sai Ka and others came to the facility and solved the problem.���The people on the first floor, unexpectedly, the researchers directly released biological weapons to deal with several people】


【Sai Ka and his men were even better, and they went straight to the ammunition depot, ready to do some damage.】

【Elsewhere, Sasha and Esta encountered a chariot and the two sides continued to stalemate.】

【Sasha threw a smoke bomb to disrupt the enemy’s vision. Esta took the opportunity to install the bomb and detonate the tank.】


【With a loud explosion, the sturdy chariot was instantly covered in fire.】

【The plan went smoothly. Just as the two were about to leave——】

【There was actually an enemy surviving in the tank, so he adjusted the gun barrel and fired directly at the two men.】

【Sasha reacted quickly and dodged to the side】

【But Esta didn’t react and was hit by the shell.】

【The surrounding buildings also collapsed, crushing Esta underneath.】

When Saika and his companions arrived, they only saw the enemy’s corpses and countless rubble.


Everyone took a deep breath. In just a short while, another member of the team was gone. This time, three members had been lost.

Huo Linfei smacked his lips and said in a hoarse voice,”This is too scary!”…….Now one more person is missing, could it be that only Nobita and his friends survive in the finale?”

Miao Tiaojun shook his head:”Maybe you can think a little more ruthlessly, what if Nobita and his friends don’t all survive?…….”

When he thought of this situation, Huo Linfei couldn’t help but shudder and turned to look at his teammates.

Compared with Nobita and the others, they were much better.

Although they were often beaten by the enemy and couldn’t win when they wanted to use mouth 0.0 escape, at least they were still alive.

Digimon World

“How terrible.”

Even Taichi felt a chill down his spine after seeing the team members die one after another.

After all, he was just a child.

Death was a bit too heavy for him.

Although Ah He was also frightened, he still said coldly:”It’s what he deserves. If that woman named Sasha had reminded him, he probably wouldn’t have been hit by the shell. That woman just wanted to save her own life, and probably didn’t care about the lives of other team members at all.”

After saying this, Koshiro didn’t even look at him, and directly retorted:

“The shells were already fired at us, and we were lucky to react. There was no time to remind them. If we said one more word, the shells might hit us in the face.”

“Can you easily react to the cannonballs?”

Taiyi patted Guang Zilang on the shoulder and said,”Guang Zilang, don’t bother with this guy. He is just talking nonsense.”

“”Yeah.” Guang Zilang nodded. He and Taiyi have a very good relationship.

“you…..You guys, just wait, you will be in trouble in the real world!”

Ah He suddenly felt ashamed and roared in frustration.

However, he had already lost his dignity.

The picture on the screen continued to play.

【Once again, losing a member of his team, Lisingurski lost his mind and tried to dig Esta out of the rubble.】

【He yelled as if possessed:】

【”Hey, where are you, Esta? Didn’t I promise to buy you a drink?!”】

【”Esta!!! Where are you!!! Answer me!!!”】

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